Get Help from a Title IX Team Member

The Deputy/Title IX Coordinator on your campus can help guide you through your options.

Title IX protects all people from sex based discrimination in education institutions; these protections include sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. In addition Title IX protections apply to people who are pregnant or parenting (visit the Title IX definitions page to see a comprehensive list of protections). Employees, students, athletes and community members participating in (or attempting to participate in) educational programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance are all protected under Title IX.

The Deputy/Title IX Coordinator at your campus can guide you through the Title IX process and the services offered by the Title IX team and/or resources on and off campus.

Help is here for any person in our community.

Even if an incident occurs off-campus and does not include a member of the University of Maine System community, students impacted by sexual harassment or other forms of sex discrimination have a number of rights and resources available.

Title IX services are available regardless of when an incident occurred.

An incident does not need to have happened recently for a member of the University of Maine System to utilize resources. We understand that every situation and incident is different, and so we have made available many services for impacted students through the University of Maine System or our community partners.

Report an incident:

Anyone can report a Title IX situation or incident by contacting a Deputy/Title IX Coordinator or filling out this form (External Site).

Title IX Services

Title IX protects:

  • Students
  • Full time and part time faculty, instructors and staff
  • Community members and campus visitors
  • Vendors doing business with the University of Maine System
  • Those attempting to participate in any of our educational programs or activities
  • Pregnancy or parenting status
  • Any other demographic category protected by applicable law, in the administration of The University of Maine System’s educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, employment or other school administered programs.

Reach out to a Deputy/Title IX Coordinator to get help.

Report a Title IX incident or situation here (External Site).

Protections from sex based discrimination include but are not limited to:

  • Bias against parenting or pregnant individuals, or bias against individuals experiencing the birth of a child, miscarriage, abortion or termination of pregnancy
  • Bullying
  • Dating violence
  • Discrimination in athletics
  • Discrimination in educational programs
  • Disparity in pay based on gender
  • Domestic violence, relationship violence, interpersonal violence
  • Gender bias in athletic programs
  • Housing discrimination on the basis of sex, parenting status or LGBTQIA+ status
  • LGBTQIA+ Discrimination
  • Molestation
  • Rape
  • Sexual coercion
  • Sexual discrimination
  • Sexual harassment
  • Sexually motivated verbal and non-verbal conduct
  • Sexual violence
  • Stalking
  • Stereotyping
  • Retaliation
  • For this reason, the University will not tolerate sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, or retaliation in any form. All conduct of this nature is considered a violation of this policy.

Reach out to a Deputy/Title IX Coordinator to get help.

Visit our Title IX definitions page to learn more about each of these topics.

Report a Title IX incident or situation here (External Site).

How Title IX can help:


As soon as the University of Maine System is made aware of possible misconduct, harassment, violence or discrimination, immediate will be taken to:

  • End sexual violence
  • Prevent its recurrence
  • Address its effects
  • Provide supportive measures
  • Provide a grievance procedure
  • Determine what happened

Reach out to a Deputy/Title IX Coordinator to get help.

Report a Title IX incident or situation here (External Site).

Supportive measures

To quickly address a situation or incident, the University of Maine System may impose a wide range of supportive measures:

  • Implementation of a “No Contact Order” between two or more individuals
  • Change in University-related work schedules or job assignments
  • Assistance in addressing off-campus living arrangements
  • Change in on-campus living arrangements
  • Provide academic or activity accommodations
  • Safety planning and/or safety escorts while on campus

Contact a Deputy/Title IX Coordinator if you have a need for interim measures. A Title IX Coordinator can assist you with measures even if you do not wish to file a formal complaint.

Report a Title IX incident or situation here (External Site).

Academic accommodations

Students who have been subjected to intimate partner violence, sexual assault, stalking or other forms of sex discrimination may need reasonable academic accommodations such as an extended due date, the opportunity to make up a quiz missed due to a court date or more. The Deputy/Title IX Coordinator works with impacted students to determine needs and then makes arrangements for appropriate accommodations. Such communications with faculty are upon request and the nature of the incident is not disclosed unless it is needed to support the student.

Reach out to a Deputy/Title IX Coordinator to get help.

Report a Title IX incident or situation here (External Site).

Directory suppression measures

Students may have their “directory information” made private. Directory suppression requires that employees of the University of Maine System may not answer questions or requests for information about a student who has requested Directory Suppression, provided there is not a release in place or a court order. Directory suppression and release information forms are available at your individual campus.

Directory information includes:

  • Student name
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • University email address
  • Date of birth
  • Honors and awards
  • Current major
  • Degrees earned
  • Enrollment status
  • Dates of attendance
  • Grade level
  • Most recent educational institution attended
  • Athletics participation
  • Student athlete height and/or weight

Reach out to a Deputy/Title IX Coordinator to get help.

Report a Title IX incident or situation here (External Site).

Possible penalties

If a respondent is found responsible for violating any Title IX mandates, penalties may include:

For students

  • Assigned Educational Projects: This may include research projects, reflective essays, counseling assessments, sanction seminars or other related assignments intended to promote learning.
  • Community Service: The type of service may be related to the nature of the violation.
  • Deferred Sanction: A specific period of time during which a Respondent’s continued enrollment or housing contract at the University is clearly in jeopardy. Any further violation of the Code during that time will minimally result in the imposition of the deferred sanction and any additional sanctions deemed necessary.
  • Disciplinary Dismissal: Permanent separation (subject to the right of review after five years) from the University.
  • Disciplinary Probation: A period of time when a Respondent is under closer scrutiny of the University. It may include the loss of one or more privileges.
  • Disciplinary Suspension: Separation from the University for a stated period of time and/or until a stated condition(s) is met.
  • Fine: Payment of money. Respondents who are unable to pay may discuss alternate payment arrangements.
  • Loss of Contact with a Specific Person(s): With this sanction, the person may not initiate direct or indirect contact with a specified person(s).
  • Loss of Visitation Privileges: This loss of visitation may be to any designated area(s) of campus.
  • Official Warning: Official acknowledgment of a violation and the expectation that it will not be repeated.
  • Removal from University Housing: Removal from a particular hall or all housing.
  • Restitution: Restitution, up to the replacement value of the items damaged, stolen, removed or used without authority and damages incurred.
  • Such other action as the Committee or Officer may reasonably deem appropriate (e.g., suspension of an organization’s official campus recognition or suspension of a student from an extracurricular activity).

For employees

For information about possible disciplinary action, represented employees should refer to the appropriate collective bargaining agreement. Non-represented employees should refer to the non-represented employee handbook (See Employee Handbooks). All of the possible sanctions that the University may impose upon an employee following the results of any University disciplinary proceeding for an allegation of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking are:

  • Oral Warning
  • Written Warning
  • Suspension
  • Termination
  • Such other action as the University may reasonably deem appropriate.

Reach out to a Deputy/Title IX Coordinator to get help.

Report a Title IX incident or situation here (External Site).

Additional resources and links:

If you are unsure of what resources you need, what has happened to you or if you want to explore your options before reaching out to a Deputy/Title IX Coordinator, there are many pages on this site to help guide you through the process:

You may want to consider clearing your browser history. Click here to learn how to clear your browser history (External Site).