The University of Maine System will be issuing a Together for Maine update before 2:00 PM on weekdays to share developments with UMS Safe Return planning and a once-daily data update on the COVID cases we are tracking through our campus communities and the results of our asymptomatic screening testing. Tuesday, August 25, is the first distribution.
University of Maine System Data Update
5 Known Active Cases Across the University of Maine System
- 4 cases as UMaine including a case added 8/25/20 — see 8/25/20 update from President Ferrini-Mundy
- 1 case at Maine Law known case identified 8/24/20
- No Known Active Cases at any of the other UMS campuses.
Asymptomatic Screening Dashboard Update for Fall Safe Return: 8/25/20 Data
- 1,397 Tests Results to Date
- 1 Positive Test Result to Date
University of Maine System News
Extending COVID-19 Testing: UMS extending COVID-19 Testing Through Fall Semester 8/24/20 Release
Screening Tour at UMaine: UMS Chancellor Dannel Malloy and UMaine President Joan Ferrini-Mundy participated in a tour in the morning of Tuesday, August 25th of asymptomatic screening operation at the Hilltop Parking Lot Tent site that will screen more than 900 Black Bears today.
Link to Photo: Hilltop Testing Site Tour, 8/25/20

Caption: UMaine’s Richard Young and VP of Student Affairs Robert Dana discuss arrival screening operations with President Ferrini-Mundy and Chancellor Malloy
Screening Tour Quote from Chancellor Malloy: “The return team at UMaine has been working hard since the spring to be ready for this week. Their operation and their enthusiasm for welcoming our students back are impressive. Arrival testing for more than 12,000 students and employees is just the beginning. Our asymptomatic screening strategy will identify and isolate undetected cases of infection and provide actionable insights into our work to protect student and public health throughout the semester.”
Portland Area Media Advisory: Chancellor Malloy and USM President Glenn Cummings will tour screening and welcome operations at USM’s Gorham Campus at Noon on Wednesday the 26th when more than 900 Huskies are scheduled to be tested.
- Location — Costello Gym Ice Arena, 55 Campus Ave, Gorham, ME
- Time — Noon on Wednesday, August 26
- Contact: Dan Demeritt (207) 441-6962 for interviews and logistics
Campus News Items
UMaine: University of Maine President Ferrini-Mundy provided this 8/25/20 update to the UMaine on the ongoing partnership between the University and the Maine Center for Disease Control in the epidemiological investigation that began last week.
UMA: 100 tests were conducted on Monday, August 24, with results expected in 72 hours or less.
UMF: Approximately 400 tests were completed at the University of Maine at Farmington on Monday, August 24 with some unanticipated delays outside of the control of the university. UMF, the University of Maine System, and our vendor partner are working together to find opportunities for improvement in the process for subsequent testing.
UMM: 28 tests conducted on 8/17 with no positive results reported. Remainder to be tested on 8/27 and on make-up day, 8/31
UMPI: 100 tests conducted as expected on Monday, August 24 with results expected in 72 hours or less.
USM: Welcome back testing and move in is underway at USM.
Maine Law: As previously disclosed The University of Maine School of Law learned on August 24 that a Maine student returning from out-of-state travel received a positive test for COVID-19 in a venue not associated with the University’s asymptomatic screening strategy. The results were received before any contact with Maine Law students, faculty, or staff. The student is now isolating with support from Maine Law and is doing well.