An aerial photo of campus outside in the winter.

Upon granting unified accreditation to the University of Maine System in July 2020, our regional accreditor, the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), asked us to prepare a self-study in advance of a Fall 2022 visit by a NECHE-appointed evaluation team. Information about Chief Institutional Officers can be found on this page.

Function of OfficeNameExact TitleYear of Appointment
Board chairPatricia RileyChair, Board of Trustees2022
ChancellorDannel MalloyChancellor2019
University presidentJoan Ferrini-MundyPresident, University of Maine / University of Maine at Machias2018
Interim presidentJoseph SzakasInterim President, University of Maine at Augusta2021
University presidentEdward SernaPresident, University of Maine at Farmington2019
University president and provostDeborah HedeenPresident and Provost, University of Maine at Fort Kent2020
University president and provostRaymond RicePresident and Provost, University of Maine at Presque Isle2017
University presidentGlenn CummingsPresident, University of Southern Maine2015
Law deanLeigh SaufleyDean, University of Maine School of Law2020
UMS academic affairsRobert PlacidoVice Chancellor for Academic Affairs2020
UMS finance and administrationRyan LowVice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and Treasurer2017
UMS innovation and researchJoan Ferrini-MundyVice Chancellor for Innovation and Research2021
UMS strategic initiativesJames ThelenVice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives and Chief Legal Officer2021
UMS academic affairsCarolyn DorseyAssociate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs2020
UMS accreditation, strategic initiativesJeffrey St. JohnAssociate Vice Chancellor for Accreditation and Strategic Initiatives2021
UMS student success, credential attainmentRosa RedonnettAssociate Vice Chancellor for Student Success and Credential Attainment2019
UMS human resourcesLoretta ShieldsChief Human Resources Officer2021
UMS information technologiesDavid DemersChief Information Officer2017
UMS general servicesRudy GabrielsonInterim Chief General Services Officer2022
UMS government and community relationsSamantha WarrenDirector of Government and Community Relations2016
UMS organizational effectivenessKim-Marie JenkinsDirector of Organizational Effectiveness2019
UMS controllerTracy ElliottVice President for Finance and Controller, University of Maine System2016
University provostEric BrownProvost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Maine at Farmington2019
University provostJoseph SzakasVice President of Academic Affairs and Provost, University of Maine at Augusta2011
University provostJeannine UzziProvost and Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, University of Southern Maine2016
University provostJohn VolinExecutive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, University of Maine2020
Chief financial officerRyan Low  
Chief student affairs officerRobert Placido, university leaders  
PlanningUMS and university leaders  
AthleticsUniversity athletic directors, other university leaders  
DevelopmentUniversity foundation leaders  
LibraryUniversity librarians  
Chief information officerDavid Demers  
Continuing educationUniversity leaders  
Grants and researchJoan Ferrini-Mundy, university research and grants leaders  
RecruitmentUniversity Admissions leaders  
RegistrarUniversity registrars  
Financial aidUniversity financial aid directors, UMS staff  
Alumni associationUniversity alumni association leaders