This micro-credential recognizes and validates the learner’s successful completion of the University of Maine System (UMS) Seafood HACCP pathway (Levels 1, 2, and 3). The learner completed training in the development and implementation of Seafood Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) and gained experience in Seafood HACCP implementation through a field experience course, or another relevant experience as approved by UMaine Food Safety faculty/staff. The learner is able to write, implement, manage, and meet reporting requirements for a Seafood HACCP plan. Learners completed knowledge, skill and application assessments, and received positive feedback from a work or field experience mentor or supervisor.
Contact Information:
University of Maine Cooperative Extension: Jason Bolton (email for more information:
Who is Eligible:
Badgr Pages for the Levels of the Micro-Credential:
Visit the Badgr Pathway for Seafood HACCP (External Site).
View full list of Micro-Credentials