About University of Maine System Micro-Credentials for University of Maine System Students and Learners

How can a micro-credential benefit learners?

Hiring managers are looking for candidates who can demonstrate their ability to apply knowledge and skills in real-world settings. In fact, 86% of hiring managers indicate that it is “very important” that job candidates demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge and skills in real-world settings, according to Hart Research. But only 39% of hiring managers believe that the average recent college graduate is well prepared to apply these skills in real-world, professional settings.

Micro-credentials quickly establish that you have marketable skills, competencies and experiences.

Stand out and be recognized!

All micro-credentials meet quality standards and are offered at no extra cost to the learner.

Explore your options below!

What University of Maine System micro-credentials can University of Maine System students earn?

  • 4-H STEM Ambassadors
  • Career Prepared
  • Global Competency
  • Innovation
  • Leadership
  • Dawnland – Maine Indian History Micro-Badge
  • Undergraduate Research Scholar

How to get started:

Each badge has a set of criteria and evidence to earn it. Evidence is assessed by faculty or staff.

Not an enrolled University of Maine System student? Learn more about micro-credentials for professionals and community members. Open to University of Maine System students as well.

What University of Maine System micro-credentials can grade 6-12 students earn?

How to get started:

Each badge has a set of criteria and evidence to earn it. Evidence is assessed by faculty or staff.

  • Email Ryder Scott (ryder.scott@maine.edu) for more information about the 4-H Outdoor Leadership program

Share your badges!

Canvas Badges/Credentials (formerly Badgr) is the University of Maine System digital badging platform. Your earned badges are collected in your Canvas Badges Backpack and can be shared on shared on LinkedIn and social media and be included in a digital resume, email signature, personal website, or portfolio.

To learn more about your badges and ways to share your accomplishments, please see our Resources for Badge Earners.

Did you know? Learners who share their badges on LinkedIn get six times the number of views!