Single Sign-On (SSO) Log In Change
Beginning on May 8, 2022, a maine.edu Single Sign-On (SSO) username and password will be required to log into UMS Zoom accounts. This change will help minimize the risk of Zoom accounts being compromised and will help to simplify the process of accessing UMS Zoom accounts.
New Whiteboard Feature
The new Zoom Whiteboard provides a set of easy-to-use tools to help collaborate together to capture ideas, processes and concepts.
Quick Resources
About Zoom @ UMS (External Site)
Webinar vs Large Meetings (External Site)
Webinar Request Form (Coming Soon)
What is Protected Health Information (HIPAA)? (External Site)
Instructions for Using Zoom in UMS Web Conferencing Rooms (External Site)
Zoom COVID-19 Support Page (External Site)
Zoom Troubleshooting (External Site)
Zoom Features
- High-quality HD video and audio
- High-quality video and audio support for up to 300 concurrent participants
- Large meeting support for up to 500 concurrent participants (limited availability for up to 1,000 participants)
- Easy-to-use tools for collaborating online with others, including sharing and co-annotation tools, breakout rooms, polling, and white-boarding
- Allows for high-quality recordings of meetings, and subsequent downloading of those recordings as MP4 files
- Automatic upload from Zoom cloud recordings to Kaltura
- A full-featured app for iOS and Android