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  • Grade Availability: Final grades are due to be entered into MaineStreet by instructors 2 weeks after classes end for the semester. Early College (EC) offices cannot be responsible for grades not entered in a timely manner by professors.

  • Grading Format: Final course grades are exclusively available in letter format. These letter grades are entered into MaineStreet, our official student records database. High Schools and homeschool families are responsible for translating these grades into their individual grading systems. The University of Maine System (UMS) EC program and campus-based EC staff cannot provide grades in any alternative format.

  • Numerical Grades: UMS EC and campus-based EC staff cannot provide grades in numeric form. Faculty are required to report grades exclusively in letter format. Please do not email instructors with requests for numerical grades.

  • Brightspace Grades: Brightspace grades are not considered official. Brightspace is a learning management platform used for tracking assignments and grades. Grades posted in Brightspace are used to help students gauge their progress. Professors may grade assignments outside of Brightspace, and adjustments may be made before final grades are entered into MaineStreet. 

  • Final Grades: The grade that is shown on a student’s official or unofficial transcript will reflect the grade entered in MaineStreet, in letter format. Please note that faculty maintain full authority over their grading decisions within the standardized grading categories. Students may review the instructions available on our website for accessing their official and/or unofficial transcripts:

For additional information about the University of Maine System Standard Grading Designations, you may review APL X-G.

High School Students

  • All grades will be available in the high school’s ExplorEC portal account under the grades tab. One (PDF) spreadsheet will be uploaded per high school each semester. An example of the spreadsheet can be found here: Maine High School Grades – Summer 2023 
  • Grade spreadsheets will be available for each semester in the following timeframes:
    • Summer: End of the third week in September
    • Fall: End of the third week in January
    • Spring: End of the last Week in May
  • If grades are needed sooner than the above listed dates, students can download their unofficial transcript or request an official transcript at anytime using MaineStreet. For directions, visit our Transcript Information Page.
  • If a grade is missing from the spreadsheet, then this means that the instructor has not uploaded the grade into MaineStreet. Students are encouraged to reach out to their instructor to find out when grades will be posted. In these cases students will need to provide high school offices with their own grades.

Home Educated Students

  • Home educated students can download their own unofficial transcript or request an official transcript at anytime in MaineStreet. For directions, visit our Transcript Information Page.

Early College Course Retake Policy

The Maine Department of Education (DOE) Aspirations program will now cover the cost for a student to retake a course if they earned a D, F/NP, W or L grade (one time per course). Previously, students who needed to retake a course had to pay the UMS reduced Early College (EC) tuition rate. 

This new system-wide policy is written to serve the best interest of the student and is a critical component of our goals to promote equity and access while focusing on their future college success.  

Purpose/Problem Statement:  

Student success is a UMS priority. National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) accreditation requires that universities provide student support services, as well as continuous improvement efforts through regular program evaluations. UMS (EC) Offices share the responsibility of providing students with advising, support, and resources to give them the best chance of future success with our high school partners. This advising includes guiding students who are unsuccessful in their courses to the best course of action to improve their university transcript. 

EC students are creating permanent college transcripts and these transcripts must be sent to colleges during the application process. Having a failing grade can impact a student’s ability to get into college after high school, have implications for federal financial aid, and/or mean they start their college journey on academic probation. This new policy is designed to require students to remediate their F or L grade as soon as possible to prevent some of these consequences.

Grade Definitions, Credits, and Impact on Grade Point Average (GPA)

  • W: Student officially withdrew from the course after the drop period.  The grade of W has no impact on GPA, but is listed on official and unofficial transcripts.
  • D: A low-level passing/below average grade. Work completed does not adequately prepare students for more advanced work in the discipline.  If a student matriculates to the UMS system campus where the D grade is earned, then the D grade may contribute toward the number of credits required for graduation 120). However, the D grade may not satisfy program-specific graduation requirements. D grades do not transfer. Computed into GPA as 1.0.
  • F/NP: Failure. No credit is earned. Computed into GPA as 0.0.
  • L: Never attended or stopped attending without officially dropping or withdrawing from the course. Computed into GPA as 0.0.
  • I: Incomplete. A temporary grade at the instructor’s discretion. Instructors assign the I grade when students have participated in the majority of a course, but as a result of extenuating circumstances the student has not completed and/or submitted assignments during the grading period. Before submitting an I grade, instructors should specify the remaining assignments and a deadline for submission. Some instructors may include the grade a student will be assigned if remaining assignments are not submitted.
GradeGrade DefinitionCredit EarnedShown on TranscriptCalculated to GPATransfer to Other Colleges
WWithdrew after the drop period.NoYesNoNo
DLow-level passing/below average grade.YesYes1.0No
LNever attended, stopped attending, or dropped out without officiallly dropping or withdrawingNoYes0.0No

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Required Next Steps for Students Earning W, D, F/L/NP, L, I,


  • W: A student who earns a W grade will not be required to retake the course.
  • D: A student earning a D grade will be encouraged, but not required to retake the course.  
  • F/L/NP:  A student earning an F, L, or NP grade will be required to retake the course before taking any additional course online or on-campus courses.
    • Students will not be dropped from a course that has already started. However, they will not be registered for any additional online or on-campus courses in subsequent semesters once the early college office receives the F/L/NP grade report.
  • I: A student who earns an I grade will be required to complete that course before taking any additional course(s). Students receiving an I grade are not allowed to register for the same course unless the grade is converted to an F. A student receiving an I grade may not make up missed work by sitting-in on the course the next time it is taught. If the student is registered for any subsequent course (s) then they will be removed. Students with I grades will not be able to take additional courses until they have completed their course with a D- or better. 

Early College Outreach Process 

  • The Early College Advising & Success Coordinator (ECASC) will email students with the following grades: W, D, F/L/NP, and I. Counselors will be included, as well as parents (if there is a signed FERPA release on file). 
  • Students with F/L/NP/I grades will be encouraged to meet with ECASC to create a success plan.

Grading Information for Each Campus