As Maine schools and school districts experience the benefits of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) (External Link) for classrooms and students, momentum throughout the state continues to grow. PBIS is a nationally supported (External Link), evidence-based, multi-tiered framework providing a continuum of supports to all students, promoting positive academic and social-emotional-behavioral outcomes. The Maine PBIS Tier 1 Trainer & Coach micro-credential was created through a partnership between the University of Maine System (UMS) and the Maine Department of Education (DOE) to help more people become qualified to serve as PBIS trainers and coaches.
Learners complete activities and coursework to broaden their understanding of PBIS and develop competencies to effectively coach and/or train school leadership teams in Tier 1 PBIS. Each level requires a grade of B or higher in a sequenced graduate-level online course in Special Education from the University of Maine (UMaine) for a total of 9 credits; similar coursework from other institutions will be considered. Upon completion of the micro-credential pathway with concurrent UMaine enrollment, learners have also earned an Online Graduate Certificate in Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (External Link).
Key instructional concepts include PBIS Foundational Learning; Trainer Capacity Building; Effective Coaching; High-Quality Professional Development Training; and Program Content. The following skills and competencies are assessed:
- Comprehensive understanding and application of the PBIS framework in schools.
- Effective coaching/facilitation of school PBIS leadership teams.
- Effective cohort-based training of school PBIS leadership teams.
- Use of adult learning principles.
- Ability to support school PBIS leadership teams’ use of PBIS Apps, School-Wide Information System (SWIS), and PBIS Assessment tools.
This credential expires two years after the date of issue. Learners can maintain their credential by submitting evidence of 24 contact hours in PBIS-specific content (must include at least one Maine State PBIS Conference and one other state, regional, or national PBIS conference) every two years.
Who is eligible to register?
- Enrolled UMS Students (degree/certificate programs)
- UMS Faculty/Administrators/Staff
- Maine Residents
To ensure a personalized experience, the course will only accept 10 participants each year. Applications open annually in the spring. Sign up for the Maine PBIS listserv (External Link) to receive updates. If you currently work in a school or district, you will need to obtain and submit a letter of district approval for participation.
What is the cost to the learner?
Thanks to Maine DOE support, there is no cost for participation in the micro-credential other than the related credit-bearing coursework and conference registrations.
What is the delivery mode?
- Academic courses are offered online.
- Observation, training, and coaching may require travel to various venues throughout the state.
- Regional, statewide, and/or national conference attendance is required to meet earning criteria.
Where can I find additional information?
Visit (External Site) to learn more.
Who can I contact to answer my questions?
Contact Courtney Angelosante, UMaine PBIS Initiative Coordinator (email: or Karen Robbie, Research Associate/Maine PBIS Coordinator (email:
View each level in the badging platform:
Visit the Micro-Credential Pathway for Maine PBIS Tier 1 Trainer & Coach (External Site).
View full list of Micro-Credentials
Last Update: 2/19/25