Resources for Individuals Affected by Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence and Stalking (Non-Confidential)

Services providing support around the areas of sexual violence, relationship abuse and stalking are available to all free of charge, these resources are not confidential in nature but they are private; your information will be kept private unless there is a need for another administrator to know, in order to help support you. These services are available to you whether or not your incident occurred on or within the campus community.

Our Title IX team is committed to ensuring all people have access to supportive services and resources that they may need. Anyone in our community can receive supportive measures even if they do not want to file a formal complaint.

All of the resources listed below may not be confidential, but are available to anyone who is seeking support. Some of these resources are within the University of Maine System, while others are community or national partners.

Resources within the University of Maine System

Staff and Faculty:

All University of Maine System employees are mandatory reporters (with some exceptions, see Confidential Resources page), which means that all employees must report sexual harassment or sexual assault if they witness or receive information about an incident. We believe that our entire community has a responsibility for contributing to a safe campus environment and so it is our culture to offer help to anyone in crisis.

Deputy/Title IX Coordinators:

The Deputy/Title IX Coordinator is the staff point person for all students who have experienced interpersonal violence (sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating or domestic violence or stalking). The Deputy/Title IX Coordinator can explain options for reporting the incident to the appropriate police authorities, for reporting violations of the student code of conduct and for exploring supportive measures, which are available even when a person chooses not to file a police or student conduct report (for example, housing adjustments, no contact orders, requests for homework extensions or approved class absences or expedited counseling appointments).

Click here to see a list of Deputy/Title IX Coordinators throughout The University of Maine System.

A Deputy/Title IX Coordinator can help answer your questions and concerns and guide you toward and offer you resources and referrals on interpersonal violence.

Additional resources and links:

If you are unsure of what resources you need, what has happened to you or if you want to explore your options before reaching out to a Deputy/Title IX Coordinator, there are many pages on this site to help guide you through the process:

You may want to consider clearing your browser history. Click here to learn how to clear your browser history (External Site).