Upon granting unified accreditation to the University of Maine System in July 2020, our regional accreditor, the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), asked us to prepare a self-study in advance of a Fall 2022 visit by a NECHE-appointed evaluation team. Information about the University of Maine System (UMS) Organizational chart can be found below.

- Board of Trustees, University of Maine System
- Dannel Malloy, Chancellor
- Ryan Low, Vice Chancellor, Finance, Administration & Treasurer
- Angela Michaud, Special Assistant to the Treasurer’s Office
- Tracy Elliott, Vice President, Finance & Controller
- Miriam White, Vice President, Budget & Financial Analysis
- Rudy Gabrielson, Interim Facilities and General Services Officer
- Samantha Warren, Government Community Relations Director
- David Demers, Chief Information Officer
- Sharon Buchanan, Finance Communications Specialist
- Presidents (UM/UMM, UMA, UMF, UMFK, UMPI, USM)
- Terry Sutton, CEO, Maine Center Ventures
- Robert Placido, Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs
- Carolyn Dorsey, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
- Jamie Ballinger, Academic Affairs Planning & Communications Director
- Rosa Redonnett, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success & Credential Attainment
- Christina Pelletier, Special Assistant to the Academic Affairs Office
- Institutional Research
- Leigh Saufley, Dean, University of Maine School of Law
- Joan Ferrini-Mundy, Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation, President UM/UMM
- Vacant, Senior Executive Director of Marketing and Communications
- Corina Larsen, Internal Communications Manager
- Vacant, Senior Executive Director of Marketing and Communications
- James B. Thelen, Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives & Chief Legal Officer
- Rowena Clukey, Executive Director of the Chancellor’s Office
- Vacant Admin Specialist, Chancellor’s Office
- Vacant Admin Specialist, Strategic Initiatives
- Jeffrey St. John, Associate Vice Chancellor for Accreditation & Strategic Initiatives
- Kim Jenkins, Organizational Effectiveness Director
- Pat Peard, Interim General Counsel
- Ellen Doughty, Clerk of the Board
- Heather Massey, Assistant Clerk of the Board
- Loretta Shields, Chief Human Resources Officer
- Rowena Clukey, Executive Director of the Chancellor’s Office
- Ryan Low, Vice Chancellor, Finance, Administration & Treasurer
- Dannel Malloy, Chancellor