General University Guidelines

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve rapidly, and this guidance is subject to change at any time. Interested individuals and organizations are encouraged to check Together for Maine routinely for updates.

The University of Maine System continues to monitor the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance for institutions of higher education, state guidance (External Site), and other public health best practices.  Therefore, these requirements may be revised as public health best practices change and are based on current federal and state laws.

All individuals are strongly encouraged to:

  • Obtain a COVID-19 vaccination and booster doses when eligible.
  • Wash hands often.
  • Stay home if experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.  Students and employees should refer to their specific sections of
  • the Together for Maine web site for additional information and resources.
  • Follow CDC Quarantine & Isolation recommendations (External Site).

Setting Requirements:

Note: Additional Face Mask Information available here.

SettingMask RequirementPhysical Distancing RequirementProof of Vaccination or Negative Test Requirement
Confirmed exposure to or recovering from positive COVID-19.Required when recommended by U.S. CDC (External Site)Follow U.S. CDC (External Site) recommendations.Follow U.S. CDC (External Site) recommendations.
Outdoor settings and eventsNot requiredNot requiredNot required
Individual office spacesRequired unless waived by the primary occupant or meeting hostNot requiredNot required
Indoor non-instructional events/meetingsNot requiredNot requiredNot required
Instructional settings including classrooms, labs, studios, etc.Required unless waived by the instructorNot requiredNot required
GymsNot requiredNot requiredNot required
Library FacilitiesNot requiredNot requiredNot required
MuseumsNot requiredNot requiredNot required


Individual Universities may adopt masking, physical distancing or vaccination/proof of a negative test requirements for particular events or circumstances. Visitors with questions should check in advance with the facility, event or activity organizers regarding any specific pandemic protocols.

All individuals should be prepared to wear an appropriate face covering if required or requested. Additional Face Mask Information available here.

Last Reviewed: August 2022