Maine’s leaders in the advancement of geographic information systems (GIS) have teamed up. Here’s why.
Maine continues to make progress in mobilizing to support economic resilience, infrastructure strength, tourism enhancements, natural resource protection, and more. However, that progress has revealed gaps in essential data, tools, and a workforce skilled in how to leverage geospatial technology to aid mission-critical decision-making across every sector. Together, the Maine GeoLibrary, the Maine Office of GIS, the Maine GIS User Group, and the University of Maine’s Maine Geospatial Institute can help Maine:
- Integrate cutting-edge geospatial data collection and analysis with Maine’s needs
- Disseminate geographic information system mapping tools with low barriers to entry to facilitate adoption
- Enhance educational opportunities to put geospatial data into practice
- Build a community of professionals to support Maine’s location data needs

Statewide Impacts
Geographic information systems (GIS) connect different kinds of data to a map, providing a foundation for analysis that is used in just about every industry. GIS helps users understand patterns, relationships, and geographic context. The benefits include improved communication and efficiency as well as better management and decision making. Check out this StoryMap to view stories about how GIS has made a difference to industries and communities throughout Maine (External Site).