
This micro-credential recognizes and validates the learner’s successful completion of the University of Maine System (UMS) pathway in Introduction to GIS Mapping (Levels 1, 2, and 3) in recognition of the learner’s engagement in basic and foundational learning in geographic information systems (GIS).

  • Level 1- Basic Map Skills: Learners develop an understanding of basic GIS concepts, cartographic principles, and fundamentals of map design, including the discovery of existing map data sources and an understanding of map types and conventions.
  • Level 2- Create & Access Map Data: Learners engage in training designed to further GIS practices and develop competencies in preparation for real-world application. At this level, learners build skills in creating, editing and accessing map data; filtering and subsetting data sets; and issues related to aggregation.
  • Level 3- Geospatial Project: Learners successfully complete an experiential learning project, demonstrating the ability to integrate geospatial technology skills, including basic skills in aligning project outcomes to stated goals, map critiquing, and map revision.

The Maine Geospatial Institute (MGI) offers this professional development opportunity to learners from any discipline who would like to understand and use cutting-edge technology and tools. No prior GIS experience is required.

Who is eligible to register?

Anyone is eligible to register.

What is the cost to the learner?


Includes all three levels in the micro-credential pathway, software access, and instructor support.

What is the delivery mode?

Online asynchronous.

Where can I find additional information?

Visit the Maine Geospatial Institute’s Introduction to GIS Mapping Micro-Credential web page.

Who can I contact to answer my questions?

  • Eileen Moran, Coordinator for the Maine Geospatial Institute (email for more information:
  • Matt McCourt, Maine Geospatial Institute and University of Maine at Farmington (email for more information:

View each level in the badging platform:

Visit the Micro-Credential Pathway for Introduction to GIS Mapping (External Site).

View full list of Micro-Credentials

Last Update: 2/18/25