The University of Maine System is a corporate and independent legal entity created by and organized under the private and special, and public laws of the State of Maine and as such may sue and be sued only in its corporate capacity as the University of Maine System.

The Office of General Counsel was created to provide all legal advice significantly affecting the legal position of the University of Maine System through the General Counsel acting in his/her role as legal counsel to the University of Maine System or by outside counsel authorized by General Counsel per Board policy.

To submit a contract for review or for additional information about contracts, please visit the Contracts page of our site.

Paul Chan, Special Counsel to the Chancellor

Amon Purinton, Acting General Counsel

Lisa Landry, Associate General Counsel

Katelynn Ronan, Associate General Counsel

Thomas J. Connolly, Assistant General Counsel

Sharon Picard, Legal Coordinator

Accident and Incident Reports (Contact the Office of Risk Management & Insurance)
Administrative Practice Letters (APL’s)
Alleged Misconduct in Research
Board of Trustees Policies
Certificate of Insurance
Collective Bargaining/Grievance Policies
Conflict of Interest Policy

Equal Opportunity – Affirmative Action Policy
Employee Handbooks (See Link in Human Resources page)
Employee v. Independent Contractor (See APL VII-H)
Environmental and Safety Policy
Facilities Management
Free Speech & Assembly
Freedom of Access Requests
HIPAA General Operating Policy and Forms
Human Subject Research
Information Privacy Policy
Information Technology Services
Political Activity
Procedures for Displaying the Flag
Reporting Workplace Wrongdoing (See APL IV-J)

  • Pilot Program for Enhancement of Employee Whistleblower Protection (NEW)


Residency (See APL IV-G)
Risk Management and Insurance
Sexual Harassment Policy
Guidelines Regarding Consenting Relationships
Signature Authority

Strategic Procurement
Student Code of Conduct



Vehicle Administration (Contact the Office of Risk Management & Insurance)

Violence in the Workplace Policy

Weapons Policies

Whistleblower Protection Act (State)
Workers’ Compensation

Disclaimer: The information and materials contained in this Web site are presented for informational and educational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice.