Guiding Principles for University of Maine System Strategic Planning Process

The following principles were created by the Board Ad hoc Strategic Planning Committee, the UMS President’s Council and the UMS Strategic Planning Work Group. The statements provide a framework for idea prioritization, decision making, and behavior as part of UMS’ strategic planning process.

  1. Be student-centric and further the System’s missions of teaching, learning, service, and research
  2. Express values of sustainability, quality, affordability, relevancy, and diversity, equity, and inclusion in all we do
  3. Align with the State of Maine’s needs and priorities in system opportunity identification, prioritization, and implementation. Base decisions on facts and projections of the higher education and R&D market
  4. Be candid and willing to make bold decisions that are based in objective data which balance the current and future interests of our students, faculty, and staff in a cost-effective manner
  5. Declare a System vision that heightens each university’s strengths while maximizing opportunities for collaboration toward a cohesive whole
  6. Leverage unified accreditation as a tool for achieving systemwide benefits and adhere to the UA guiding principles
  7. Address aging facilities and organizational infrastructure through a lens of efficiency, accessibility, and modernization that preserves our history while supporting future strategic initiatives
  8. Seek input from a diverse and broad set of UMS stakeholders
  9. Foster a culture of innovation and collaboration and communicate transparently about the strategic planning process