Early College
Early College (EC) within the University of Maine System (UMS) is broadly defined as any program in which high school students enroll in college courses. Students in EC programs earn transcripted college and high school credit when they successfully pass the course. EC programs are based on partnerships between Maine’s Public Universities and high schools to help students successfully transition to college. Early College Webpage
Maine Geospatial Institute
The Maine Geospatial Institute is a statewide collaborative of the seven University of Maine System (UMS) campuses developed to support economic growth, workforce development, education and research in geospatial technologies. MGI Webpage
One University Academic Alignment and Student Success
Working in collaboration with faculty and staff to coordinate and integrate our academic and research programs across our institutions, we will ensure that our critical programs are adequately resourced, every Maine student has affordable access to any University program for which he or she is qualified, and that our institutions advance economic growth and opportunity.
90-Credit Applied Bachelor’s Degree Programs Pilot
In January 2025, the University of Maine System (UMS) Board of Trustees authorized the development of up to five 90-credit applied bachelor’s programs (total) as a pilot cohort focused exclusively on adult degree completers. As universities prepare proposals for this pilot, this site will provide guidance and up-to-date information on developments in this innovative area.
More information on 90-Credit Applied Bachelor’s Degree Programs Pilot can be found at this link.
Annual Academic Programs Report (AAPR)
To ensure timely and ongoing attention to programmatic vitality, each University reports to the Academic and Student Affairs committee of the Board of Trustees annually. The AAPR process is intended as a proactive mechanism by which to foster broader collaborative discussions among faculty and academic administrators regarding program size in the context of mission, quality, and sustainability. AAPR Administrative Procedure 305.7
Annual Summer Academy of Adult Learning and Teaching (SAALT)
A 4-day immersive faculty development conference sponsored by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and organized by the University of Southern Maine. SAALT brings together UMS faculty representing all seven of the University of Maine System campuses to build a UMS community of forward-thinking and innovative faculty, SAALT focused on teaching and learning best practices for the adult learner. More information on SAALT can be found at this link.