Learn about the Indigenous Peoples of Maine

Dawnland - Maine Indian History Micro-Badge

Dawnland – Maine Indian History is a newly developed University of Maine System badge that teaches learners about the history of Maine tribes. The badge was developed by John Bear Mitchell (External Link), the University of Maine’s Native American Waiver Coordinator and Wabanaki Center Outreach and Student Development Coordinator. He has been a lecturer of Wabanaki Studies and Multicultural Studies at the University of Maine in Orono for the past 20 years. Learners can register through Course Merchant.

“There is a lot of interest in learning more about tribes in Maine,” says John Bear Mitchell.

The credential was launched in November, Native American Heritage month. 

“The micro-credential is a key learning tool in gaining a basic understanding of the tribes from the time of the ice age to the present day.” – John Bear Mitchell

In earning this badge, learners will be able to demonstrate knowledge of State/Tribal policies, Prehistorical and Historical eras, and the current Indigenous knowledge perspective. 

A school district, UMS pre-service teachers, and others are currently earning this badge. 

The credential is appropriate for many learners. It is a valuable learning tool for teachers, businesses and public sectors where continued learning is necessary.” – John Bear Mitchell

If you, your students, or others you know are interested in learning more about the Indigenous history of Maine, and developing the skills to communicate that understanding, you can register via Course Merchant on the discover.maine.edu (External Link) website.

The cost for registration is $25. John Bear Mitchell notes that the registration fees paid will be used to set up a fund to help other UMS programs create Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion badges focused on ethnic minorities, women’s studies, LGBTQ+ and other populations. 

Please inquire about vouchers for UMS students. 

We thank John Bear Mitchell for his support in making UMS Indigenous Peoples of Maine education accessible for all!