Collaborations and Unified Accreditation

Recognizing that greater coordination and integration among the University of Maine System universities, access to more collaborative, multi-campus programs, and the preservation of all University of Maine System campuses where they are will maximize the benefit Maine students and the State realize under the University of Maine System Board of Trustees’ Strategic Priorities while acknowledging the practical burdens that separate university accreditations impose on achieving these goals at the scope, scale, and pace necessary to meet the educational and workforce needs of the citizens of this State, University of Maine System universities will unify their New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) accreditations following a robust period of campus engagement led by the University of Maine System Chancellor and System Presidents. Follow these links for more information about Unified Accreditation and the Guiding Principles.

Benefits of Multi-University Collaborations

Collaborations strengthen learning

By opening access to the resources, faculty, and programs across our universities, we enrich student learning and expand student research opportunities.

Collaborations build relationships

Through collaborations, faculty members build research, teaching, and grant-writing relationships across specialties, disciplines, and universities.

Collaborations create resource efficiency

Through collaborative projects, faculty can streamline program expenses, access cost-effective options, and pool existing funds.

Faculty-led Collaborative Initiatives

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Maine Geospatial Institute

Learn how faculty within Maine Geospatial Institute (MGI) Collaborate to bring cutting-edge education across the state.

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Cyber Education (External Site)

Follow the University of Maine at Augusta and the University of Southern Maine as faculty create a nationally recognized online program.

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Nursing (External Site)

Learn how the two University of Maine System institutions collaborated to address Maine’s nursing workforce shortage.

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Tourism, Hospitality, and Outdoor Recreation Institute (THOR)

Learn how faculty from throughout the University of Maine System collaborate to provide education and training pathways that bolster Maine’s largest industries.

Current University of Maine System (UMS) Collaboration Projects

Unified Catalog

Creating a unified, cross-university catalog will help our students access course resources at any UMS campus. This priority-one unification project is underway. Click here for the most recent updates on the UMS Unified Catalog.

Multi-campus Financial Aid

Streamlining the process by which students receive financial aid has been identified by faculty and students alike as a barrier to student success. Click here for information about extending financial aid to multi-university students.

Crosslinked Courses

Co-taught courses, inter-institutional curricula, and shared credits enable students to access faculty experts regardless of location. Click here to find out how your courses can be made available at multiple Universities.

Learn More About Creating Multi-University Collaborations

Click here for a guide to creating collaborations.

Do You Have Questions about Multi-University Collaborations?

If you have a question regarding a multi-campus collaboration, have identified a barrier to collaboration, or would like help with an idea, please call 207-581-5865 or email