
This document is a set of powerpoint slides with text and graphs.


Slide 1:

Annual Report on Gifts, Fundraising and Endowments

Year ended June 30, 2021

Slide 2: Acronym Key

  • UMS = University of Maine System
  • FY = fiscal year
  • UM = University of Maine
  • UMA = University of Maine at Augusta
  • UMF = University of Maine at Farmington
  • UMFK = University of Maine at Fort Kent
  • UMM = University of Maine at Machias
  • UMPI = University of Maine at Presque Isle
  • USM = University of Southern Maine
  • Endowment MV = Endowment Market Value

Slide 3:

Part 1: University of Maine System

Excludes FundRaising Organizations

Slide 4:  University of Maine System Gifts Received* by Donor Type ($ in millions)

Graph Presentation:

Graph presents years along the X-axis with a range of FY17 through FY21. Y-axis is dollars in millions with a range of $0 to $30. Five bars in each year give $ in millions in the following categories:

  • Alumni and Alumni Associations
  • University Foundations
  • Individuals
  • Non-Profits and Other
  • Corporations

Graph Data:

Fiscal YearAlumni & Alumni AssociationsUniversity FoundationsIndividualsNon-Profits & OtherCorporationsTotal
FY17Exact data not shown on graph. Displayed around 0.510.1Exact data not shown on graph. Displayed around 1.75Exact data not show on graph. Displayed just below 2.5Exact Data not shown on graph. Displayed just above 2.517
FY18Exact data not shown on graph. Displayed around 0.510.4Exact data not shown on graph. Displayed around 1.75Exact data not shown on graph. Displayed just below 2.5Exact data not shown on graph. Displayed just above 2.517
FY19Exact data not shown on graph. Displayed around 0.514Exact data not shown on graph. Displayed around 3Exact data not shown on graph. Displayed around 8Exact data not shown on graph. Displayed around 1.7527.5
FY20Exact data not shown on graph. Displayed at close to 015.6Exact data not shown on graph. Displayed around 2.3Exact data not shown on graph. Displayed at 2.5Exact data not shown on graph. Displayed at around 0.7521.4
FY21Exact data not shown on graph. Displayed at around 2.415.4Exact data not show on graph. Displayed at around 2.5Exact data not shown on graph. Displayed at around 4Exact data not shown on graph. Displayed at around 1.7525.6

Additional Text:

The University of Maine System receives gifts through two methods:

  1. Direct donations from alumni, individuals, corporations, and non-profits
  2. Endowment distributions and non-endowed gifts from its affiliated fund raising organizations, the largest of which are the university foundations (see page 10 for FY20 and FY21 gifts that the affiliates received)

*UMS gifts reported herein include cash, checks and negotiable securities, and pledge payments. Gifts-in-kind and pledges receivable are not included in these totals

Slide 5: UMS Gifts Received by Restriction Type ($ in millions)

Graph Presentation:

Graph presents years along the X-axis with a range of FY17 through FY21. Y-axis is dollars in millions with a range of $0 to $30. Four bars in each year give $ in millions in the following categories:

  • Restricted
  • Endowed
  • Unrestricted
  • Total

Graph Data ($ in millions):

Fiscal YearRestrictedEndowedUnrestrictedTotal

Additional Text:

Restricted gifts increased from FY20 to FY21 primarily due to three one-time bequests to the University of Maine in FY21 totaling just over $2.2 million.

Slide 6: UMS FY21 Gifts Received by Purpose ($ in millions)

Graph presents purpose categories along the X-axis. Y-axis is dollars in millions with a range of $0 to $12.

Graph Data ($ in millions):

  • Student Aid: 11.6
  • Academic Divisions: 4.0
  • Other: 1.4
  • Facilities: 2.7
  • Public Service & Extension: 1.9
  • Research: 1.6
  • Athletics: 1.0
  • Unrestricted: 1.2
  • Library: 0.2

Slide 7: UMS Gifts Received by Campus ($ in millions)

Graph presents campuses along the X-axis. Y-axis is dollars in millions with a range of $0 to $20. Two bars in each year give $ in millions in the following categories:

  • FY20
  • FY21

Total gifts received ($ in millions) is 21.4 for FY20 and 25.6 for FY21.

Graph Data ($ in millions):

Law School0.60.8

Slide 8: UMS Gift Balances as of June 30th

Graph Presentation:

Graph presents years along the X-axis with a range of FY17 through FY21. Y-axis is dollars in millions with a range of $0 to $200. Four bars in each year give $ in millions in the following categories:

  • Endowment MV
  • Gift Balances
  • Pledges Outstanding
  • Total

Graph Data ($ in millions):

Fiscal YearEndowment MVGift BalancesPledges outstandingTotal

Slide 9: UMS Gift Balances by Campus as of June 30, 2021 ($ in millions)

Graph Presentation:

Graph presents campuses plus a multi along the X-axis. Y-axis is dollars in millions with a range of $0 to $150. Each campus and multi give $ in millions in the following categories:

  • Endowment MV
  • Gift Balances
  • Pledges Outstanding
  • Total

Graph Data ($ in millions):

CampusEndowment MVGift BalancesPledges OutstandingTotal
UMExact data not shown on graph. Displayed around 102Exact Data not shown on graph. Displayed around 45No bar shown149.2
UMAExact data not shown on graph. Displayed around 9Exact Data not shown on graph. Displayed around 1.9No bar shown10.9
UMFExact Data not shown on graph. Displayed around 19Exact Data not shown on graph. Displayed around 2.9No bar shown21.9
UMFKExact Data not shown on graph. Displayed around 1.65Exact Data not shown on graph. Displayed around 1.65No bar shown3.3
UMMExact Data not shown on graph. Displayed around 4Exact Data not shown on graph. Displayed around 0.2No bar shown4.2
USMExact Data not shown on graph. Displayed around 12Exact Data not shown on graph. Displayed around 7.3No bar shown19.3
Law SchoolExact Data not shown on graph. Displayed around 7.2Exact Data not shown on graph. Displayed around 0.3No bar shown7.5
UMPIExact Data not shown on graph. Displayed around 2.6Exact Data not shown on graph. Displayed around 0.2No bar shown2.8
MULTIExact Data not shown on graph. Displayed around 9.8Exact Data not shown on graph. Displayed around 0.2No bar shown10.0

Slide 10:

Part 2: UMS Affiliated Fundraising Organizations

Slide 11: Gifts Received by UMS Affiliated Organizations ($ in thousands)


Table presents Gifts Received by UMS Affiliated Organizations ($ in thousands) for FY20 and FY21 separated into the following categories:

  • UM Affiliates
  • UMFK Affiliates
  • UMM Alumni Association
  • Foundation of the University at Presque Isle
  • USM Affiliates
  • UMS Affiliates
  • Total Gifts Received by Affiliated Organizations

Table Data ($ in thousands):

UM Affiliates:
UM Alumni Association165225
UM Foundation20,61019,372
UM Pulp & Paper Foundation1,881486
Tanglewood 4-H Camp & Learning Center6136
Maine 4-H Foundation383453

Note: 29% of FY20 gifts and 31% of FY21 gifts were from Alumni

UMFK Affiliates:
UMFK Alumni Association
UMFK Foundation14156
John L. Martin Scholarship Fund
UMM Alumni Association:
Foundation of the University at Presque Isle:
USM Affiliates:
USM Foundation5,01412,521
UM Law School Foundation1,167795
Associates of the Osher Map Library (FY19 restated)14052

Note: 4% of FY20 gifts and FY21 gifts were from Alumni

UMS Affiliates:
Maine Center Ventures2971,382
Total Gifts Received by Affiliated Organizations:

Slide 12: Endowment Market Values for UMS Affiliated Organizations ($ in millions)


Table presents Endowment Market Values for UMS Affiliated Organizations ($ in millions) for FY20 and FY21, separated into the following categories:

  • UM Affiliates
  • UMFK Affiliates
  • Foundation of the University at Presque Isle
  • USM Affiliates
  • Total Endowment market Value for Affiliated Organizations

UM Affiliates:

UM Foundation228.1310.1
UM Pulp & Paper Foundation21.724.5
Tanglewood 4-H Camp & Learning Center0.40.4
Maine 4-H Foundation3.94.3

Note: UM Foundation totals include UM Alumni Association endowments

UMFK Affiliates:

UMFK Foundation*2.63.2

John L. Martin Scholarship Fund*0.10.1

Note: UMFK Foundation totals include UMFK Alumni Association endowments

Foundation of the University at Presque Isle


USM Affiliates:


Total Endowment Market Value for Affiliated Organizations:


*Endowment included in the UMS Managed Investment Pool

Slide 13:

Part 3: Capital Campaigns

Slide 14: Status of Capital Campaigns as of June 20, 2021 ($ in millions)

UM Comprehensive Campaign

UM is currently drafting their next capital campaign and is in the process of hiring fundraising counsel and setting campaign goals to be presented to the Board of Trustees for approval at a later date.

Slide 15: Status of Capital Campaigns as of June 20, 2021 – continued

Great University Campaign (formerly the Next Generation Comprehensive Campaign) (USM)

The University of Southern Maine (USM) obtained approval at the May 11, 2017 UMS Board of Trustees meeting to undertake an anticipated $80 million comprehensive fundraising campaign. In 2019, the USM Foundation (USMF) engaged campaign counsel, CCS Fundraising, to conduct a campaign feasibility, planning and design study. In 2020, informed by study results, the Foundation’s Board of Directors unanimously voted to move forward with the campaign, renamed the “Great University Campaign”—a multi-year comprehensive fundraising effort with a working goal of $46M formally launched on July 1, 2020. The overall campaign goal was modified from an $80M fundraising goal to $46M in response to the aforementioned campaign planning study which assessed the Foundation’s fundraising capacity, including donor interest and inclination to give in a variety of areas.

As of June 30, 2021, over $19.6 million (or 42%) of the $46 million goal has been raised.

Back to Gifts and Fund Raising Annual Reports.