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UMSUniversity of Maine System
UMAUniversity of Maine at Augusta
UMFUniversity of Maine at Farmington
UMFKUniversity of Maine at Fort Kent
UMUniversity of Maine
USMUniversity of Southern Maine
UMPIUniversity of Maine at Presque Isle
AP4MEOnline Advanced Placement Courses for Maine High School Students

Interested in Taking a Course,

But Not Sure Which One?

graphic of six questions marks

Consider How Much Time Each Week a Student has to Devote to a College Course

A typical semester is 15 weeks long. For every 1 credit hour of enrollment, students will spend approximately 2-3 hours outside of class studying. Thus, one 3 credit course = 3 hours in class per week + 6-9 hours study time per week = 9-12 total hours per week.

  • 15 week course= ~9-12 hours per week
  • 6 or 7 week course= ~ 20 hours per week
  • 3 week course= ~40 hours per week (Not all campuses allow students to take 3 week courses due to the intensity of the workload)

Learn more about our Early College Pathways

Our Early College Pathways help guide students as they learn about majors and career options and get a jump start on some programs when they enroll in college.

Focus on General Education Courses

General education courses are a great way to explore Early College courses. These introductory courses provide the background and skills needed for college, regardless of the major students choose. Students can find out whether a course meets a general education requirement by checking out the section below entitled, “Online & On-Campus Course Offerings by Campus”. If the course meets a general education requirement, then the category will be listed next to the course. Also, many of the top 10 online courses for each campus listed below satisfy general education requirements.

Take a Career Exploration Course

  • INT 107: Career Exploration in Health Professions (UM)
  • INT 193: Intro to Career Exploration & Development (UM)

Review the List of Most Popular Courses by Campus

Check out the section with this title below.

Complete a Free Career Assessment

The O*Net Interest Profiler is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration, and developed by the National Center for O*Net Development. This assessment can help students find out what their interests are and how they relate to the world of work. Students can find out what they like to do or what kinds of careers they might want to explore. They can then choose courses based on the results.

Take an Introductory Course in a Career of Interest

Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources (External Site)

Workers in the agriculture, food, and natural resources cluster produce products and processes—from raising food and textile crops to breeding livestock and hunting wild game; from mining ore below the earth’s surface, to hazardous waste removal and wildlife conservation. Historic trends are giving way to new developments in this cluster.

  • ANT 105: Society, Environment, & Change (USM)
  • CIE 210: Sustainability in Engineering (UM)
  • ENV 110: Introductory Environmental Science (UMF)
  • ENV 110: Intro to Environmental Science (UMPI)
  • PSE 105: Principles of Sustainable Agriculture (UM)
  • PSE 110: Intro to Horticulture (UM)

Architecture & Construction (External Site)

The purpose of the construction industry is to build and maintain all kinds of structures, including homes, manufacturing plants, office buildings, streets and highways, sewers, irrigation projects, and more. The industry also includes related activities such as painting, electrical work, and plumbing.

  • ARC 100: Architectural Design Studio for the Non-Major (UMA)

Arts, Audio/Video, & Communications (External Site)

Careers in the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications cluster focus on designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content including visual and performing arts and design, journalism, and entertainment services.

  • ARH 112: Art History- Renaissance to the Present (USM)
  • ARH 284: Japanese Film (UMF)
  • ART 121: Painting I (UMF)
  • ART 141: Surface, Space, Time: 2D (USM)
  • ART 142: Surface, Space, Time: 3D (USM)
  • ART 151: Fundamentals of Perceptual Drawing (USM)
  • MUY 101: Fundamentals of Music (UM)
  • THE 111: Intro to Theatre (UM)

Business, Management, & Administration (External Site)

Careers in the Business Management and Administration cluster relate to planning, organizing, directing and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations. Careers in leadership, management, and support roles are needed by all types of organizations to operate successfully.

  • BUA 100: Intro to Business (UMA)
  • BUS 101: Intro to Business (UMPI)
  • BUS 213: Business Communications (UMF)

Education & Training (External Site)

The education and training career cluster focuses on the activities, resources, and locations that provide all kinds of learning services. It includes careers at public and private schools at every level—pre-K through high school—as well as colleges and universities. Occupations at libraries, museums and corporate training services are also part of this cluster.

  • CHF 201: Intro to Child Development (UM)
  • EDU 100: Intro to Teacher Education (UMA)
  • EDU 100: Exploring Teaching as a Profession (USM)
  • EDU 177: Intro to Education (UMF)
  • EDU 225: Multicultural Child & Adolescent Development (USM)
  • EDU 336: Children’s Literature (USM)
  • PSY 225: Child & Adolescent Development (UMF)
  • SED 100: Introd to Special Education (UMF)

Energy (External Site)

Careers in the energy industry relate to extracting or harnessing power from a variety of sources, refining it and distributing it, and ensuring its safe use by consumers. With vast supplies of natural resources and ever-improving technologies, the United States is a global leader in the production of energy.

  • ERS 107: Energy, Environment, & Climate (UM)

Finance (External Site)

Finance relates to the services involved in financial and investment planning, banking, insurance, and business financial management. The finance and insurance industry is all about managing money and making financial transactions—from a child’s first savings account to multimillion-dollar corporate loans.

  • BUA 100: Intro to Business (UMA)
  • BUS 150: Intro to Financial Accounting (UMPI)
  • ECO 100: Contemporary Economics (UMPI)
  • ECO 101: Principles of Microeconomics (UMF)
  • ECO 154: Small Business Economics & Management (UM)
  • ECO 207: Macro & Micro Economics (UMPI)
  • FIN 201: Personal Finance (USM)

General Studies/Undecided

  • INT 193: Intro to Career Exploration & Development (UM)
  • SSC 100: Intro to Social Sciences (UMA)
  • UNV 100: University Experience (UMPI)

Government & Public Administration (External Site)

Careers in Government and Public Administration relate to planning and performing government functions at the local, state and federal levels, including governance, national security, foreign service, planning, revenue and taxation, and regulations.

A primary goal of virtually all careers in public service is to help improve the quality of life and

  • LDR 100: Foundations of Leadership (UM)
  • POS 101: Intro to American Government (USM)
  • POS 101: American Government (UMPI)
  • POS 112E: This is your Town (UMA)
  • POS 120: Intro to World Politics (UM) 
  • POS 121: Comparative Politics (UMF)
  • POS 211: Intro to Political Thought (UMPI)
  • POS 290: The Global Politics of Climate Change (UMF)

Health Science (External Site)

The primary work of careers in the health science cluster is to treat patients facing illness or injury—whether to cure or rehabilitate from a condition, to maintain wellness, or to provide comfort or palliative care to persons dealing with incurable conditions.

  • EXS 101: Intro to Exercise Science (UMPI)
  • HEA 105: Guns and Glory- Understanding Gun Violence and Public Health Prevention Measures in the USA (UMF)
  • HEA 106: Violence Across the Lifespan (UMF)
  • HEA 123: Contemporary Health Issues (UMF)
  • HEA 125: Global Health (UMF)
  • HEA 231: Child & Adolescent Health (UMF)
  • INT 107: Career Exploration in Health Professions (UM)
  • NUR 101: Intro to Nursing (UMFK)
  • NUR 165: Intro to Care of the Older Adult (UM)
  • VTE 100: Intro to Veterinary Technology (UMA)

Hospitality & Tourism (External Site)

Careers in the hospitality and tourism cluster relate to the management, marketing, and operations of restaurants and other food services, lodging, attractions, recreation events, and travel related services.

Human Services (External Site)

The Human Services career cluster relates to meeting human needs through activities such as counseling and mental health services, family and community services, personal care and consumer services.

  • CHF 200: Family Interaction (UM)
  • CHF 201: Intro to Child Development (UM)
  • HUS 101: Intro to Human Services (UMA)
  • NUR 165: Intro to Care of the Older Adult (UM)
  • REH 110: Intro to Disability
  • REH 112: Lunatics, Lockups, & Lobotomies (UMF)
  • REH 120: Intro to Social Services (UMF)
  • REH 200: Counseling & Helping Relationships (UMF)

Information Technology (External Site)

Information Technology relates to the design, development, support and management of hardware, software, multimedia and systems integration services. The United States is the world’s largest technology market, and the IT industry is a major contributor to our overall economy.

  • BIS 105: Excel Fundamentals for Business Analytics (UM)
  • BIS 235: Digital Business Transformation (UM)
  • CIS 101: Intro to Computer Science (UMA)
  • CIS 150: Intro to Data Science (UMA)
  • COS 140: Intro to Computer Science (UMF)
  • COS 150: Data Mining (UMF)
  • ISS 210: Intro to Information Security (UMA)
  • TEC 101: Intro to Excel VBA (UMF)
  • TEC 102: Intro to SQL (UMF)
  • TEC 103: Intro to Python (UMF)
  • TEC 104: Intro to R (UMF)
  • TEC 105: Data Visualization with Tableau (UMF)
  • TEC 106: Intermediate Excel for Business (UMF)
  • TEC 107: Data Analysis Using Excel (UMF)

Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security (External Site)

The law, public safety, corrections, and security career cluster is all about protecting and serving the public. People working in this sector deal with protecting life and property, enforcing laws, providing legal counsel, sentencing defendants, and rehabilitating offenders.

  • CRJ 100: Intro to Criminal Justice (UMPI)
  • JUS 103: Foundations of Criminal Justice (UMA)

Manufacturing (External Site)

Workers in the manufacturing career cluster produce nearly all the products and equipment used in daily life. Manufacturing is the transformation of raw materials or parts into a new product.

Marketing (External Site)

The marketing career cluster includes sales and advertising, and focuses on influencing consumers’ buying behavior and generating sales for products and services. Just about every type of organization, from your corner grocer to regional banks, public universities to multinational corporations, participates in marketing in some way.

  • BUA 100: Intro to Business (UMA)

Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM) (External Site)

Careers in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math cluster relate to planning, managing and providing scientific research and professional and technical services such as laboratory and testing services, and research and development services.

  • AVI 110: Intro to Aviation (UMA)
  • BIO 103: Human Biology (UMPI)
  • BIO 110: Introductory Biology (UMF)
  • BIO 117: This is Life! (UM)
  • BIO 112: General Biology I (UMPI)
  • CHY 101: Intro to Cannabis Chemistry (UMF)
  • CHY 111: General Chemistry 1 (UMPI)
  • CIE 210: Sustainability for Engineering (UM)
  • CIS 101: Intro to Computer Science (UMA)
  • CIS 150: Intro to Data Science (UMA)
  • COS 101: Intro to Computer Science (UMPI)
  • COS 150: Data Mining (UMF)
  • COS 140: Intro to Computer Science (UMF)
  • ENV 110: Intro to Environmental Science (UMF)
  • ERS 107: Energy, Environment, & Climate (UM)
  • ESP 101: Environmental Science & Sustainability (USM)
  • ISS 210: Intro to Information Security (UMA)
  • INV 121: Fundamentals of Innovation (UM)
  • MAT 101: Basic Statistics (UMPI)
  • MAT 103: Numbers, Operations, & Algebraic Thinking for Elementary Teachers (UMF)
  • MAT 104: Geometry & Measurement for Elementary Teachers (UMF)
  • MAT 105: Data, Statistics, & Probability for Elementary Teachers (UMF)
  • MAT 117: College Algebra (UMPI)
  • MAT 120: Introductory Statistics (UMF)
  • MAT 131: Calculus I (UMPI)
  • MAT 141: Calculus I (UMF)
  • MEP 100: Intro to Engineering (UMA)
  • PHY 153: General Physics I (UMPI)
  • STS 132: Principles of Statistical Inference (UM)
  • TEC 101: Intro to Excel VBA (UMF)
  • TEC 102: Intro to SQL (UMF)
  • TEC 103: Intro to Python (UMF)
  • TEC 104: Intro to R (UMF)
  • TEC 105: Data Visualization with Tableau (UMF)
  • TEC 106: Intermediate Excel for Business (UMF)
  • TEC 107: Data Analysis Using Excel (UMF)
  • UAS 210: Intro to Unmanned Aircraft (UMA)
  • VTE 100: Intro to Veterinary Technology (UMA)

Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics (External Site)

The Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics cluster is all about moving people and things from one location to another quickly, safely, and at a low cost.

Workers in this industry design transportation systems, operate or repair equipment, plan how to move materials, and take care of storing products. Transportation systems included in this cluster include aircraft, railroad, waterways, over the road, and pipelines.

  • AVI 110: Intro to Aviation (UMA)
  • UAS 210: Intro to Unmanned Aircraft (UMA)

Still have questions about what is the best course to take, then

Image of 3 stacked textbooks

Students are responsible for purchasing required textbooks and other supplies needed for their courses.

Books do not need to be purchased through our online bookstores. Students can sometimes find books cheaper through other websites. When purchasing items on another website make sure to search based on the ISBN and not the book title to make sure the correct edition is ordered.

Bookstore Links

How to Find and Order Course Materials

Clip art image of a document

The links below will go to the course catalogs for each campus or the AP4ME course descriptions web page.

Not all courses listed are offered every semester. For a listing of courses offered each semester review “Online & On-Campus Course Offerings by Semester” in the section below.

Understanding the Five Types of Education Modalities 

In Person (P)

Courses will be taught in-person, on-campus on the days and hours listed in the course schedule.

Online (WW)

Courses will be conducted entirely online through Brightspace or another learning management system (asynchronous) and digital course materials, such as video lectures, readings, discussion boards, etc. Students will not attend a scheduled course session at a campus location or through Zoom.

Distance Synchronous (DS)

Courses will be conducted entirely in LIVE (synchronous), online sessions (using Zoom or similar tools) on the days and hours listed in the course schedule. Students will not attend course on-campus.

Hybrid/Blended (HB)

Courses will be a mixture of in-person classroom instruction and online components. Students should be available on the days and hours listed in the schedule of course meetings.

Hyflex (HF)

A single course is designed so students can choose the instruction mode that fits their needs. Courses designated hyflex shall be offered both in-person and distance synchronously. There shall be no requirement to record courses or to provide copies of such recordings to anyone. Students can choose to experience the course flexibly through any one of the two (possibly three) modes interchangeably during the semester. Student still need to keep pace with the course schedule.

In-PersonOnlineDistance SynchronousHybrid/
Will I meet in a classroom at a campus, center, or site?YesNoNoYes
Some of the time.
Students Choose
Am I expected to meet at the scheduled time for the course meetings?YesNoYesYesYes
Will I have the opportunity to interact “live”  with other students? YesNoYes
Using Zoom or similar tools
Will I have to meet live online using Zoom (or similar tools)?Possibly
An option but would not be required.
This would be in place of meeting in a classroom, at a campus, or site.
Students Choose
Students can complete activities and materials entirely online some weeks, in person, or using Zoom other weeks. Refer to the course description and syllabus for details.
Will there be a Brightspace course site that is used with this course?Possibly
Some in person courses use Brightspace, and some do not. Check the syllabus.
Does the course also have an option to watch a recording of the live course session as an online course?No
However, course sessions may be recorded for study or to support occasional absences.
For example, the online section of a hyflex course.
However, course sessions may be recorded for study or to support occasional absences.
However, course sessions may be recorded for study or to support occasional absences.
If the instructor choses to provide an online asynchronous option.

Will students have support if they need help in a course?

Yes! Students will not be learning on their own. No matter what types of courses they choose, UMS is committed to supporting students. Instructors, tutors, and teacher’s assistants are doing their best to make sure that they have the help they need, whether they are in person, online, or somewhere in between.

Are there courses that allow me to go at my own pace?

No. Even online courses still have due dates and deadlines throughout the semester. All course types will follow a university semester schedule, including a finals schedule.

Not all courses listed are offered every semester. For a listing of courses offered each semester review “Online & On-Campus Course Offerings by Semester” in the section above.

Logo for University of Maine at Augusta

American Studies

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
AME 105: Black Lives in American Music3Humanities
AME 121: Native American Cultures I3ENG 101Humanities
AME 122: Native American Cultures II3ENG 101Humanities
AME 201W: Introduction to American Studies3Prerequisite or Co-requisite: ENG 101Humanities
AME 205: Religion and American Culture3Humanities
AME 265: The American Movie3ENG 101Humanities


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ANT 101: Introduction to Anthropology3Social Science
ANT 121: Native American Cultures I3ENG 101Social Science
ANT 122: Native American Cultures II3ENG 101Social Science


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ARC 100: Architectural Design Studio for Non-Majors3Fine Arts

Art History

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ARH 105: History of Art and Architecture I3Fine Arts
ARH 106: History of Art and Architecture II3Fine Arts
ARH 205: History of Photography I (1830-1930)3Fine Arts
ARH 206: History of Photography II (1930-Present)3Fine Arts
ARH 214W: Writing about Art3ENG 101 and either ARH 105/ARC 111 or ARH 106.
ARH 274: Modern Art I3ARH 106


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ART 100: Introduction to Studio Art3Fine Arts
ART 109: Photographic Vision and Digital Discovery3Fine Arts
ART 112: 2-D Design3Fine Arts
ART 113: 3-D Design3
ART 115: Drawing I3Art 112Fine Arts
ART 140: Introduction to Digital Imaging3Fine Arts
ART 202: Graphic Design I: Type and Image for Print and Web3ART 1XX, ENG 1XX
ART 203: Art Photography Now3ENG 101 or ARTXXX
ART 210: Intaglio Printmaking3ART 112 or ART 115
ART 215: Drawing II3ART 115
ART 219: Sculpture I3ART 113
ART 221: Painting I3ART 113
ART 229: Metal Sculpture3ART 113
ART 251: Ceramics I: Introductory Hand-building3ART 112 or ART 113


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
AVI 110: Introduction to Aviation3
AVI 120: History of Aviation3ENG 101
AVI 141: Private Pilot Ground Training3
AVI 150: Aviation Weather Science3


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
BIO 100 Human Biology4A minimum grade of C in MAT 009 OR appropriate scores on the UMA Placement Test and ENG 101.Natural Sciences
BIO 104 Introduction to Human Nutrition3A minimum grade of C in REA 008, ENG 005 or ENG 100 and MAT 009 OR appropriate scores on the UMA Placement Test.
BIO 110 General Biology I4Recent chemistry course highly recommended. A minimum grade of C in REA 008, ENG 005 or ENG 100 and MAT 009 OR appropriate scores on the UMA Placement Test.
BIO 114: Principles of Evolution3An introductory college-level biology course is helpful but not essential.
BIO 202: Biological Basis of Behavior3BIO 100 or PSY 100
BIO 204: Nutrition II: Biocultural Perspective on Food and Nutrition3BIO 104 or SSC 100
BIO 210: Anatomy and Physiology4BIO 110 or recent biology course
BIO 215: Introduction to Human Genetics3BIO 100 OR BIO 110
BIO 220: Marine Biology3ENG 100 and appropriate scores on the UMA Placement Test.


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
BUA 100: Introduction to Business3
BUA 101: Survey of Accounting3MAT 030 (or equivalent)
BUA 151: Personal Financial Planning3
BUA 201: Intermediate Financial Reporting I3BUA 101
BUA 202: Intermediate Financial Reporting II3BUA 201
BUA 205: Excel for Business Applications3MAT 030 (or equivalent)
BUA 210: Fundamentals of Life and Health Insurance3MAT 030 (or equivalent)
BUA 211: Accounting for Management Decisions3BUA 101
BUA 215: Principles of Banking3
BUA 216: Consumer Lending3
BUA 217: Commercial Lending3
BUA 222: Fundamentals of Property and Casualty Insurance3
BUA 223: Principles of Management3ENG 101 should be taken prior to or concurrently with this course.
BUA 230: Business Law3
BUA 241: Marketing for Small Business3
BUA 242: Finance & Control Small Business3BUA 101
BUA 243: Issues in Small Business3BUA 101 or BUS 242
BUA 252: Business Ethics3ENG 101
BUA 253: Principles of Investments3BUS 101 and BUA 211
BUA 259W: Strategic Management for the Small Business3BUA 211 and BUS 223/JUS 223/POS 223
BUA 276: Taxation3BUA 101
BUA 286: QuickBooks3BUA 101


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
CHY 100: Fundamentals of Chemistry3Natural Sciences
CHY 103: Chemistry for the Life Sciences3MAT 030 (or equivalent)Natural Sciences
CHY 108: Allied Health Chemistry3Natural Sciences
CHY 111: Chemistry for the Life Sciences3BUA 101
CHY 112: Chemistry for the Life Sciences Lab3BUA 201
CHY 115: General Chemistry I3MAT 030 (or equivalent)Natural Sciences
CHY 116: General Chemistry II3MAT 030 (or equivalent)
CHY 117: Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry3BUA 101

Computer Information Systems

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
CIS 100: Introduction to Computer Applications3Computer Science
CIS 100G: Introduction to Computer Applications-Google3Computer Science
CIS 101: Introduction to Computer Science3Computer Science
CIS 110: Programming Fundamentals3
CIS 120: Introduction to Data Structures3CIS 110
CIS 131: Web Applications and Development3
CIS 135: Introduction to Information Systems and Applications Development3CIS 100 or CIS 101
CIS 150: Introduction to Data Science 3
CIS 212: Introduction to Visual Basic Programming3CIS 110
CIS 214: Introduction to Java Programming3CIS 110
CIS 215: Introduction to C++ Programming3CIS 110
CIS 216: Programming in C# and .NET3CIS 110
CIS 218: Introduction to SQL3CIS 110 or CIS 150
CIS 219: Topics in Programming3CIS 110
CIS 220: Information Technology Hardware and Systems Software3
CIS 221: Linux3
CIS 225: Introduction to Health Informatics3CIS 100
CIS 231: Java Script3CIS 131
CIS 240: Networking Concepts3CIS 101
CIS 241: Routing and Switching3CIS 240
CIS 242: Installing and Configuring Windows Server3CIS 220 and CIS 240
CIS 243: XML3CIS 131
CIS 244: Windows Server Administration3CIS 242
CIS 245: Wireless Networking3CIS 240
CIS 246: Introduction to Linux Server Administration3CIS 220 and CIS 240
CIS 248: Advanced Linux Server Administration3CIS 246
CIS 251: Web Authoring Tools3CIS 131
CIS 255: Database Design3CIS 101 or CIS 135 or CIS 150
CIS 260: Cisco Networking3CIS 240
CIS 262: Switching and Routing3CIS 260

College Experience

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
COL 100: Introduction to the College Experience1
COL 101: Youth Orientation to UMA1
COL 123: Learning & the College Community3
COL 214: Professionalism in the Workplace1


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
COM 101: Public Speaking3Oral Communication
COM 102: Interpersonal Communications3Oral Communication
COM 104: Communication in Groups and Organizations3Oral Communication
COM 106: Oral Communication of Literature3Oral Communication
COM 160: Interpersonal Health Communication3Oral Communication
COM 190: Nonverbal Communication3Oral Communication
COM 205: Forms of Social Influence3COM 101 or COM 102 or COM 104 or COM 106

Data Science

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
DSC 100: Data and Computing Literacy for the 21st Century3
DSC 225: Introduction to Health Informatics3CIS 100, or permission of instructor.
DSC 255: Database Design3CIS 101 or CIS 135 or CIS 150


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
DRA 101: Introduction to Theatre3Fine Arts, Humanities
DRA 106: Oral Communication of Literature3Fine Arts, Humanities
DRA 251: Introduction to Acting3Fine Arts, Humanities
DRA 265: The American Movie3ENG 101Fine Arts, Humanities
DRA 280: Introduction to Films3ENG 101Fine Arts, Humanities


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ECO 100: Introduction to Economics3ENG 100 and appropriate scores on the UMA Placement Test.Social Science
ECO 201: Macroeconomics3Knowledge of high school algebra and graphical analysis is assumed.Social Science
ECO 202: Microeconomics3Knowledge of high school algebra and graphical analysis is assumed.Social Science


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
EDU 100: Introduction to Teacher Education2
EDU 200W: Diversity, Poverty, and Cultural Competency3ENG 101Cultural Diversity
EDU 215: Field Experience I1EDU 200W or instructor permission.
EDU 216: Field Experience II2EDU 200W or instructor permission.
EDU 250: The Teaching Profession3ENG 101


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ENG 100: Introduction to Academic Reading & Writing3
ENG 101: College Writing3ENG 101Cultural Diversity
ENG 102W: Introduction to Literature3EDU 200W or instructor permission.
ENG 111W: Journalism3EDU 200W or instructor permission.
ENG 185W: Introduction to Mythology: Origins of Literature3ENG 101
ENG 202W: Survey of British Literature I: Beowulf to Romantics3ENG 102W
ENG 203W: Survey of British Literature II: Romantics to the 20th Century3ENG 102W
ENG 210W: Writing for Allied Health3ENG 101
ENG 214W: Writing about Art3ENG 101 and either ARH 105/ARC 111 or ARH 106
ENG 250W: Survey of American Literature I: The Colonial Era to the Civil War3ENG 102W
ENG 251W: Survey of American Literature II: Post-Civil War to Contemporary3ENG 102W

Foreign Language

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ASL 101: Introduction to American Sign Language I4Cultural Diversity, Humanities
ASL 102: American Sign Language II4ASL 101Cultural Diversity, Humanities
FRE 101: Elementary French I4Humanities
FRE 102: Elementary French II4FRE 101 OR a minimum score of 70% on the French Placement TestHumanities
FRE 103: Basic French Conversation: Beginners and Beyond1
FRE 203: Intermediate French I4FRE 102 OR 2 years of high school French.Cultural Diversity, Humanities
FRE 204: Intermediate French II4FRE 203 OR 3 years of high school French.Cultural Diversity, Humanities
SPA 101: Elementary Spanish I4Cultural Diversity, Humanities
SPA 102: Elementary Spanish II4SPA 101 or 1 to 2 years of high school Spanish.Cultural Diversity, Humanities


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
GEO 101: Introduction to Geography3


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
GEY 101: Physical Geology4ENG 101 and appropriate score on the UMA Math Placement.


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
HTY 103: United States History I3ENG 101Humanities
HTY 104: United States History II3ENG 101Humanities
HTY 105: World Civilizations I, Prehistory to 15003ENG 101Humanities
HTY 106: World Civilizations II, From 1500 to the Present3ENG 101Humanities
HTY 120: History of Aviation3ENG 101Humanities
HTY 207: European History II, 1500-present3ENG 101Humanities

Human Services

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
HUS 101: Introduction to Human Services3
HUS 125: Introduction to Substance Use Disorder3

Information and Library Science

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ILS 100: Introduction to Libraries and Library Careers3
ILS 101: Information Science and Libraries3ILS 100
ILS 109: Information Literacy1
ILS 150: Introduction to Reference Services and Materials3ILS 100, ILS 101, and ENG 101
ILS 175: Cataloging and Technical Processes3ILS 100
ILS 201: Library Services to Teens3ILS 100
ILS 202: Library Materials and Services for Children3ILS 100 and ILS 109 (can be taken concurrently)
ILS 205: Readers’ Advisory3ILS 100, ILS 101, and ENG 101
ILS 225: Introduction to Library Information Technologies3ILS 100 and CIS 101
ILS 250: Collection Development3ILS 100

Information Systems Security

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ISS 210: Introduction to Information Systems Security3

Justice Studies

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
JUS 103: Foundations of Criminal Justice3Social Science
JUS 121: Criminal Law3JUS 103
JUS 271W: Due Process in Criminal Justice3JUS 103 and ENG 101

Mathematics & Statistics

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MAT 111: Algebra II3Appropriate scores on the math version and the reading version of the UMA Placement Test.Quantitative Reasoning
MAT 112: College Algebra3MAT 111 with a minimum grade of C, not C-, or higher OR appropriate scores on the math version and the reading version of the UMA Placement Test.Quantitative Reasoning
MAT 115: Elementary Statistics I3Appropriate scores on the math version and the reading version of the UMA Placement Test.Quantitative Reasoning
MAT 116: Plane Geometry3Appropriate scores on math version and reading version of the UMA Placement Test.Quantitative Reasoning
MAT 124: Pre-Calculus3MAT 112Quantitative Reasoning
MAT 125: Calculus I4MAT 124Quantitative Reasoning
MAT 126: Calculus II4MAT 125 with a minimum grade of “C”.Quantitative Reasoning

Maine Engineering Pathway

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MEP 100: Introduction to Engineering1ENG 100 and appropriate scores on the UMA Placement Test.


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MUS 100: Recital Lab0
MUS 101: Music Theory Blended: Contemporary and Traditional I3Fine Arts
MUS 102: Music Theory Blended: Contemporary and Traditional II3MUS 101
MUS 111: Aural Skills I1Fine Arts
MUS 112: Aural Skills II1MUS 111
MUS 115: Private Music Lessons: Instrument, Voice or Songwriting for the Non-Music Major1-2Fine Arts
MUS 122: Fundamentals of Music3Fine Arts
MUS 151: Music Performance Ensemble(s)1Fine Arts
MUS 181: Piano Lab I1Fine Arts
MUS 182: Piano Lab II1Fine Arts
MUS 203: Music Theory Blended: Contemporary and Traditional III3MUS 102
MUS 204: Music Theory Blended: Contemporary and Traditional IV3MUS 203
MUS 213: Aural Skills III1MUS 112
MUS 214: Aural Skills IV1MUS 213
MUS 221: Arranging3MUS 102 and MUS 271
MUS 262: Woodwind Techniques2MUS 102
MUS 263: Brass Techniques2MUS 102
MUS 264: String Techniques2MUS 102
MUS 265: Percussion Techniques2MUS 102
MUS 266: Vocal Techniques2MUS 102
MUS 270: Music Business3
MUS 271: Music Notation Software3MUS 101

Music History

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MUH 103: Music of the United States3Fine Arts, Humanities
MUH 105: Black Lives in American Music3Fine Arts, Humanities
MUH 110: Popular Music3Fine Arts, Humanities
MUH 117: Rock History3Fine Arts, Humanities
MUH 118: Golden Age of Country Music 1950-19703Fine Arts, Humanities
MUH 123: Understanding Music3Fine Arts, Humanities
MUH 124: Music of the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries3Fine Arts, Humanities
MUH 160: World Music3Fine Arts, Humanities
MUH 190: Women, Music, and Culture3Fine Arts, Humanities

Music Technology

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MTK 100: Audio Recording I3
MTK 101: Audio Recording II3MTK 100
MTK 103: Transducers and Processors3
MTK 200: Audio Editing Lab1MTK 101
MTK 210: Ear Training for Audio Engineers I1MUS 122
MTK 211: Ear Training for Audio Engineers II1MTK 210
MTK 220: Introduction to Electronic Dance Music (EDM) and Hip-Hop Production3Any AUD, MUH, MUS, MTK, CIS course
MTK 230: Audio Electronics: Concepts, Circuits, and Control3MTK 103
MTK 231: Audio Electronics: Electronic Prototyping Platforms3MTK 230


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
PHI 103: Introduction to Philosophy3ENG 101Humanities
PHI 135: Critical Thinking3ENG 101
PHI 250: Ethics3ENG 101Humanities


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
PHY 115: General Physics I4MAT 111Natural Science, Quantitative Reasoning
PHY 116: General Physics II4PHY 115 & MAT 115

Political Science

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
POS 101: American Government3Social Science
POS 223: Principles of Management3ENG 101 (or concurrently)
POS 234: American State and Local Government3
POS 290: eGovernment3


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
PSY 100: Introduction to Psychology3Social Science
PSY 202: Biological Basis of Behavior3BIO 100 or PSY 100
PSY 205: Forms of Social Influence3COM 101, COM 102, COM 104 or COM 106
PSY 229: Models of Addiction3PSY 100


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
REC 112: Introduction to Health and Wellness3


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
REL 205: Religion and American Culture3


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
SCI 110: Environmental Science4ENG 101Natural Sciences
SCI 115: Introduction to Marine Sciences4ENG 101 and appropriate score on the UMA Placement Test.Natural Sciences


Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology3Social Science
SOC 201: Social Problems3SOC 101

Social Science

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
SSC 100: Introduction to Social Science3Social Science
SSC 110: Introduction to Human Sexuality3Social Science
SSC 204: Nutrition II: Biocultural Perspective on Food and Nutrition3BIO 104 or SSC 100
SSC 205: Religion and American Culture3
SSC 220: Introduction to Research Literacy3One introductory social science course

Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
UAS 109: Seeing Photographically3
UAS 110: Introduction to Aviation3
UAS 115: Electronic Fundamentals with Lab4
UAS 210: Introduction to Unmanned Aircraft Systems4
UAS 220: UAS Design, Assembly, & Maintenance Fixed Wing Aircraft4UAS 210
UAS 230: Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Design, Assembly, and Maintenance with Lab-Rotary Wing4UAS 210, UAS 220

Veterinary Technology

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
VTE 100: Introduction to Veterinary Technology3

Women and Gender Studies

Course CreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
WGS 101W: Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies3ENG 101Cultural Diversity, Humanities
WGS 102: Introduction to Sexualities Studies3Cultural Diversity, Humanities
WGS 190: Women, Music, and Culture3Cultural Diversity, Humanities
University of Maine at Farmington logo


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ANT 101: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3Social Science
ANT 102: Introduction to Archaeology3Arts, Social Science
ANT 103: Human Origins3Social Science
ANT 202: World Archaeology3
ANT 210: Latin America: Cultures and Contexts3
ANT 225: Andean Explorations3
ANT 230: Linguistic Anthropology3Social Science
ANT 233: Ancient North America3
ANT 235: The Culture of Capitalism3
ANT 240: Environmental Justice3
ANT 245: The Anthropocene: Age of Humans3Social Science
ANT 250: Ethnography: In the Field3ANT 101
ANT 255: Performance: Culture, Meaning and Society3
ANT 257: Criminality, Freedom and Justice3Social Science
ANT 260: Violence, Warfare and Culture3
ANT 263: Anthropology of Borderlands3
ANT 265: Climate Change and Society3
ANT 270: Ancient Latin America3
ANT 275: Gender, Sexuality and Society3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ART 112: Digital Imaging3Arts
ART 115: Drawing 13Arts
ART 119: Introduction to Sculpture3Arts
ART 120: C. R. A. P. P. (Creative Relationship of Art and the Personal Politic)3Arts
ART 121: Painting I3Arts
ART 177: Topics in Art3
ART 197: Independent study3
ART 209: Installation Art I3
ART 219: Sculptural Experiments I3
ART 220: Film: A Cultural Affair3
ART 223: Robotic and Kinetic Art3Arts
ART 224: Surrealism: The Permanent Revolution3
ART 225: Painting II3
ART 226: Painting off the Wall3
ART 228: Space and Place3
ART 229: Digital Photography3
ART 234: User Experience Design3Arts
ART 239: Animation3
ART 241: Video I3Sophomore standing & knowledge of Mac OS.
ART 244: Graphic Design I3Arts

Art History

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ARH 110: Art and Environment3
ARH 114: Ancient through Medieval Art and Architecture3
ARH 116: Renaissance to Modern Art and Architecture3
ARH 170: Art and Ideas3
ARH 177: Topics in Art History3
ARH 272: History of Japanese Art3
ARH 274: Modern Art3
ARH 276: Contemporary Art3
ARH 280: World Film3Arts


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
BIO 110: Introductory Biology4Natural Science
BIO 130: Tropical Nature: Exploring Costa Rica4
BIO 141: The Living Earth: Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity4
BIO 142: The Living Earth: The Cellular and Molecular World4
BIO 150: Human Anatomy & Physiology I4Natural Science
BIO 212: Principles of Ecology4BIO 141 & BIO 142
BIO 232: Landscape Ecology4BIO 141, BIO 142, & BIO 212
BIO 252: Genetics4BIO 141 & BIO 142
BIO 253: Human Anatomy and Physiology II4BIO 150
BIO 265: Ecological Restoration4BIO 141, BIO 142, & BIO 212


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
BUS 101: Business, Society and Sustainability3
BUS 130: Introduction to Recreation & Tourism3Social Science
BUS 203: Introduction to Financial Accounting3
BUS 204: Introduction to Managerial Accounting3
BUS 206: Financial Planning3
BUS 210: Principles of Management3sophomore standing
BUS 211: Management and Organizational Behavior3sophomore standing
BUS 213: Business Communications3
BUS 220: Principles of Marketing3sophomore standing
BUS 222: Hospitality Management3
BUS 225: Retail Operations3
BUS 229: Alpine Operations Leadership and Management3BUS 130 or sophomore standing
BUS 252: Excel for Data Analytics3
BUS 260: Recreation and Adventure Travel Business Administration3BUS 210 & BUS 220.
BUS 262: Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management3
BUS 265: Negotiations3
BUS 270: Management Information Systems3sophomore standing


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
CHY 101: Introduction to Cannabis Chemistry4
CHY 102: Extraction and Analysis4CHY 101
CHY 110: Elementary Chemistry4Natural Sciences
CHY 130: General, Organic, Biochemistry for Health Sciences (GOB for Health Sciences)4
CHY 141: General Chemistry I4One year of high school chemistry plus one year high school algebra
CHY 142: General Chemistry II4CHY 141
CHY 241: Organic Chemistry I4CHY 141 & CHY 142
CHY 242: Organic Chemistry II4CHY 141, CHY 142 & CHY 241

Computer Science

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
COS 120: Web Design3
COS 140: Introduction to Computer Science4
COS 141: Software Design and Development3COS 140
COS 142: Data Structures3COS 140
COS 150: Data Mining3
COS 280: Networking and Security3COS 140

Early Childhood Education

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ECH 150: Introduction to Early Childhood Education3
ECH 200: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Practices and Principles in Early Childhood Settings3
ECH 201: Language Development, Early Literacy, and Children’s Literature6ENG 100 & ECH 150
ECH 203: Children’s Literature3ENG 100 & ECH 150
ECH 204: Early Language and Literacy Development3ENG 100 & ECH 150
ECH 232: Social Science for the Young Child3ECH 150
ECH 250: Infants and Toddlers: Development and Care3ECH 150
ECH 256: Creative Arts for the Young Child3

Early Childhood Special Education

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
ECS 103: Introduction to Teaching Early Childhood Special Education3
ECS 207: Guidance and Behavioral Interventions for Social Emotional Challenges in Early Childhood Special Education3ECS 103


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
ECO 101: Principles of Macroeconomics3Social Sciences
ECO 102: Principles of Microeconomics3Social Sciences
ECO 228: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics3ECO 101 or ECO 102
ECO 230: Behavorial Economics3ECO 101 & ECO 102
ECO 245: Crisis Economics3
ECO 260: The Global Majority3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
EDU 177: Topics in Education3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ENG 100: Writing Seminar3ENG 100- Writing Seminar
ENG 116: Intro to Poetic Forms & Devices3
ENG 117: Local Stories/Your Stories3
ENG 121: Introduction to Linguistics3ENG 100Humanities
ENG 123: Grammar: A Linguistic Approach3ENG 100
ENG 130: Tropical Nature: Exploring Costa Rica3
ENG 150: Creative Writing3
ENG 152: Creative Writing for Non-Majors3
ENG 160: Literature and Your Life3Humanities
ENG 161: Introduction to Film Genres3
ENG 181: Literary Analysis and Interpretation3ENG 100Humanities
ENG 200: Writing for the Professions3ENG 100 and sophomore standing
ENG 201: Writing for the Public3ENG 100 and sophomore standing
ENG 202: Editing3
ENG 203: Essentials of Publishing3ENG 100 and sophomore standing.
ENG 204: Studies in Book Arts3ENG 100 and sophomore standing.
ENG 205: Advanced Writing Seminar3ENG 100 and sophomore standing.
ENG 206: Literary and Cultural Theory3ENG 100 & ENG 181
ENG 210: Fiction Writing3ENG 100 & ENG 152
ENG 211: Poetry Writing3ENG 100 & ENG 152
ENG 212: Creative Nonfiction3ENG 100 & ENG 152
ENG 213: Journalism3ENG 100Humanities
ENG 214: Screenwriting3ENG 100 & ENG 152
ENG 215: Writing for Children and Young Adults3ENG 100 & ENG 152
ENG 218: Writing for the Stage3ENG 100 & ENG 152
ENG 219: Digital and Immersive Storytelling: Creative Writing Across Mediums3ENG 100 & ENG 152
ENG 220: Nature Writing3
ENG 224: Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language3
ENG 230: Writing/Teaching of Writing3ENG 100 & sophomore standing
ENG 250: Shakespeare3ENG 100 & ENG 181
ENG 251: British Texts and Contexts I3ENG 100 & ENG 181
ENG 252: British Texts and Contexts II3ENG 100 & ENG 181
ENG 263: Studies in Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century American Literature3ENG 100 & ENG 181
ENG 265: African American Literature and Culture3ENG 100 & ENG 181
ENG 267: Twentieth-Century American Poetry3ENG 100 & ENG 181
ENG 279: Multicultural Literature and Film3ENG 100Humanities
ENG 280: Video Games and Literature3ENG 100Humanities
ENG 288: Topics in Literature and Gender3ENG 100Humanities
ENG 296: Postcolonial Literature3ENG 100Humanities

Environmental Policy and Planning

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
EPP 131: Conservation and Environment3Social Sciences
EPP 204: Introduction to GIS4Social Sciences
EPP 221: Documentary Photography: Social and Environmental Storytelling3Social Sciences
EPP 231: Environmental Issues3
EPP 241: Life Cycle Assessment1
EPP 242: Climate and Sustainability Reporting1
EPP 244: Mobile Mapping and GIS3
EPP 260: Sustainable Tourism3
EPP 280: Climate Justice and Adaptation3Social Sciences

Environmental Science

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
ENV 110: Introductory Environmental Science4Natural Sciences
ENV 130: Tropical Nature: Exploring Costa Rica4
ENV 232: Landscape Ecology4BIO 141, BIO 142, & BIO 212
ENV 257: Soil Science4One 100-level geology course & CHY 142.
ENV 265: Ecological Restoration4BIO 141, BIO 142, & BIO 212

Foreign Language

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
CHI 177: Topics in Chinese3
SED 106: Sign Language3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
GEO 103: Peoples and Environments3Social Sciences
GEO 104: Global Transformations3Social Sciences
GEO 131: Conservation and Environment3Social Sciences
GEO 204: Introduction to GIS4Social Sciences
GEO 212: Latin America: Peoples & Environments3Social Sciences
GEO 214: Asia: Peoples & Environments3
GEO 219: Geography of Maine3
GEO 221: Documentary Photography: Social and Environmental Storytelling3Social Sciences
GEO 231: Environmental Issues3
GEO 244: Mobile Mapping and GIS3
GEO 260: Sustainable Tourism3
GEO 265: Climate Change and Society3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
GEY 110: Introductory Geology4Natural Sciences
GEY 141: Dynamic Earth: Environment and Economy4Natural Sciences
GEY 142: Dynamic Earth: The Mineral Kingdom4
GEY 203: Surficial Processes4GEY 141Natural Sciences
GEY 252: Hierarchy of Earth Materials4GEY 142


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
HEA 100: Health for College: Lecture and Activity3Health
HEA 104: Health for College: Lecture only3Health
HEA 105: Guns and Glory: Understanding Gun Violence and Public Health Prevention Measures in the USA3
HEA 106: Violence Across the Lifesplan3
HEA 120: Emergency Medical Response/Principles and Practices3
HEA 123: Contemporary Health Issues3
HEA 125: Global Health3
HEA 200: Athletic Injuries: Prevention and Emergency Response3PEC 100 & BIO 150
HEA 203: Theory and Practice for the Personal Trainer3
HEA 210: Environmental Health3
HEA 211: Substance Abuse Prevention3
HEA 212: Social Emotional Well-Being/Stress Management3
HEA 218: Health Behavior Change Theory3
HEA 231: Child and Adolescent Health3
HEA 241: Nutrition and Exercise3
HEA 243: Nutrition and Obesity3
HEA 245: Nutrition and Ecological Concerns3
HEA 250: Sex and Gender Health3
HEA 260: Health Promotion Biology3
HEA 262: Human Sexuality3
HEA 263: Sexuality Education PK-123


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
HTY 103: United States History I3Social Sciences
HTY 104: United States History II3
HTY 110: Global History I3Social Sciences
HTY 111: Global History II3
HTY 200: Approaches to History3
HTY 203: Race and Rights in American History3
HTY 204: Introduction to Caribbean History3Social Sciences
HTY 212: Making of the Modern World3
HTY 213: Cross-Cultural Middle Ages: Europe and Its Neighbors3Social Sciences
HTY 214: Spain from 1000:17003
HTY 220: Women & Gender in Premodern Europe3Social Sciences
HTY 224: Cultural History of Spain3
HTY 230: Colonial America3
HTY 231: Revolutionary America3Social Sciences
HTY 232: Civil War and Reconstruction3
HTY 233: America’s Age of Expansion, 1783-18483
HTY 240: Maine History3
HTY 253: From Muhammad to Suleiman: Islamicate World in the First 1000 Years3
HTY 256: Classical Greece and Rome3
HTY 265: History of U.S. Immigration3
HTY 268: History of Christianity3

International & Global Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
INS 100: Introduction to International and Global Studies-Social Science3Social Sciences
INS 101: Introduction to International & Global Studies (Humanities)3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
JPN 110: Modern Japanese Society3

Maine Engineering Pathway

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MEP 100: Introduction to Engineering1


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MAT 100: Introduction to Mathematics3Math
MAT 103: Mathematical Content for Elementary School Teachers I3Math
MAT 104: Mathematical Content for Elementary School Teachers II3Math
MAT 105: Data, Statistics, and Probability for Elementary Teachers3
MAT 120: Introductory Statistics3Math
MAT 132: Precalculus3Math
MAT 141: Calculus I4Math
MAT 142: Calculus II4MAT 141 with a grade of C- or better.Math
MAT 151: Mathematical Proof3
MAT 160: Mathematical Modeling3
MAT 220: Data Analysis3MAT 141Math
MAT 228: Applied Statistics for Non-Math Majors3MAT 120
MAT 241: Calculus III4MAT 142
MAT 242: Differential Equations3MAT 142
MAT 251: Linear Algebra3MAT 141
MAT 275: History of Mathematics3MAT 141Math


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MUS 101: Fundamentals of Music3Arts
MUS 110: Chorus1Arts
MUS 113: Instrumental Ensembles1
MUS 120: Beginning Applied Music1-2Arts
MUS 121: Piano Class I2Arts
MUS 122: Piano Class II2MUS 121
MUS 123: Group Instrumental Lessons2
MUS 124: Group Voice Lessons2
MUS 160: Global Perspectives in Music3
MUS 204: Improvised Music in Theory and Practice3
MUS 208: Making Original Music I3
MUS 220: Intermediate Applied Music1-2audition & permissionArts
MUS 259: Music on Screen3Arts
MUS 265: Sound as Art3

Music History

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
MUH 100: This is Music!3Arts
MUH 250: The Piano: Music, People, Histories3sophomore standing
MUH 252: Beethoven and the Romantic Rebellion3
MUH 254: A History of Music and Time3
MUH 255: A History of Music and Technology3sophomore standing
MUH 259: Music of Japan3Arts
MUH 260: Jazz: Music, Race, and Culture3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
PHY 101: Descriptive Astronomy4
PHY 110: Elementary Physics4Natural Sciences
PHY 112: Introductory Meteorology4Natural Sciences
PHY 131: Physics I4Natural Sciences
PHY 132: Physics II4
PHY 241: Modern Physics4PHY 131 & PHY 132

Physical Education

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
PHE 10: Health and Fitness Activity1Health

Physical Education Coaching

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
PEC 100: Foundations of Coaching3
PEC 211: Coaching Methods3
PEC 219: Athletic Management and Administration3sophomore standing
PEC 225: Physical Training Theory and Applied Biomechanics3BIO 150

Political Science

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
POS 101: Introduction to American Government3Social Sciences
POS 121: Comparative Politics3
POS 136: World Politics3Social Sciences
POS 151: Classical Political Theory: Ancient Greece to the Enlightenment3Social Sciences
POS 200: Public Policy3sophomore standing
POS 201: Public Opinion, Interest Groups and Political Parties3POS 101
POS 204: American Foreign Policy3Social Sciences
POS 205: Practical Politics:Campaign Practicum3
POS 207: State and Maine Politics3POS 101, upper class standingSocial Sciences
POS 210: Presidency and Congress3POS 101, upper class standing
POS 214: Law and the Legal System3sophomore standing
POS 218: Tanzania: Ecotourism and Environmental Activism3
POS 220: Environmental Politics3
POS 223: East European and Russian Politics3
POS 224: Chinese Politics3
POS 226: Islam and Politics3
POS 227: African Politics3
POS 233: War and Peace3POS 136 & sophomore standing
POS 252: Modern Political Theory3
POS 255: American Political Thought3POS 101
POS 262: Italian Political History3
POS 264: German Political History3
POS 266: The Politics of Germany and Italy3
POS 267: The Politics of France and Great Britain3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
PSY 101: General Psychology3Social Sciences
PSY 104: Parenting the Young Child3
PSY 105: Personal Development and Psychological Well-Being3
PSY 106: Self-Determination: Theory and Practice3
PSY 107: Psychology of Video Games3
PSY 111: Adolescent Psychology3
PSY 202: Psychology in Cinema3
PSY 208: Social Psychology3PSY 101 or PSY 225Social Sciences
PSY 209: Abnormal Psychology3PSY 101 or PSY 225Social Sciences
PSY 211: Psychology of Learning and Behavioral Change3PSY 101 or PSY 225
PSY 220: Psychology of Gender3PSY 101 or PSY 225
PSY 222: Creativity and Intelligence3PSY 101 or PSY 225Social Sciences
PSY 225: Child and Adolescent Development3Social Sciences
PSY 226: Adulthood and Aging3
PSY 230: Death and Dying3Social Sciences
PSY 234: Ecopsychology3
PSY 235: Introduction to Counseling3PSY 101 or PSY 225Social Sciences
PSY 237: Psychology of Career Development3PSY 101 or PSY 225
PSY 247: The Psychology of Leadership3PSY 101Social Sciences
PSY 252: Positive Psychology3PSY 101 or PSY 225
PSY 275: Quantitative Applications to Psychology3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
REC 103: Principles and Practices of River and Flatwater Industry3
REC 104: Principles and Practices of Hiking, Biking and Camping3
REC 105: Principles and Practices of Summer Resort Operations3
REC 106: Principles and Practices of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife in Maine3
REC 107: Principles and Practices of Adventure Education3
REC 110: Equine Enterprise3
REC 132: Cold Weather Recreation and Leadership3
REC 133: Outdoor Recreation Leadership and Management3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
REH 110: Introduction to Disability Studies3
REH 112: Lunatics, Lock-ups, and Lobotomies3
REH 120: Introduction to Social Services3
REH 200: Counseling and the Helping Relationship3
REH 212: Rehabilitation and Families3
REH 220: Diversity, Social Justice, and Inclusion3
REH 222: Mindfulness in the Helping Profession3
REH 230: Surviving and Thriving as Human Service Professionals3sophomore standing
REH 240: Expressive Arts Therapies in Rehabilitation3
REH 242: Animal Assisted Therapy3sophomore standing
REH 249: Psychiatric Rehabilitation3
REH 250: Addictive Behaviors and Recovery3
REH 270: Fundamentals of Vocational Counseling and Placement3
REH 271: Applied Techniques of the Vocational Process3REH 270


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
SKI 120: Orientation to Alpine Operations3
SKI 122: Theory of Snowsports Instruction3
SKI 124: Children’s Instruction (PSIA/AASI Children’s Level I)3
SKI 125: Ski Instruction Adults (PSIA Adults Level 1)3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology3

Special Education

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
SED 100: Introduction to Special Education3
SED 106: Sign Language3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
TEC 101: Introduction to Excel VBA2
TEC 102: Introduction to SQL2
TEC 103: Introduction to Python2
TEC 104: Introduction to R2
TEC 105: Data Visualization with Tableau1
TEC 106: Intermediate Excel for Business1
TEC 107: Data Analysis Using Excel1TEC 101 or TEC 106


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
THE 115: Improvisation as Acting Technique2
THE 117: Contemporary American Theatre2Arts
THE 122: Introduction to Scenic and Lighting Design2
THE 202: Space Lab and Performance2
THE 206: The Vocal Instrument2
THE 212: Play Structure and Analysis2
THE 242: Costume Design2
THE 252: Directing Contemporary Theatre I2sophomore standing
THE 264: Art and Social Change3
THE 271: Making Original Performance3
THE 275: Social and Political Theatre and Film3
Logo for University of Maine at Fort Kent


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ART 100 History of Art: Prehistoric to Renaissance3Visual & Performing Art or Philosophy
ART 101: History of Art: Renaissance to 21st Century3Visual & Performing Art or Philosophy
ART 200 Fundamentals of Art – Drawing3Visual & Performing Art or Philosophy


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
BIO 100: General Biology I4Natural Sciences
BIO 121: General Biology II4BIO 100
BIO 130: Introduction to Biotechnology4Natural Sciences
BIO 202: Botany3BIO 100
BIO 204: Zoology3
BIO 219: Career Path in the Sciences1
BIO 220: Anatomy & Physiology I4BIO 100 or high school biologyNatural Sciences
BIO 221: Anatomy & Physiology II4BIO 220


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
BUS 100: Principles of Financial Accounting3
BUS 101: Accounting Principles II3BUS 100
BUS 211: Introduction to Business3
BUS 222: Introduction to Marketing3
BUS 260: Business Ethics3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
CHY 100: Chemistry I4Natural Sciences
CHY 101: Chemistry II4CHY 100


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
COM 200: Speech3Communication-Oral

Computer Science

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
COS 103: Introduction to Information Technology3Information Fluency
COS 111: Introduction to Computer Science3COS 103, and MAT 128 or MAT 180
COS 140: Introduction to 3D Printing3
COS 163: Information Technology for Nurses3
COS 205: Command Line Interfaces3COS 111
COS 206: Introduction to Information Security3COS 103 or taken concurrently.
COS 211: Computer Hardware3COS 103
COS 221: Advanced Excel3COS 103 or instructor permission.Information Fluency

Criminal Justice

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
CRJ 100: Criminology3
CRJ 101: Introduction to Criminal Law3
CRJ 105: Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CRJ 108: Constitutional Law3
CRJ 215: Principles of Investigations3
CRJ 220: Forensics of Death Investigation3
CRJ 222: Criminalistics3
CRJ 242: Wildlife Forensics3
CRJ 260: Police Procedures3CRJ 105 or instructor’s permission


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ECO 100: Introduction to Macroeconomics3Behavioral- Social Science
ECO 101: Introduction to Microeconomics3Behavioral- Social Science


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ENG 100: English Composition I3Communication- Written
ENG 101: English Composition II3C or better in ENG 100Communication- Written
ENG 105: Introduction to Literature3ENG 100 or instructor’s permission.Literature
ENG 202: British Literature I: Beginnings to 17853ENG 100 or instructor’s permission.Literature
ENG 250: American Literature I: Beginnings to 18653ENG 100 or instructor’s permission.Literature
ENG 255: World Literature I: Beginnings to 1600s3ENG 100 or instructor’s permission.Literature

Environmental Science

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ENV 120: Rivers, Relationships & Ruin & Lab4
ENV 122: Introduction to Homesteading4
ENV 200: Principles of Environmental Science3Natural Sciences

Foreign Language

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
FRE 100: Elementary French I3
FRE 101: Elementary French II3FRE 100 or 1 year of high school French.World Language
FRE 163: Applied French for Health Care Professionals3World Language
SPA 100: Elementary Spanish I3World Language
SPA 101: Elementary Spanish II3SPA 100 or 1 year high school SpanishWorld Language


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
FOR 100: Introduction to Forestry4
FOR 109: Dendrology4
FOR 131: Spreadsheets for Natural Resource Professionals1
FOR 132: Forest Protection I2
FOR 203: Surveying for Foresters3MAT 128 or instructor’s permission.
FOR 208: Forest Products, Harvesting, and Transportation3
FOR 226: Forest Operations4FOR 100, GEO 103, FOR 208.
FOR 242: Map and LiDAR Interpretation3MAT 128 or higher, or instructor’s permission.
FOR 260: Silvics (Forest Ecology)3
FOR 290: Forest Mensuration4MAT 128 or instructor’s permission


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
HTY 102: United States History I3History
HTY 103: United States History II3History


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
HUM 102: First Year Experience3


CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
MAT 128: College Algebra3Quantitative Reasoning
MAT 255: Calculus I4MAT 128 or MAT 165Quantitative Reasoning
MAT 280: Finite Math II-Linear Systems & Models and Mathematics of Finance3Quantitative Reasoning
MAT 251: Statistics I3Algebra proficiencyQuantitative Reasoning


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MUS 100: Music History3Visual & Performing Art or Philosophy
MUS 120: History of Rock & Roll3Visual & Performing Art or Philosophy
MUS 200: Fundamentals of Music3Visual & Performing Art or Philosophy
MUS 204: American Music3Visual & Performing Art or Philosophy


CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
NUR 101: Foundations of Professional Nursing2GPA > 2.5
NUR 102: Foundations of Professional Nursing II2GPA > 2.5

Public Safety Administration

CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
PSA 100: Introduction to Public Safety Administration3
PSA 221: Ethics And Community3
PSA 222: Terrorism3
PSA 242: Wildlife Forensics3


CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
PSY 100: Introduction to Psychology3Behavioral- Social Science
PSY 221: Psychosocial Rehabilitation3PSY 100Behavioral- Social Science
PSY 232: Trauma and Resiliency3PSY 100
PSY 246: Vocational Aspects of Disabilities3PSY 100
PSY 270: Case Management3PSY 100


CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
SOC 100: Introduction to Sociology3Behavioral- Social Science
SOC 110: Introduction to Human Services & Community Mental Health3
The University of Maine Logo


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
ANT 101: Introduction to Anthropology: Human Origins and Prehistory3Social Context & Institutions
ANT 102: Introduction to Anthropology: Diversity of Cultures3
ANT 120: Religions of the World3Social Context & Institutions
ANT 207: Introduction to World Archaeology3
ANT 210: Biological Anthropology3Applications of Scientific Knowledge
ANT 212: The Anthropology of Food3
ANT 221: Introduction to Folklore3Western Cultural Tradition
ANT 235: Cultural Perceptions of Nature3
ANT 240: Hollywood Archaeology3
ANT 245: Sex and Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective3
ANT 247: Animals across Cultures3
ANT 249: Religion and Violence3Social Context & Institutions


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ART 100: Drawing I3Artistic & Creative Expression
ART 104: Successful Strategies for Visual Arts Majors1
ART 110: 2-D Design3Artistic & Creative Expression
ART 120: 3-D Design3Artistic & Creative Expression
ART 180: Photography I3Artistic & Creative Expression
ART 182: Photography and Digital Imaging3Artistic & Creative Expression
ART 200: Drawing II3ART 100Artistic & Creative Expression
ART 220: Sculpture I
ART 225: Ceramics I3Artistic & Creative Expression

Art History

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirment
ARH 100: Art and Human Experience3Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives, Artistic & Creative Expression
ARH 155: Art and Visual Culture in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds3Western Cultural Tradition, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives, Artistic & Creative Expression
ARH 156: Art and Visual Culture in the Modern Era3Western Cultural Tradition, Artistic & Creative Expression

Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology History

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
BMB 150: Phage Genome Discovery I4PermissionWriting Intensive
BMB 155: Genome Discovery II: From DNA to Genes3BMB 150 or HON 150
BMB 207: Fundamentals of Chemistry3One year of high school chemistry.Applications of Scientific Knowledge


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
BIO 100: Basic Biology4Laboratory in the Basic or Applied Sciences
BIO 122: Biology- The Living Science3Cannot enroll after passing BIO 100. Together with BIO 123, this course satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences Requirement. If taken without BIO 123, this course satisfies the General Education Applications of Scientific Knowledge Requirement.
BIO 123: Biology- The Living Science Laboratory1BIO 122 or concurrently. Together with BIO 122’ , ‘this course satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Science Requirement.
BIO 200: Biology of Organisms4C- in BIO 100Laboratory in the Basic or Applied Sciences

Business Information Systems

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
BIS 105: Excel Fundamentals for Business Analytics1
BIS 235: Digital Business Transformation3

Canadian Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
CAN 101: Introduction to Canadian Studies3Western Cultural Tradition, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
CHY 101: Chemistry for Everyday Living3Together with CHY 102 , this course satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences Requirement. Satisfies the General Education Applications of Scientific Knowledge Requirement when taken without CHY 102.
CHY 102: Chemistry for Everyday Living Laboratory1Together with CHY 101’ , ‘this course satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences Requirement.
CHY 104: The Chemistry of Food and Cooking4Laboratory in the Basic or Applied Sciences
CHY 121: General Chemistry I3A grade of C or better in MAT 111, 116, 122 or 126, or no grade in any of these and a passing score on the Math Placement Exam. Corequisites: CHY 123Together with CHY 123 , this course satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences Requirement.
CHY 123: General Chemistry Laboratory I1Corequisites: CHY 121Together with CHY 121’ , ‘this course satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences Requirement.

Child Development & Family Relations

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
CHF 200: Family Interaction3Social Contexts & Institutions
CHF 201: Introduction to Child Development3Social Contexts & Institutions

Civil & Environmental Engineering

CIE 101: Civil Engineering Graphics3
CIE 210: Sustainability in Engineering3Population & the Environment


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
CLA 101: Greek Literature in English Translation3Western Cultural Tradition, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives, Writing Intensive
CLA 102: Latin Literature in English Translation3Western Cultural Tradition, Cultural Diversity & International PerspectivesWestern Cultural Tradition, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives, Writing Intensive
CLA 202: Mythology of the Ancient Near East, North Africa and Greece3

Communication Sciences & Disorders

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
CSD 130: Introduction to Communication Sciences and Disorders3Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives

Communication & Journalism

CourseCredtisPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
CMJ 100: Introduction to Media Studies3Social Contexts & Institutions
CMJ 102: Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication3Social Contexts & Institutions
CMJ 103: Public Speaking3Social Contexts & Institutions
CMJ 106: Storytelling3Artistic & Creative Expression
CMJ 107: Communication and the Environment3Social Contexts & Institutions, Population & the Environment
CMJ 111: Introduction to Journalism3Social Contexts & Institutions
CMJ 136: Journalism Writing and Editing3Writing Intensive

Computer Science

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
COS 103: Introduction to Spreadsheets1
COS 120: Introduction to Programming 13Assumes knowledge of the Windows operating system, basic word processing, and file and folder management.Quantitative Literacy
COS 121: Coding for Everyone3Quantitative Literacy
COS 125: Introduction to Problem Solving Using Computer Programming4A grade of C or better in MAT 111 or higher, or no grade record in MAT 111 and a 61 or higher on the ALEKS Math Placement Exam.Quantitative Literacy

Criminal Justice

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
CRJ 114: Survey of Criminal Justice3Social Context & Institutions
CRJ 214: Introduction to Criminology3CRJ 114 or SOC 101


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
DAN 101: Beginner Modern Dance I2Artistic & Creative Expression
DAN 102: Beginner Ballet I2Artistic & Creative Expression
DAN 103: Beginner Jazz I2Artistic & Creative Expression
DAN 105: Beginner Tap2Artistic & Creative Expression
DAN 112: Production/Rehearsal1Audition or permission.
DAN 121: Beginner Modern Dance II2DAN 101 or permission.Artistic & Creative Expression
DAN 206: Beginner Hip Hop2

Earth & Climate Sciences

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
ERS 101: Introduction to Earth Science4Laboratory in the Basic or Applied Sciences
ERS 102: Environmental Geology4Laboratory in the Basic or Applied Sciences, Population & the Environment
ERS 103: Dynamic Earth3Applications of Scientific Knowledge, Population & the Environment
ERS 107: Energy, Environment, & Climate3Applications of Scientific Knowledge, Quantitative Literacy
ERS 108: Beaches and Coasts3Applications of Scientific Knowledge, Population & the Environment
ERS 121: Humans and Global Change3Population & the Environment
ERS 152: Earth’s Changing Climate3Applications of Scientific Knowledge, Quantitative Literacy

Ecology and Environmental Sciences

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
EES 100: Human Population and the Global Environment3Population & the Environment
EES 117: Introduction to Ecology and Environmental Sciences2
EES 140: Soil Science3BMB 207 or CHY 121 is recommended.Laboratory in the Basic or Applied Sciences
EES 141: Soil Science Laboratory1Together with EES 140, ‘this course Satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences Requirement.


CoursesCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
ECO 105: Environmental Policy3Population & the Environment
ECO 112: Economics of Social Issues and Ethical Dilemmas3Ethics
ECO 120: Principles of Microeconomics3Social Context & Institutions
ECO 121: Principles of Macroeconomics3Social Context & Institutions
ECO 154: Small Business Economics and Management3Social Context & Institutions
ECO 160: Freakonomics3Western Cultural Tradition, Social Context & Institutions
ECO 180: Citizens, Energy & Sustainability3Social Context & Institutions, Population & the Environment
ECO 190: World Food Supply, Population and the Environment3Social Context & Institutions, Population & the Environment

Education Human Development

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
EHD 203: Educational Psychology3PSY 100


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ENG 101: College Composition3Writing Competency
ENG 129: Topics in English3Writing Intensive
ENG 131: The Nature of Story3Western Cultural Tradition, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
ENG 170: Foundations of Literary Analysis3ENG 101
ENG 205: An Introduction to Creative Writing3ENG 101 is strongly recommended.Artistic & Creative Expression, Writing Intensive
ENG 206: Descriptive and Narrative Writing3ENG 101 or equivalent.Artistic & Creative Expression, Writing Intensive
ENG 215: Theories and Practices of Writing3ENG 101 or equivalent.
ENG 222: Reading Poems33 hours of EnglishWestern Cultural Tradition, Artistic & Creative Expression, Writing Intensive
ENG 229: Topics in Literature33 hours of English
ENG 235: Literature and the Modern World33 hours of EnglishWestern Cultural Tradition, Artistic & Creative Expression, Ethics
ENG 236: Intro to Canadian Literature33 hours of EnglishCultural Diversity & International Perspectives, Artistic & Creative Expression, Ethics
ENG 238: Nature and Literature33 hours of EnglishEthics
ENG 243: Topics in Multicultural Literature33 hours of EnglishWestern Cultural Tradition, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives, Ethics
ENG 244: Writers of Maine33 hours of EnglishWestern Cultural Tradition, Artistic & Creative Expression, Ethics
ENG 245: American Short Fiction33 hours of EnglishWestern Cultural Tradition, Artistic & Creative Expression, Ethics
ENG 246: American Women’s Literature33 hours of EnglishWestern Cultural Tradition, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives, Ethics
ENG 249: American Sports Literature and Film33 hours of EnglishArtistic & Creative Expression, Ethics
ENG 253: Shakespeare: Selected Plays33 hours of EnglishWestern Cultural Tradition, Artistic & Creative Expression, Ethics

Food Science & Nutrition

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
FSN 101: Introduction to Food and Nutrition3Applications of Scientific Knowledge

Franco American Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
FAS 101: Introduction to the French cultures of North America3Social Context & Institutions, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
FAS 120: People, Places and Pasts3Population & the Environment
FAS 140: Searching for Family Origins: Genealogy, DNA, and Family Trees3Social Context & Institutions, Ethics
FAS 170: Transnational Beat, Jack Kerouac3Western Cultural Tradition

Foreign Language

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ASL 101: Elementary American Sign Language I4
CHI 101: Elementary Chinese I5Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
FRE 101: Elementary French I3Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
GER 101: Elementary German I3Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
HBR 101: Beginning Modern Hebrew3Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
LAT 101: Elementary Latin I4
SPA 101: Elementary Spanish I3Students cannot take both SPA 101 and SPA 109 for credit.Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
SPA 109: Spanish for the Medical Professions3Students cannot take both SPA 101 and SPA 109 for credit.Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
GEO 100: World Geography3Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives, Population & the Environment
GEO 212: Geography of Maine3Population & the Environment
GEO 265: The Power of Maps3Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives, Artistic & Creative Expression
GEO 275: Geography of Globalization3Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives, Population & the Environment


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
HTY 103: Creating America to 18773Western Cultural Tradition, Social Context & Institutions
HTY 104: United States History Since 18773Western Cultural Tradition, Social Context & Institutions
HTY 105: History of Ancient and Medieval Europe3Western Cultural Tradition, Social Context & Institutions
HTY 106: History of Modern Europe3Western Cultural Tradition, Social Context & Institutions
HTY 107: East Asian Civilization3Social Context & Institutions, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
HTY 108: India: Identities and Changes3Social Context & Institutions, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
HTY 109: Introduction to Early Latin America3Western Cultural Tradition, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
HTY 110: Introduction to Modern Latin America3Western Cultural Tradition, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
HTY 112: Introduction to Africa3Social Context & Institutions, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
HTY 199: Problems in History3Western Cultural Tradition, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
HTY 202: Medieval Civilization3Western Cultural Tradition, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
HTY 210: History of Maine3Western Cultural Tradition, Social Context & Institutions
HTY 211: Maine and the Sea3Western Cultural Tradition
HTY 212: Geography of Maine3Population & the Environment
HTY 213: History of the Maine Woods3Western Cultural Tradition, Population & the Environment
HTY 218: History of Film3Western Cultural Tradition, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
HTY 220: North American Indian History3Social Context & Institutions, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
HTY 221: History and Comics3Western Cultural Tradition, Artistic & Creative Expression
HTY 222: Maine Indian History in the Twentieth Century3Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives, Population & the Environment
HTY 232: Womanhood in America3Western Cultural Tradition, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
HTY 235: Heresy, Witchcraft, and Reform3Western Cultural Tradition, Social Context & Institutions
HTY 240: Creation of the Atlantic World, 1450-18883Social Context & Institutions, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
HTY 241: History of Globalization, 1900-Present3Social Context & Institutions, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
HTY 261: New England and Eastern Canada Since 1815: A Transnational Region3Social Context & Institutions
HTY 265: The Power of Maps3Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives, Artistic & Creative Expression
HTY 275: Geography of Globalization3Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives, Population & the Environment
HTY 278: American Military History3Western Cultural Tradition, Social Context & Institutions
HTY 279: European Military History3Western Cultural Tradition
HTY 281: Military History of Modern Asia3Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
INV 101: Exploring Innovation1Permission
INV 121: Fundamentals of Innovation3Social Context & Institutions, Artistic & Creative Expression

Interdisciplinary Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
INT 107: Career Exploration in Health Professions2Instructor Permission. BIO 100 is strongly recommended as a prerequisite for the course.
INT 188: Introduction to Integrated Science and Career Exploration1-3
INT 193: Introduction to Career Exploration and Development2

International Affairs

CourseCreditsPrerequsiteGeneral Education Requirement
INA 101: Introduction to International Affairs3Social Context & Institutions

Judaic Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
JST 200: Introduction to Judaism3Western Cultural Tradition
JST 205: Jewish History and Antisemitism from Antiquity to the Founding of the State of Israel3Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives, Ethics

Kinesiology and Physical Education

CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
KPE 207: Wilderness First Aid1
KPE 265: Outdoor and Adventure Activities3KPE Major or Minor or permission

Labor Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
LST 101: Introduction to Labor Studies3Social Context & Institutions

Leadership Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
LDR 100: Foundations of Leadership3Social Context & Institutions
LDR 200: Leadership Ethics3LDR 100 or permissionWriting Extensive, Ethics
LDR 210: Leadership and Sports3LDR 100 or permission


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
LBR 101: Introduction to Information Literacy for STEM Fields1Students enrolled in LBR 101 cannot receive credit for LBR 102.
LBR 102: Introduction to Information Literacy1Students enrolled in LBR 102 cannot receive credit for LBR 101.
LBR 200: Information Literacy3

Maine Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MES 101: Introduction to Maine Studies3Population & the Environment, Writing Intensive
MES 102: My Maine Experience1
MES 201: The Maine Coast3Social Contexts & Institutions, Population & the Environment, Writing Intensive


CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
MGT 101: Introduction to Business3

Marine Science

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
SMS 100: Introduction to Ocean Science3Applications of Scientific Knowledge, Population & the Environment
SMS 108: Beaches and Coasts3Applications of Scientific Knowledge, Population & the Environment
SMS 110: Concepts in Oceanography3Applications of Scientific Knowledge when taken without SMS 111. Together with SMS 111, this course satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences requirement.
SMS 111: Concepts in Oceanography Laboratory1Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences requirement when taken with SMS 110.


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MAT 103: Elementary Algebraic Models in Our World3Quantitative Literacy
MAT 111: Algebra for College Mathematics3A passing score on the Math Placement Exam.Quantitative Literacy
MAT 115: Applied Mathematics for Business and Economics3A grade of C or better in MAT 111, or no grade record in MAT 111 and a passing score on the Math Placement Exam.Quantitative Literacy
MAT 116: Introduction to Calculus3A grade of C or better in MAT 111, or no grade record in MAT 111 and a passing score on the Math Placement Exam.Quantitative Literacy
MAT 117: Applications of Calculus3A grade of C or better in MAT 116 or MAT 126Quantitative Literacy
MAT 122: Pre-Calculus4A grade of C or better in MAT 111, or no grade record in MAT 111 and a passing score on the Math Placement Exam.Quantitative Literacy
MAT 126: Calculus I4A grade of C or better in MAT 122, or no grade record in MAT 122 and a passing score on the Math Placement Exam.Quantitative Literacy

Mechanical Engineering

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MEE 150: Applied Mechanics: Statics3MAT 126

Mental Health Rehabilitation

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MHR 200: Behavioral & Community Mental Health Systems3PSY 100 or permission of instructor

Modern Languages & Classics

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
VOX 100: Beginning Spoken Arabic I3Permission of Coordinator of Critical Language Program.Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
VOX 101: Beginning Spoken Chinese I3Permission of Coordinator of Critical Language Program.Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
VOX 105: Beginning Spoken Irish Gaelic I3Permission of Coordinator of Critical Language Program.Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
VOX 106: Beginning Spoken Italian I3Permission of Coordinator of Critical Language Program.Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
VOX 107: Beginning Spoken Japanese I3Permission of Coordinator of Critical Language Program.Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
VOX 108: Beginning Spoken Korean I3Permission of Coordinator of Critical Language Program.Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
VOX 109: Beginning Spoken Portuguese I3Permission of Coordinator of Critical Language Program.Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
VOX 110: Beginning Spoken Russian I3Permission of Coordinator of Critical Language Program.Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MUS 121: Principles of Singing I2Department permission

Music History

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MUH 150: History of Jazz3Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives, Artistic & Creative Expression

Music Literature

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
MUL 101: The Art of Listening to Music: Elements3Artistic & Creative Expression
MUL 150: Rock’n Roll and other 20th Century Music3Artistic & Creative Expression

Musical Organizations & Ensembles

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MUO 101: University Singers1audition (requires sight reading ability).Artistic & Creative Expression
MUO 114: Symphonic Band1AuditionArtistic & Creative Expression
MUO 155: Chamber Jazz Ensemble1Permission of instructorArtistic & Creative Expression

Music Theory

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MUY 101: Fundamentals of Music3Artistic & Creative Expression

Native American Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
NAS 101: Introduction to Native American Studies3Social Context & Institutions, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
NAS 102: Introduction to Wabanaki Culture, History and Contemporary Issues3Social Context & Institutions, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives

New Media

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
NMD 104: New Media Design3Artistic & Creative Expression
NMD 105: Creative Coding I3Quantitative Literacy
NMD 106: Time-Based Media3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
NUR 160: Introduction to Human Genetics and Genomics for Health Care Professions1
NUR 165: Introduction to Care of the Older Adult1
NUR 166: Healthcare Informatics1

Peace & Reconciliation Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
PAX 201: Introduction to Peace and Reconciliation Studies3Social Context & Institutions, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
PAX 250: Peace and Pop Culture3Social Context & Institutions, Artistic & Creative Expression, Writing Intensive
PAX 260: Realistic Pacifism3Social Context & Institutions, Writing Intensive


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
PHI 100: Contemporary Moral Problems3Western Cultural Tradition, Social Contexts & Institutions, Ethics
PHI 102: Introduction to Philosophy3Western Cultural Tradition, Ethics
PHI 103: Methods of Reasoning3Western Cultural Tradition
PHI 104: Existentialism and Literature3Western Cultural Tradition, Artistic & Creative Expression
PHI 105: Introduction to Religious Studies3Western Cultural Tradition, Social Contexts & Institutions
PHI 132: Life, Technology and Evolution3Population & the Environment
PHI 201: Becoming a Philosopher3Western Cultural Tradition, Writing Intensive
PHI 232: Environmental Ethics3One course in philosophy.Social Contexts & Institutions, Population & the Environment, Ethics


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
PHY 105: Descriptive Physics4Laboratory in the Basic or Applied Sciences.
PHY 111: General Physics I4Laboratory in the Basic or Applied Sciences. Because of overlapping subject matter, no more than four (4) degree credits are allowed for any combination of PHY 107, PHY 111 and PHY 121.
PHY 121: Physics for Engineers and Physical Scientists I4MAT 126 or concurrently. Laboratory in the Basic or Applied Sciences. Because of overlapping subject matter, no more than four (4) degree credits are allowed for any combination of PHY 107, PHY 111 and PHY 121.

Plant, Soil, and Environmental Sciences

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
PSE 100: Plant Science4Laboratory in the Basic or Applied Sciences
PSE 105: Principles of Sustainable Agriculture3Applications of Scientific Knowledge
PSE 110: Introduction to Horticulture and Green Design3Applications of Scientific Knowledge

Political Science

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
POS 100: American Government3Social Context & Institutions
POS 120: Introduction to World Politics3Western Cultural Tradition, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
POS 201: Introduction to Political Theory3Western Cultural Tradition
POS 203: American State and Local Government3Social Context & Institutions
POS 241: Introduction to Comparative Politics3Social Context & Institutions, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives
POS 243: Canadian Government and Politics3Social Context & Institutions, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
PSY 100: General Psychology3Social Context & Institutions
PSY 208: Theories of Personality3PSY 100
PSY 212: Abnormal Psychology3PSY 100
PSY 223: Psychology of Childhood3PSY 100 or EHD 203
PSY 224: Psychology of Adolescence3PSY 100
PSY 230: Social Psychology3PSY 100Social Context & Institutions
PSY 232: Environmental Psychology3PSY 100
PSY 241: Statistics in Psychology4PSY 100Quantitative Literacy
PSY 251: Psychology of Motivation3PSY 100

School of Forest Resources

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
SFR 100: Introduction to Forest Biology3Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences requirement when taken with SFR 102
SFR 103: Introduction to Forest Resource Professions1
SFR 108: Introduction to Arboriculture and Community Forestry3
SFR 109: Introduction to Arboriculture Lab1Corequisite: SFR 108
SFR 111: Forests Through Time1Satisfies the General Education Application of Scientific Knowledge and Population & the Environment Requirements when taken with SFR 112. Satisfies the General Education Lab in the Basic or Applied Sciences and Population and the Environment Requirements when taken with SFR 101 and SFR 112.


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology3Social Context & Institutions
SOC 201: Social Inequality3SOC 101Social Context & Institutions, Cultural Diversity & International Perspectives


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
STS 132: Principles of Statistical Inference32 years of high school math.Quantitative Literacy

Surveying Engineering Technology

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
SVT 101: Basic Surveying Field and Office Processes3Corequisites: MAT 122 or equivalent
SVT 121: AutoCAD for Surveyors I3Students who take SVT 121 after CIE 101 will only receive credit and grade for SVT 121. Must have a PC (not Mac) laptop that will run Autodesk software.


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
THE 111: Introduction to Theatre3Artistic & Creative Expression
THE 112: Survey of Dramatic Literature3Western Cultural Tradition
THE 117: Fundamentals of Acting3Artistic & Creative Expression
THE 120: Fundamentals of Stagecraft3Corequisites: THE 121
THE 121: Introduction to Stagecraft Laboratory I1Corequisites: THE 120

Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
WGS 101: Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies3Social Context & Institutions, Cultural Diversity & International Perspetives
WGS 103: Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies3Social Context & Institutions, Cultural Diversity & International Perspetives
WGS 201: Topics in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies3WGS 101 is strongly recommended
WGS 203: Men and Masculinities3WGS 101 is strongly recommendedSocial Context & Institutions, Cultural Diversity & International Perspetives
WGS 205: Introduction to Feminist and Critical Data Analysis3WGS 101 is strongly recommendedSocial Context & Institutions, Quantitative Literacy
University of Southern Maine logo


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ACC 105: Show Me the Money3
ACC 110: Financial Accounting Information for Decision Making3Minimum of 12 earned credit hours, AND MAT 101 (C or higher) or appropriate placement test scores (SAT Math score >= 570 or Accuplacer QAS >= 263 or ALEKS Math test score >=46) or C- or higher in MAT 108 or MAT 140 or MAT 152.
ACC 211: Managerial Accounting Information for Decision Making3ACC 110 (C- or higher) & sophomore standing

Accounting & Finance

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
FIN 201: Personal Finance3


General Education Requirement
ANT 101: Anthropology: The Cultural View3Socio-cultural Analysis, Culture, Power, & Equity, International
ANT 102: Biological Anthropology3
ANT 103: Introduction to Archaeology3Culture, Power, & Equity, International
ANT 104: Archaeological Science4Science Exploration
ANT 105: Society, Environment, and Change3International
ANT 201: Human Origins3Socio-cultural Analysis
ANT 202: Origins of Civilization3Socio-cultural Analysis
ANT 204: The Gulf of Maine: Archaeology, Ecology, and Environmental Change4Science Exploration
ANT 213: Human Ecology3ANT 101
ANT 220: Indigenous Communities of North America3Socio-cultural Analysis
ANT 224: Ancient Mesoamerica3
ANT 230: Hunters and Gatherers3Socio-cultural Analysis
ANT 232: The Anthropology of Sex and Gender3Socio-cultural Analysis, Culture, Power, & Equity, International
ANT 233: Food and Culture3Socio-cultural Analysis
ANT 255: Cultures of Africa3International
ANT 262: Women, Arts & Global Tourism3
ANT 280: Prehistoric Art3Cultural Interpretation, International


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ART 124: Cre8: The Art of Creativity3Creative Expression
ART 141: Surface, Space, Time 2D3Creative Expression
ART 142: Surface, Space, Time (3D)3Creative Expression
ART 151: Fundamentals of Perceptual Drawing3Creative Expression
ART 170: The Power of Amateur Photography3Creative Expression
ART 222: Digital Art & Design3ART 141; ART 142; ART 151; ARH 111; ARH 112 or permission of instructor.
ART 231: Introduction to Ceramics I3ART 141; ART 142; ART 151; ARH 111; ARH 112 or permission of instructor.
ART 232: Introduction to Ceramics II3ART 141; ART 142; ART 151; ARH 111; ARH 112 or permission of instructor.
ART 241: Introduction to The Visual Book3ART 141; ART 142; ART 151; ARH 111; ARH 112 or permission of instructor.
ART 251: Drawing: Media and Strategies3ART 141; ART 142; ART 151; ARH 111; ARH 112 or permission of instructor.
ART 261: Introduction to Painting3ART 141; ART 142; ART 151; ARH 111; ARH 112 or permission of instructor.
ART 271: Photography: Analog to Digital3ART 141; ART 142; ART 151; ARH 111; ARH 112 or permission of instructor.
ART 281: Introduction to Printmaking: Intaglio and Relief3ART 141; ART 142; ART 151; ARH 111; ARH 112 or permission of instructor.
ART 282: Introduction to Printmaking: Lithography and Screen Printing3ART 141; ART 142; ART 151; ARH 111; ARH 112 or permission of instructor.
ART 291: Sculpture: Additive and Subtractive Processes3ART 141; ART 142; ART 151; ARH 111; ARH 112 or permission of instructor.
ART 292: Sculpture: Altered and Constructed Processes3ART 141; ART 142; ART 151; ARH 111; ARH 112 or permission of instructor.

Art History

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ARH 111: Art History: Prehistoric through Medieval3Co-requisite(s): ENG 102. Preference given to candidates for matirculation in the Department of Art, or those with permission of the instructor.Cultural Interpretation, International
ARH 112: Art History: Renaissance to the Present3Co-requisite(s): ENG 102. Preference given to candidates for matriculation in the Department of Art, or those with permission of instructor.Cultural Interpretation, International

Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences

CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
AHS 101- Career Exploration in Liberal Arts1Science Exploration


CourseCreditsPrerequitiesGeneral Education Requirement
AST 100: Astronomy3Science Exploration
AST 103: Activities and Experiments1Prior or concurrent enrollment in AST 100Science Exploration


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
BIO 101: Biological Foundations3Science Exploration
BIO 102: Biological Experiences1Prior or concurrent enrollment in BIO 101Science Exploration
BIO 103: Introduction to Marine Biology3Science Exploration
BIO 104: Marine Biology Laboratory1Prior or concurrent enrollment in BIO 103Science Exploration
BIO 105: Biological Principles I: Cellular Biology3Grade of C or higher in MAT 101, or appropriate placement test score.
BIO 106: Laboratory Biology1.5Grade of C- or higher or concurrent enrollment in BIO 105, and grade of C or higher in MAT 101 or appropriate placement test score.
BIO 107: Biological Principles II: Evolution, Biodiversity, and Ecology4.5Grades of C- or higher in BIO 105 and BIO 106Science Exploration
BIO 109: Biological Principles III: Functional Biology3Grade of C- or higher in BIO 107
BIO 111: Human Anatomy and Physiology I3Grade of C or higher in MAT 101 or higher level MAT course, or appropriate placement score.Science Exploration
BIO 112: Practical Human Anatomy and Physiology I1.5BIO 111 or BIO 221 or concurrentScience Exploration
BIO 113: Human Anatomy and Physiology II3Grade of C- or higher in BIO 111.
BIO 114: Practical Human Anatomy and Physiology II1.5Grade of C- or higher in BIO 112; BIO 113 or BIO 223 or concurrent
BIO 131: Our Relationship with the Living World4Writing, Reading, and Inquiry 1 (or concurrent); Quantitative Reasoning (or concurrent)Science Exploration
BIO 201: Genetics3Grade of C- or higher in BIO 105 or BIO 111
BIO 203: Ecology3Grade of C- or higher in BIO 107
BIO 217: Evolution3Grade of C- or higher in BIO 107 and BIO 201
BIO 221: Human Anatomy and Physiology for Biology Majors I3Grade of C- or higher or concurrent enrollment in BIO 107
BIO 223: Human Anatomy and Physiology for Biology Majors II3Grade of C- or higher in BIO 221
BIO 231: Botany4.5Grade of C- or higher in BIO 107
BIO 281: Microbiology for Health Sciences3Grade of C- or higher in CHY 107 or CHY 113 and grade of C- or higher in BIO 105 or BIO 111
BIO 282: Microbiology Laboratory2Grade of C- or higher or concurrent enrollment in BIO 281 or BIO 311
BIO 291: Ornithology4.5Grade of C- or higher in BIO 107


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
BUS 200: Introduction to Business3Fewer than nine credits in BUS, FIN and ACC.
BUS 203: Career Planning and Development3Sophomore standing, ENG 100/ENG 101 or equivalent course.
BUS 210: Managing Sport for Society3Socio-cultural Analysis
BUS 241: Applied Business Modeling3Quantitative Reasoning
BUS 260: Marketing3Minimum of 24 earned credit hours.
BUS 280: Legal Environment of Business3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
CHY 107: Chemistry for Health Sciences3
CHY 113: Principles of Chemistry I3MAT 108 (or concurrent) or MAT 140 (or concurrent) or MAT 152 (or concurrent) or permission of instructor.Science Exploration
CHY 114: Laboratory Techniques I1.5CHY 113 (or concurrent)Science Exploration
CHY 115: Principles of Chemistry II3Grade of C or higher in CHY 113
CHY 116: Laboratory Techniques II1.5Grade of C or higher in CHY 114; CHY 115 (or concurrent).
CHY 233: Analytical Chemistry with Lab5Grades of C or higher in CHY 115 and CHY 116
CHY 251: Organic Chemistry I3Grade of C or higher in CHY 115
CHY 252: Organic Chemistry Laboratory I2Grade of C or higher in CHY 116; CHY 251 (or concurrent)Engaged Learning
CHY 253: Organic Chemistry II3Grade of C or higher in CHY 251
CHY 254: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II2Grade of C or higher in CHY 252; CHY 253 (or concurrent)

Communication & Media Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
CMS 102: Intro to Communication3Socio-cultural Analysis
CMS 103: Intro to Media Studies3
CMS 150: The Writing Process3College WritingCreative Expression
CMS 190: Nonverbal Communication3
CMS 200: Research Methods in Communication3CMS 102 or CMS 103
CMS 201: Introduction to Public Relations3
CMS 202: Writing for Popular Print Media3College Writing
CMS 203: Introduction to Video Production3Co-requisite(s): CMS 204Creative Expression
CMS 204: Introduction to Video Production Lab1Co-requisite(s): CMS 203Creative Expression
CMS 205: Topics in Media Writing I3College WritingCreative Expression
CMS 210: Topics in Media Criticism I3College Writing
CMS 215: Journalism Reporting and Writing3College Writing
CMS 220: Topics in Media Production I3CMS 203, CMS 204
CMS 222: Digital Radio & Audio Production3
CMS 223: Communication Law3CMS 103
CMS 225: Screenwriting3College Writing
CMS 235: Communicating Security3
CMS 242: Communication and Social Media3
CMS 255: Business and Professional Communication3
CMS 265: Intrapersonal Communication3
CMS 272: Persuasion3
CMS 274: Writing for the Media3
CMS 284: Introduction to Cinema Studies3College Writing
CMS 286: History of International Cinema to 19453College WritingInternational
CMS 288: History of International Cinema Since 19453College WritingInternational
CMS 290: Intercultural Communication3CMS 102
CMS 294: Visual Communication3CMS 102 or CMS 103
CMS 298: Topics in Communication I3

Computer Science

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
COS 160: Structured Problem Solving: Java3Grade of C or higher in MAT 108 or appropriate placement score.
Co-requisite(s): COS 170.
COS 161: Algorithms in Programming4Grade of C or higher in COS 160 or permission of instructor.
COS 170: Structured Programming Laboratory1Co-requisite(s): COS 160.
COS 184: Python Programming4Grade of C or higher in MAT 108 or appropriate placement score.
Co-requisite(s): COS 170
COS 250: Computer Organization3Grade of C or higher in COS 161; Co-requisite(s): COS 255
COS 255: Computer Organization Laboratory1Co-requisite(s): COS 250
COS 280: Discrete Mathematics II4Grade of C or higher in COS 160 and MAT 145
COS 285: Data Structures4Grade of C or higher in COS 161, and MAT 145 or MAT 152 or their equivalents


CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
CRM 100: Introduction to Criminology3Socio-cultural Analysis
CRM 216: White-Collar Crime3CRM 100
CRM 217: Crime in Maine3CRM 100
CRM 220: Research Methods in Criminology3CRM 100
CRM 225: Crimes Against the Environment3CRM 100
CRM 227: Policing Society3CRM 100
CRM 230: Introduction to the Criminal Justice System3CRM 100


CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
DAN 101: Contemporary Dance I2Creative Expression
DAN 102: Ballet I2
DAN 103: Jazz Dance I2
DAN 104: Tap Dance I2Creative Expression
DAN 105: Musical Theatre Styles I2DAN 102 AND either DAN 103 or DAN 104 (4 credits)Creative Expression
DAN 180: Topics in Technique2
DAN 190: Rehearsal & Production1
DAN 201: Contemporary Dance II2Instructor permission
DAN 202: Ballet II2Instructor permission
DAN 203: Jazz Dance II2Instructor permission
DAN 204: Tap Dance II2
DAN 205: Musical Theatre Styles II2DAN 105Creative Expression
DAN 208: Dance Composition3Any dance technique class (Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, or Tap)
DAN 209: Dance Repertory3Any dance technique class (Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, or Tap)
DAN 266: The History of Modern Dance3College WritingCultural Interpretation


CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
ECO 101: Introduction to Macroeconomics3Quantitative Reasoning, Socio-cultural Analysis
ECO 102: Introduction to Microeconomics3Quantitative Reasoning, Socio-cultural Analysis
ECO 103: Critical Thinking About Economic Issues3College WritingSocio-cultural Analysis
ECO 120: Lying with Graphs: Reading, Writing and Interpreting Graphs in the Social Sciences3Quantitative Reasoning
ECO 220: U.S. Economic and Labor History3
ECO 234: Political Economy in Popular Song3Writing, Reading, and Inquiry 1 (ENG 100, HON 100 or RSP 100 ) or concurrentCultural Interpretation


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
EDU 100: Exploring Teaching as a Profession3Engaged Learning
EDU 101: Belonging and Succeeding in Education1
EDU 222: Foundations of Language and Literacy Development3HRD 200, or EDU 225 , or program permission, and students are required to be fingerprinted and to provide proof of Criminal History Record Check (CHRC) approval to USM prior to enrolling in this course.Engaged Learning
EDU 225: Multicultural Child and Adolescent Development3
EDU 230: Teaching Through the Arts3Creative Expression

Electrical Engineering

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ELE 172: Digital Logic3MAT 145
ELE 179: Digital Logic Laboratory1Co-requisite(s): ELE 172
ELE 216: Circuits I: Steady-State Analysis3MAT 153, PHY 123
ELE 217: Circuits II: System Dynamics3ELE 216; Co-requisite(s): ITP 210, EGN 248
ELE 219: Circuits Laboratory1Co-requisite(s): ELE 217.
ELE 262: Physical Electronics3CHY 113; Co-requisite(s): ELE 217
ELE 271: Microprocessor Systems4EGN 160 or COS 160, ELE 172


CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
ENG 100: College Writing3College readiness in writingWriting, Reading, & Inquiry 1
ENG 102: Academic Writing3ENG 100 or equivalentWriting, Reading, & Inquiry 2
ENG 140: Reading Literature3Cultural Interpretation
ENG 145: Topics in Literature3Cultural Interpretation
ENG 201: Creative Writing3College Writing or equivalentCreative Expression
ENG 202: Memoir and Autobiography3Creative Expression
ENG 204: Professional Writing3College Writing or equivalent
ENG 205: Sentence Style3ENG 100 or equivalent for all students; students admitted fall 2021 or later: ENG 102 or equivalent (may be concurrent); OR permissionWriting, Reading, & Inquiry 3
ENG 220: World Masterpieces I3College Writing or equivalent
ENG 244: Introduction to Cultural Studies3Cultural Interpretation
ENG 245: Introduction to Literary Studies3
ENG 263: Fiction3

Environmental Science & Policy

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ESP 101: Environmental Science and Sustainability3Grade of C or higher in MAT 101, or appropriate placement test score.
Co-requisite(s): ESP 102.
Science Exploration
ESP 102: Fundamentals of Environmental Science Laboratory1Grade of C or higher in MAT 101, or appropriate placement test score.
Co-requisite(s): ESP 101.
Science Exploration
ESP 123: Quantitative Reasoning and the Environment3Quantitative Reasoning
ESP 125: Introduction to Environmental Ecology3ESP 101 and ESP 102, or BIO 105 and BIO 106; Co-requisite(s): ESP 126.Science Exploration
ESP 126: Introduction to Environmental Ecology Laboratory1ESP 101 and ESP 102, or BIO 105 and BIO 106; Co-requisite(s): ESP 125.Science Exploration
ESP 197: Research Skills Lab1
ESP 200: Environmental Planning3ESP 101 and ESP 102,Ethnic Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship
ESP 203: Environmental Communication3College Writing, ESP 101 and ESP 102 .
ESP 207: Atmosphere: Science, Climate, and Change3Any 100-level or higher CHY lecture.
ESP 220: Introduction to Environmental Policy3
ESP 250: Soils and Land Use3ESP 101, ESP 102, one semester of chemistry lecture and labEngaged Learning
ESP 260: Soil and Water Conservation Engineering3Successful completion of the University’s Quantitative Reasoning requirement.
ESP 275: Energy Use and Societal Adaptation3Science Exploration courseInternational
ESP 280: Research and Analytical Methods4ESP 101, ESP 102, ESP 197, ESP 125, and ESP 126, or any 100-level or higher CHY lecture.

Foreign Language

CourseCreditPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
ARA 101: Beginning Arabic I4Cultural Interpretation
ARA 102: Beginning Arabic II4ARA 101 or equivalentCultural Interpretation
ARA 201: Intermediate Arabic I4ARA 102 or equivalentCultural Interpretation
ARA 202: Intermediate Arabic II4ARA 201 or equivalentCultural Interpretation
ASL 101: Beginning American Sign Language I4Cultural Interpretation
ASL 102: Beginning American Sign Language II4ASL 101 or departmental permissionCultural Interpretation
ASL 201: Intermediate American Sign Language 14ASL 102 or departmental permissionCultural Interpretation, Engaged Learning
ASL 202: Intermediate American Sign Language II4ASL 201 or departmental permissionCultural Interpretation, Engaged Learning
CHI 101: Beginning Chinese I4Cultural Interpretation
CHI 102: Beginning Chinese II4CHI 101 or equivalentCultural Interpretation
CHI 201: Intermediate Chinese I4CHI 102 or permission of instructor
CHI 202: Intermediate Chinese II4CHI 201 or permission of instructor
FRE 101: Beginning French I4Cultural Interpretation
FRE 102: Beginning French II4FRE 101 or equivalentCultural Interpretation
FRE 201: Intermediate French I4FRE 102 or equivalentCultural Interpretation
FRE 202: Intermediate French II4FRE 201 or equivalentCultural Interpretation, International
GER 101: Beginning German I4Cultural Interpretation
GER 102: Beginning German II4GER 101 or equivalentCultural Interpretation
GER 201: Intermediate German I4GER 102 or equivalentCultural Interpretation
GER 202: Intermediate German II4GER 201 or equivalentCultural Interpretation
ITA 101: Beginning Italian I4Cultural Interpretation
ITA 102: Beginning Italian II4ITA 101 or equivalentCultural Interpretation
ITA 201: Intermediate Italian I4ITA 102 or equivalentCultural Interpretation
ITA 202: Intermediate Italian II4ITA 201 or equivalentCultural Interpretation, International
LAN 101: Beginning Language I4Cultural Interpretation
LAN 102: Beginning Language II4LAN 101 (in the corresponding language)Cultural Interpretation
LAN 201: Intermediate Language I4LAN 102 (in the corresponding language)Cultural Interpretation
LAN 202: Intermediate Language II4LAN 201 (in the corresponding language)Cultural Interpretation
LAT 101: Beginning Latin I4Cultural Interpretation
LAT 102: Beginning Latin II4LAT 101 or equivalentCultural Interpretation
LAT 201: Intermediate Latin I4LAT 102 or equivalent
LAT 202: Intermediate Latin II4LAT 201 or equivalent
SPA 101: Beginning Spanish I4Cultural Interpretation
SPA 102: Beginning Spanish II4SPA 101 or equivalentCultural Interpretation
SPA 201: Intermediate Spanish I4SPA 102 or equivalentCultural Interpretation
SPA 202: Intermediate Spanish II4SPA 201 or equivalentCultural Interpretation, International
WAB 101: Beginning Wabanaki Language I4Cultural Interpretation
WAB 102: Beginning Wabanaki Language II4WAB 101 in the same Wabanaki languageCultural Interpretation
WAB 180: Wabanaki Language Reclamation Methodologies3
WAB 201: Intermediate Wabanaki Language I4WAB 102 in the corresponding Wabanaki languageCultural Interpretation
WAB 202: Intermediate Wabanaki Language II4WAB 201 in the corresponding Wabanaki languageCultural Interpretation

Food Studies Program

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
FSP 100: Introduction to Food Systems3
FSP 200: Food, Power and Social Justice3
FSP 215: Entrepreneurship and the Business of Food3

Game Design Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
GDS 100: Game Design I: Introduction3Engaged Learning
GDS 200: Game Design II: Collaborative Concepts, Tools and Processes3GDS 100Engaged Learning

General Engineering

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
EGN 160: Introduction to Programming: The C Language4
EGN 181: Engineering Tools: Mathematica1
EGN 182: Engineering Tools: SolidWorks1
EGN 183: Engineering Tools: LabView1
EGN 185: Engineering Tools: C++ Programming1
EGN 186: Engineering Tools: MATLAB1
EGN 187: Engineering Tools: Circuit Simulation1
EGN 188: Engineering Tools: Materials Processing1
EGN 189: Engineering Tools: Spreadsheet Programming1


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
GEO 101: Human Geography3Socio-cultural Analysis, International
GEO 102: Physical Geography4Science Exploration
GEO 103: Human-Environmental Geography3Socio-cultural Analysis, International
GEO 104: World-Regional Geography3Socio-cultural Analysis
GEO 105: Society, Environment, and Change3International
GEO 107: Maps and Math3Quantitative Reasoning
GEO 108: Introduction to ArcGIS3
GEO 120: Geography of Maine3Socio-cultural Analysis
GEO 170: Global History: Mapping the World across Cultures3International
GEO 203: Urban & Regional Development3Socio-cultural Analysis
GEO 204: Coastal and Marine Geography3
GEO 209: Introduction to Land Use Planning3Ethnic Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship
GEO 210: Planning Maine Communities: Current Issues & Directions3Ethnic Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship
GEO 255: Making a Living: Workers in a Global Economy3Culture, Power, & Equity, International
GEO 270: Mapping Environments and People: Data Visualization and Analysis3Quantitative Reasoning


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
GEY 100: Volcanoes, Earthquakes & Moving Plates3Science Exploration
GEY 101: Lab Experiences in Geology1Science Exploration

Holistic & Integrative Health

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
HIH 203: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction3
HIH 270: Holistic Approach Reproductive Health3
HIH 280: Holistic Health I3
HIH 281: Holistic Health II3HIH 280
HIH 283: Healing and Spirituality3
HIH 284: Botanical Therapies3
HIH 288: Reiki: Energy Medicine3

Human Resource Development

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
HRD 200: Multicultural Human Development3Socio-cultural Analysis


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
HTY 101: Originas of Mediterranean Civilizations to 750 CE3Socio-cultural Analysis, International
HTY 102: World History, 750CE to Present3Socio-cultural Analysis, International
HTY 131: United States History to 18773Socio-cultural Analysis, Culture, Power, & Equity
HTY 132: United States History Since 18773Socio-cultural Analysis
HTY 141: African American History to 18653Socio-cultural Analysis, Culture, Power, & Equity
HTY 142: African American History from 18653Socio-cultural Analysis, Culture, Power, & Equity
HTY 143: Native American History, 1450-20003Socio-cultural Analysis, Culture, Power, & Equity
HTY 144: Indigenous Peoples in the Atlantic World3Culture, Power, & Equity
HTY 152: The Islamic Near East3Socio-cultural Analysis
HTY 162: Modern Africa3Culture, Power, & Equity, International
HTY 171: Traditional East Asia3Socio-cultural Analysis
HTY 172: Modern East Asia3Socio-cultural Analysis
HTY 200: Reference, Research, and Report Writing3Sophomore status; ENG 100 or equivalent for all students; for students admitted fall 2021 or later: ENG 102 or equivalent (may be concurrent), or non-degree studentsWriting, Reading, & Inquiry 3


CoursesCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
LIN 105: Contrastive Analysis: ASL and English3
LIN 112: The Birth of a Language3Socio-cultural Analysis, International
LIN 130: Language Revitalization and Reclamation Methodologies3Culture, Power, Equity, Engage Learning
LIN 185: Language, Mind, and Society: An Introduction to Linguistics3Science Exploration, Socio-cultural Analysis, Culture, Power, & Equity
LIN 186: Introduction to Linguistics: Lab1Prior or concurrent registration in LIN 185.Science Exploration
LIN 203: Introduction to the Deaf World3Socio-cultural Analysis, Culture, Power, & Equity
LIN 211: Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism3
LIN 212: Speech Science3
LIN 213: Introduction to Audiology3

Leadership & Organizational Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
LOS 112: Microsoft Excel1
LOS 114: PowerPoint1
LOS 120: Statistics for Informed Decision Making3Grade of C- or higher in any MAT 100+ course, or appropriate placement test score.Quantitative Reasoning
LOS 210: Creative Critical Inquiry4Completion of ENG 100, ESL 100, HON 100, or RSP 100Cultural Interpretation
LOS 270: Introduction to Leadership3Engaged Learning


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
MAT 100: Mathematics Bridge3
MAT 101: Algebraic Bridge4Grade of C or higher in MAT 100, or appropriate placement test score.
MAT 105: Mathematics for Quantitative Decision Making4Grade of C or higher in MAT 100 or MAT 101, or appropriate placement test score.Quantitative Reasoning
MAT 108: College Algebra4Grade of C or higher in MAT 101, or appropriate placement test score.Quantitative Reasoning
MAT 120: Introduction to Statistics4Grade of C or higher in MAT 100 or MAT 101, or appropriate placement test score.Quantitative Reasoning
MAT 131: Number Systems for Elementary Teachers3Grade of C or higher in MAT 100, or appropriate placement test score.
MAT 132: Quantitative Reasoning for Elementary School Teachers4Grade of C or higher in MAT 131Quantitative Reasoning
MAT 140: Pre-Calculus Mathematics3Grade of C- or higher in MAT 108 or appropriate placement test score.Quantitative Reasoning
MAT 145: Discrete Mathematics I3Grade of C- or higher in MAT 108 or MAT 140 or MAT 152, or permission of instructor.
MAT 152: Calculus A4Grade of C- or higher in MAT 140 or appropriate placement test score.Quantitative Reasoning
MAT 153: Calculus B4Grade of C- or higher in MAT 152
MAT 210: Business Statistics4MAT 108 (or concurrent)Quantitative Reasoning
MAT 220: Statistics for the Biological Sciences4MAT 152
MAT 231: Algebra for Elementary Teachers3Grade of C or higher in MAT 131
MAT 232: Geometry for Elementary Teachers3Grade of C or higher in MAT 131
MAT 242: Applied Problem Solving3Grade of C or higher in MAT 108
MAT 252: Calculus C4Grade of C- or higher in MAT 153
MAT 264: Statistical Software Packages3MAT 282
MAT 281: Introduction to Probability3Grade of C- or higher in MAT 153
MAT 282: Statistical Inference3Grade of C- or higher in MAT 281
MAT 290: Foundations of Mathematics4Grade of C- or higher in MAT 153 or permission of instructor.
MAT 295: Linear Algebra4Grade of C- or higher in MAT 153 or permission of instructor.

Mechanical Engineering

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MEE 150: Applied Mechanics: Statics3MAT 152, PHY 121
MEE 230: Thermodynamics I: Laws and Properties3MAT 153, PHY 121
MEE 251: Strength of Materials3MAT 153, MEE 150
MEE 259: Statics and Strength of Materials Laboratory1Co-requisite(s): MEE 251
MEE 260: Materials Science for Engineers3CHY 113, MAT 153, PHY 123
MEE 270: Applied Mechanics: Dynamics3MEE 150; Co-requisite(s): MAT 252


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MUS 100: Music Appreciation and History3Cultural Interpretation
MUS 101: USM Choir: University Chorale3College Writing (or concurrent), auditionCreative Expression
MUS 102: Music of the Portland Symphony3Cultural Interpretation
MUS 103: Introduction to Jazz3Cultural Interpretation
MUS 110: Fundamentals of Music3Creative Expression
MUS 150: Piano Class 11Music major or permission of School director.
MUS 151: Piano Class 21MUS 150 or permission of School director.
MUS 202: Music in America3
MUS 204: Rock and Roll: Subversive or Submissive?3College WritingCultural Interpretation
MUS 209: Dynamic Posture and Alignment2
MUS 210: Songwriting3
MUS 244: Basic Conducting2MUT 210 and MUT 211 or permission of School director.
MUS 250: Piano Class 31MUS 151 or permission of School director.
MUS 251: Piano Class 41MUS 250 or permission of School director.
MUS 252: Jazz Piano Class 11MUS 151 or permission of School director.
MUS 253: Jazz Piano Class 21MUS 252 or permission of School director.
MUS 256: Diction for Singers 1: Italian and French2Music major or permission of instructor.
MUS 257: Diction for Singers 2: French and German2MUS 256 or permission of instructor.
MUS 271: Principles of Digital Audio and Music Production3

Music History

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MUH 105: Multi-Cultural Perspectives of American Popular Music and Jazz3Cultural Interpretation, Culture, Power, & Equity
MUH 206: Jazz History3MUS 103, music major, or permission of instructor.
MUH 220: Twentieth/Twenty-First Century Music3Music major or permission of instructor.
MUH 222: Music History Survey 13Music major or permission of instructor.Cultural Interpretation, International
MUH 223: Music History Survey 23Music major or permission of instructor.

Music Performance

CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
MUP 101: Applied Music1
MUP 102: Applied Music2
MUP 201: Applied Music1
MUP 202: Applied Music2
MUP 203: Applied Music3

Music Theory

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MUT 110: Music Theory 13
MUT 111: Sight Singing and Aural Skills1
MUT 112: Music Theory 23MUT 110
MUT 113: Sight Singing and Aural Skills 21MUT 111
MUT 210: Music Theory 33MUT 112
MUT 211: Sight Singing and Aural Skills 31MUT 113
MUT 212: Music Theory 43MUT 210
MUT 213: Sight Singing and Aural Skills 41MU 211

Natural Science

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
SCI 104: Basic Photography3Creative Expression
SCI 105: Biological Principles I1Proficiency requirements in writing and mathematics
SCI 106: Laboratory Biology I1.5Co-requisite(s): SCI 105
SCI 107: Biological Principles II w/ Lab4.5Grade of C or higher in SCI 105 and SCI 106Science Exploration
SCI 130: The Biology of Human Health with Lab4Quantitative ReasoningScience Exploration
SCI 140: Medical Terminology3
SCI 170: Human Anatomy and Physiology I3An understanding of basic biology and chemistry from high school courses or GED. Should be taken concurrently with SCI 171
Co-requisite(s): SCI 171 recommended
Science Exploration
SCI 171: Practical Human Anatomy and Physiology I1.5
SCI 172: Human Anatomy and Physiology II3Grade of C or higher in SCI 170 and SCI 171
Co-requisite(s): SCI 173 recommended
SCI 173: Practical Human Anatomy and Physiology II1.5
SCI 231: Digital Photography3Science Exploration
SCI 250: Applied Physics w/ Lab4LOS 120 or MAT 120 or PSY 201
SCI 281: Microbiology for Health Sciences3Grade of C or higher in SCI 107 or SCI 170 and SCI 171
SCI 282: Microbiological Laboratory2SCI 281 or BIO 281 (or concurrent)


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
NUR 100: Introduction to Professional Nursing3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
PHI 105: Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy Through Its History3Cultural Interpretation
PHI 106: Why Philosophize?3College WritingCultural Interpretation
PHI 200: World Philosophy Day1
PHI 201: Public Philosophy3Ethnic Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship, Engaged Learning
PHI 205: Logic3Quantitative Reasoning
PHI 211: Media Ethics3Ethnic Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship
PHI 212: Environmental Ethics3Ethnic Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship
PHI 215: Philosophy of Literature3Ethnic Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship
PHI 220: Philosophy of Art and Visual Culture3Ethnic Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship, Culture, Power, & Equity, International
PHI 221: Philosophy of Film3Ethnic Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship, International
PHI 225: Philosophy of the Mind3
PHI 230: Philosophy of Religion3
PHI 235: Philosophy, Social Media, and Security3Ethnic Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship
PHI 241: Philosophy & the Politics of Work3Ethnic Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship
PHI 245: Africa, Social Justice, and Exile3Ethnic Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship, Culture, Power, & Equity, International
PHI 250: Philosophy of Science3
PHI 260: Philosophy of Law3
PHI 270: Epistemology3
PHI 285: Biology, Technology and Ethics3Ethnic Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship
PHI 290: Problems in Philosophy3
PHI 291: Death and Dying3Ethnic Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship
PHI 295: Medicine, Madness, and Disease3Ethnic Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship

Physical Education

CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
PHE 106: NCAA Life Choices3
PHE 203: Athletic Training for Coaches3


CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
PHY 101: Introduction to Physics3High school algebra.Science Exploration
PHY 102: Introduction to Physics Laboratory1Prior or concurrent enrollment in PHY 101 or permission of instructor.Science Exploration
PHY 111: Elements of Physics I4Grade of C or higher, or concurrent enrollment in MAT 108 or MAT 140 or MAT 152, or permission of instructor.
Co-requisite(s): PHY 114.
Science Exploration
PHY 112: Elements of Physics II4Grade of C or higher in PHY 111 or equivalent. Three hours of lecture and one hour of recitation per week.
Co-requisite(s): PHY 116.
PHY 114: Introductory Physics Laboratory I1Co-requisite(s): PHY 111 or PHY 121.Science Exploration
PHY 116: Introductory Physics Laboratory II1Co-requisite(s): PHY 112 or PHY 123.
PHY 121: General Physics I4Prerequisite(s): Completion of MAT 152 or equivalent (highly recommended) or concurrent.
Co-requisite(s): PHY 114.
Science Exploration
PHY 123: General Physics II4Grades of C or higher in PHY 121 and MAT 152
Co-requisite(s): PHY 116
PHY 211: Modern Physics I3PHY 123 or PHY 112, PHY 261, and MAT 152
PHY 213: Modern Physics II3PHY 211
PHY 240: Intermediate Laboratory I3PHY 121, PHY 123, PHY 211, and PHY 261.
PHY 242: Intermediate Laboratory II3PHY 240
PHY 251: Principles of Electronics3MAT 152 or equivalent
PHY 261: Computational Physics3Grade of C or higher in PHY 121 and prior or concurrent enrollment in MAT 153, or permission of instructor.
PHY 281: Astrophysics3PHY 261

Political Science

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
POS 101: Introduction to American Government3Socio-cultural Analysis
POS 102: People and Politics3Quantitative Reasoning, Socio-cultural Analysis
POS 104: Introduction to International Relations3Socio-cultural Analysis, Culture, Power, & Equity, International
POS 120: Government and Politics of Maine3
POS 203: Introduction to Political Science Research3
POS 205: Introduction to Comparative Politics3ENG 100 and POS 104.Socio-cultural Analysis
POS 209: The Global Politics of Soccer3
POS 245: French Politics and Government3ENG 100.International
POS 256: Media and Politics3POS 101 or POS 102
POS 261: The American Congress3POS 101
POS 262: The American Presidency3POS 101
POS 280: Issues Before the United Nations3Ethnic Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship, Culture, Power, & Equity, International
POS 290: Introduction to Political Theory3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirements
PSY 100: Introduction to Psychology3
PSY 201: Statistics in Psychology3SAT Math score at least 570, Accuplacer QAS score at least 263, or grade of C- or higher in MAT 100.Quantitative Reasoning
PSY 205: Experimental Methodology3Grade of C- or higher in PSY 100 and either PSY 201 or LOS 120, Co-requisite(s): PSY 206
PSY 206: Methodology Lab3Grades of C- or higher in PSY 100 and either PSY 201 or LOS 120; ENG 100 or equivalent for all students; for students admitted fall 2021 or later: ENG 102 or equivalent (may be concurrent), or non-degree students; OR permission
Co-requisite(s): PSY 205
Writing, Reading, & Inquiry 3
PSY 220: Psychology of the Lifespan3Grade of C- or higher in PSY 100.
PSY 230: Social Psychology3Grade of C- or higher in PSY 100.
PSY 233: Abnormal Psychology3Grade of C- or higher in PSY 100.

Public Health

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
BPH 101: Introduction to the U.S. Health System3
BPH 160: Biology of Human Health3Science Exploration
BPH 161: Biology of Human Health Lab1Science Exploration
BPH 201: Fundamentals of Public Health3
BPH 205: Health Communication & Marketing3
BPH 210: Health Disparities and Social Justice3

Race & Ethnic Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirements
RCE 100: Introduction to Race and Ethnic Studies3
RCE 150: Introduction to Race3
RCE 200: Introduction to Critical Race Theory3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
REC 110: Foundations of Recreation and Leisure Studies3
REC 190: Yoga and Nutrition3
REC 223: Environmental Recreation3
REC 226: Lifetime Leisure Activities3
REC 231: Expressive Arts Programming3
REC 232: Methods in Therapeutic Recreation Program Design3REC 121
REC 233: Outdoor Recreation3
REC 241: Recreation Leadership3
REC 253: Implications of Disabling Conditions for Therapeutic Recreation3Engaged Learning
REC 285: Perspectives on Animal-Assisted Therapy3

Recreation, Health, & Fitness

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
RHF 106: Ballroom Dance1.5
RHF 108: SKY: The Practice of Happiness and Well-being1.5
RHF 109: Beginning Weight Training1.5
RHF 118: Yoga1.5
RHF 121: Self Defense1.5
RHF 122: Aerobic Kickboxing1.5
RHF 123: Intro to Kayaking1.5
RHF 124: T’ai Chi Qigong1.5
RHF 126: Stability and Physio-Ball Exercise1.5
RHF 131: Indoor Cycling Instructor Preparation1.5
RHF 218: Yoga Fusion1.5RHF 118

Religion Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
REL 240: Meaning, Mortality, and Religion3

Social and Behavioral Sciences

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
SBS 122: A Regulated Society3
SBS 200: Multicultural Human Development3Socio-cultural Analysis
SBS 210: Me in 3D: Introduction to Social and Behavioral Sciences3

Social Justice

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
SOJ 101: Social Justice/Social Change3Socio-cultural Analysis

Social Work

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
SWO 150: Professional Writing Laboratory for Social Workers1
SWO 201: Introduction to Social Work3
SWO 250: Introduction to Social Welfare3Socio-cultural Analysis
SWO 270: Human Behavior in the Social Environment I3SWO 201, SWO 250; WRI 1 course, or non-degree students


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
SOC 100: Introduction to Sociology3Socio-cultural Analysis
SOC 210: Critical Thinking about Social Issues3ENG 102 or equivalent (may be concurrent), or non-degree studentWriting, Reading, & Inquiry 3, Socio-cultural Analysis

Special Education

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
SED 235: Students with Exceptionalities in General Education3Students are required to be fingerprinted and to provide proof of Criminal History Record Check (CHRC) approval to USM prior to enrolling in this course.t, or program permissionCulture, Power, & Equity, Engaged Learning

Sports Medicine

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
SPM 100: Introduction to Exercise, Health & Sport Sciences3
SPM 101: Basic Life Support and First Aid 10.5
SPM 102: Basic Life Support and First Aid 20.5Current American Red Cross Basic Life Support and First Aid recertifications.
SPM 219: Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness3
SPM 230: Psychology of Physical Activity and Sport3EXS or HLS major; sophomore level standing.
SPM 260: Introduction to Personal Training3EXS or HLS major; grade of C- or higher in SPM 219 (or concurrent), SPM 101 or equivalent, sophomore level standing.Engaged Learning

Tourism & Hospitality

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
TAH 101: Introduction to Tourism & Hospitality3Socio-cultural Analysis
TAH 150: Professional Practices Immersion in Tourism & Hospitality3
TAH 211: Tourism Entrepreneurship3
TAH 221: Hospitality Management3
TAH 222: Food and Beverage Management3
TAH 224: Off-site Catering3
TAH 226: Wellness Tourism3
TAH 228: Introduction to the Craft Beer Sector3
TAH 241: Sustainable Tourism Development3
TAH 250: Nature Tourism3
TAH 261: Cultural Tourism3
TAH 264: Culinary Tourism3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
THE 101: Introduction to Theatre and Text Analysis3Cultural Interpretation
THE 102: Acting for Non-Majors3Creative Expression
THE 104: Practicum in Costuming1
THE 105: Practicum in Stage Lighting1
THE 106: Practicum in Stagecraft1
THE 112: Stagecraft Fundamentals3
THE 115: Math & the Theatre Arts3Quantitative Reasoning
THE 136: Fundamentals of Design3Creative Expression
THE 141: Theatre Workshop 10.5
THE 142: Theatre Workshop 20.5
THE 170: Public Speaking3Creative Expression
THE 180: Topics in Theatre3
THE 190: Rehearsal and Production1Permission of Department
THE 201: Cultural History of Theatre3Socio-cultural Analysis, Culture, Power, & Equity, International
THE 220: Acting Techniques I3THE 122
THE 224: Acting for the Camera3
THE 225: Voice and Movement3THE 101
THE 232: Introduction to Stage Management3Creative Expression
THE 234: Performance Business3
THE 236: Practicum in Design1
THE 250: Playwriting3THE 101
THE 271: Creative Drama3
THE 280: Topics in Theatre3

Women & Gender Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
WGS 101: Introduction to Women and Gender Studies3Socio-cultural Analysis, Culture, Power, & Equity
WGS 201: Rethinking Gender and Culture3WGS 101 or permission.Cultural Interpretation
WGS 220: Topics in Women and Gender Studies1-3
WGS 245: Topics in Culture and the Arts I3
WGS 265: Topics in Gender and Institutions I3
University of Maine at Presque Isle Logo


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ANT 100: Intro to Anthropology3Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- A
ANT 110: World Religions3Critical & Creative Thinking- D, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- A, Information Literacy- B, Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- A
ANT 200: Archaeology3ANT 100


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ART 103: Drawing I3
ART 104: Figure Drawing3
ART 106: Sketchbook Process3
ART 107: Experience of the Arts3
ART 108: Intro to Graphic Design3
ART 116: Introduction to Film3
ART 120: Design Foundations I3
ART 121: Design Foundations II3
ART 203: Drawing II3ART 103
ART 211: Art History I3
ART 212: Art History II3
ART 221: Sculpture I3
ART 231: Computer Art I3
ART 235: Video Production3
ART 246: Ceramics: Beginning Handbuilding3
ART 247: Ceramics: Beginning Wheel Throwing3
ART 251: Photography I3
ART 255: Typography3ART 108
ART 261: Painting I3
ART 270: Relief Print and Intaglio3
ART 285: Watercolor3


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
BIO 104: Intro to Human Nutrition3Critical & Creative Thinking- C
BIO 105: Biology for Everyday Life4Critical & Creative Thinking- C, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- C, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- E
BIO 112: General Biology I4College-level science placement or science practicum as a co-reqCritical & Creative Thinking- C, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- C, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- E
BIO 113: General Biology II4BIO 112Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- E
BIO 117: Principles of Wildlife Management3
BIO 200: Research Methods in Biology3MAT 201
BIO 240: Animal Science4BIO 113
BIO 261: Human Anatomy and Physiology I4BIO 112Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- E
BIO 262: Human Anatomy and Physiology II4BIO 261Critical & Creative Thinking- C, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- C


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
BUS 100: Personal Finance3
BUS 101: Introduction to Business3
BUS 107: Introduction to Business and Economics3
BUS 110: Quickbooks1
BUS 125: Intro to Business Computing3
BUS 141: Intro to Project Management/Microsoft Projects3
BUS 150: Introduction to Financial Accounting3
BUS 200: Intermediate Business Computing3BUS 125
BUS 210: Organizational Communication3Effective Written & Oral Communication- C
BUS 219: Product Development3
BUS 244: Management Information System3BUS 125 or BUS 200


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
CHY 111: General Chemistry I4Effective Written & Oral Communication- D, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- D, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- E
CHY 122: General Chemistry II4CHY 111Effective Written & Oral Communication- D, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- D, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- E

Computer Science

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
COS 101: Introduction to Computer Science3
COS 103: Introduction to Information Technology4
COS 105: Computer Programming3MAT 121
COS 110: Programming Fundamentals3COS 101
COS 120: Introduction to Data Structures3COS 110
COS 200: Introduction to Web Design3
COS 205: Multimedia Design3COS 200
COS 210: Introduction to Information Security3COS 101
COS 220: Programming Languages3COS 110
COS 230: Algorithm Theory and Development3COS 110
COS 232: Introduction to Cyber Forensics3COS 210
COS 235: Architecture and Organization3COS 101
COS 240: Network Concepts3COS 101
COS 250: Management of Enterprise Design3COS 101
COS 290: Special Topics in Cybersecurity3COS 210

Criminal Justice

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
CRJ 100: Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CRJ 281: Topics in Criminal Justice3CRJ 100


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
EDU 152: Introduction to Education3Ability to participate in a 20 hour field placement.
EDU 153: Foundations of Education3EDU 152 and ability to participate in a 20 hour field placement.
EDU 287: Teaching Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Classrooms3Instructor permission. EDU 152 and/ or EDU 153 strongly recommended.
EDU 354: Early Childhood Literacy3Instructor permission.


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ENG 100: Introduction to College Reading and Writing4Effective Written & Oral Communication- A, Effective Written & Oral Communication- D
ENG 101: College Composition3Appropriate placement score or ENG 100Effective Written & Oral Communication- A, Effective Written & Oral Communication- D
ENG 116: Introduction to Film3Critical & Creative Thinking- E
ENG 121: College Composition II3ENG 100 with a grade of C- or higher or ENG 101Effective Written & Oral Communication- B, Critical & Creative Thinking- C, Information Literacy- B
ENG 151: Introduction to Literature3ENG 100 with a grade of C- or higher or ENG 101Critical & Creative Thinking- E
ENG 211: Introduction to Creative Writing3ENG 100 with a grade of C- or higher or ENG 101Critical & Creative Thinking- D
ENG 240: Medieval & Early Modern Literatures & Cultures3ENG 151
ENG 241: Enlightenment & the Rise of Anglo-American Literatures & Cultures3ENG 151
ENG 242: Modern & Contemporary Anglo-American Literatures & Cultures3ENG 151
ENG 259: Contemporary World Literature3ENG 151

Environmental Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
ENV 110: Intro to Environmental Science3Critical & Creative Thinking- D
ENV 120: Meteorology3Critical & Creative Thinking- D
ENV 125: Energy3Critical & Creative Thinking- D
ENV 130: Renewable Energy Resources3Critical & Creative Thinking- D

Foreign Language

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
FRE 101: Elementary French I3Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- C
FRE 102: Elementary French II3FRE 101Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- C
SPA 101: Elementary Spanish I3Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- C
SPA 102: Elementary Spanish II3SPA 101Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- C


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
GEO 100: World Geography3Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- A
GEO 101: Human Geography3Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- A


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
GEY 112: Fundamentals of Geology4College-level science placement or science practicum as a co-rQuantitative & Scientific Reasoning- D, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- E
GEY 114: Historical Geology – History of Life3GEY 112Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- D
GEY 115: Historic Geology: Plate Tectonics and Earth History3GEY 112

Health, Physical Education, & Recreation

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
HPR 101: Lifelong Wellness3Critical & Creative Thinking- C


CourseCreditsPrerequisiteGeneral Education Requirement
HTY 115: World Civilization I3Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- B
HTY 116: World Civilization II3Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- B
HTY 161: United States History I3Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- B
HTY 162: United States History II3Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- B
HTY 184: Zombies in American Popular Culture3Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- B


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
MAT 101: Basic Statistics3College-level math placement or math practicum as co-requisiteQuantitative & Scientific Reasoning- A, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- B
MAT 104: Quantitative Reasoning3Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- A, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- B
MAT 117: College Algebra3College-level math placement or math practicum as co-requisiteQuantitative & Scientific Reasoning- A, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- B
MAT 121: Pre-Calculus4MAT 117 or equivalentQuantitative & Scientific Reasoning- A, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- B
MAT 131: Calculus I4MAT 121 or equivalentQuantitative & Scientific Reasoning- A, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- B
MAT 132 : Calculus IIMAT 131
MAT 140: Mathematics for BusinessMAT 117 or equivalentQuantitative & Scientific Reasoning- A, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- B
MAT 201: Probability & Statistics I3MAT 117 or equivalentQuantitative & Scientific Reasoning- A, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- B
MAT 202: Probability & Statistics II3MAT 201
MAT 231: Calculus III4MAT 132 and MAT 274

Professional Communication & Journalism

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
PCJ 180: Introduction to Professional Communication and Journalism3ENG 100 with a grade of C- or higher or ENG 101
PCJ 215: Business Communication3ENG 100 with a grade of C- or higher or ENG 101Effective Written & Oral Communication- C

Physical Education

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
PHE 123: Dance & Rhythmic Activities2


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
PHI 150: Introduction to Logic3Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- D
PHI 151: Introduction to Philosophy3ENG 100 with a grade of C- or higher or ENG 101Critical & Creative Thinking- A, Critical & Creative Thinking- B, Information Literacy- C, Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- D
PHI 152: Introduction to Ethics3ENG 100 with a grade of C- or higher or ENG 101Critical & Creative Thinking- A, Critical & Creative Thinking- B, Information Literacy- C


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
PHY 153: General Physics I4MAT 131Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- A, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- B, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- D, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- E
PHY 154: General Physics II4PHY 153Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- A, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- B, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- D, Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning- E

Political Science

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
POS 101: American Government3Effective Written & Oral Communication- C, Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- E
POS 211: Introduction to Political Thought3Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- D, Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- E


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
PSY 100: General Psychology3Critical & Creative Thinking- A, Critical & Creative Thinking- B
PSY 200: Social Psychology3PSY 100 or SOC 100Critical & Creative Thinking- C
PSY 205: Lifespan Development3PSY 100
PSY 235: Abnormal Psychology3PSY 100


CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
SOC 100: Introduction to Sociology3Critical & Creative Thinking- B, Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- A
SOC 200: Social Psychology3PSY 100 or SOC 100
SOC 230: Criminology3CRJ 100, CRJ 130, ENG 100 with a C- or higher or ENG 101

University Experience

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
UNV 101: University Experience2Information Literacy- A

Women’s Studies

CourseCreditsPrerequisitesGeneral Education Requirement
WST 101: Introduction to Women’s Studies3ENG 100 with a grade of C- or higher or ENG 101Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness- A


  • Every college and university has their own policies and procedures regarding how transfer credits may be applied to a student’s program requirements at their college.
  • If students are taking courses to transfer to another college, it is the student’s responsibility to confirm those courses will transfer to the intended college and program.
  • If students are taking courses to transfer to another college, the grades earned in those courses will appear on the student’s college transcript; however they will NOT be calculated into the student’s college GPA. 
  • If students have specific questions about how a course will transfer to another college, please contact the Admissions Office, Transfer Office, or Registrar/Office of Student Records at that college.

Transferring Courses Within the UMS

  • Students do not need to request official transcripts if transferring within the UMS. Transcripts are automatically available to UMS admissions and transfer staff (if students do not have a hold on their account).
  • Courses completed with a C- or higher, including P grades, will transfer from one UMS campus to another.
  • Some programs/majors within the UMS may require grades higher than a C- in order for courses to transfer.
  • When transferring courses, the grades earned will appear on the student’s transcript; however they will NOT be calculated into the student’s GPA. 
  • Use the Transfer Equivalency Search (External Site) in MaineStreet to see a full list of how courses from one UMS institution transfer to another on a course-for-course basis. Students can view information about how the top 10 online courses transfer within the UMS below.
    • This search will only give guidance about how courses may transfer into the UMS. It will NOT tell how courses within the UMS may transfer to other colleges.
    • Due to ongoing curriculum development and program updates, course equivalencies are subject to change at any time.
    • This information is to be used as a guide only and is NOT a guarantee of credit transfer

Transferring Courses Outside the UMS

  • Students must send official transcripts from the UMS campus directly to the other college.
  • Some colleges may require a C grade or above in order for courses to transfer.
  • Some colleges may require that a student take all the courses in their program/major at their college even if the student has taken the equivalent course already at a UMS campus.
  • Some colleges may not accept Concurrent Enrollment (CE) courses for transfer credit. A CE course is defined as a college course taken at their high school and taught by a college-approved high school teacher.
  • To learn more about the likelihood of the transferability of early college credit to a particular institution, check out this shared Credit Transfer Database (External Site) created by the University of Connecticut’s Early College Program. Over 900 post-secondary institutions across the country are included.

If students have general questions about transferring their courses, contact

Introductory English Course Equivalencies

UMAENG 101: College Writing
UMFENG 100: Writing Seminar
UMFKENG 100: English Composition I
UMENG 101: College Composition
USMENG 100: College Writing
UMPIENG 101: College Composition

Introductory Psychology Course Equivalencies

UMAPSY 100: Intro to Psychology
UMFPSY 101: General Psychology
UMFKPSY 100: Intro to Psychology
UMPSY 100: General Psychology
USMPSY 100: Intro to Psychology
UMPIPSY 100: General Psychology

Top 10 Online Courses with UMS Transfer Equivalencies

Logo for the University of Maine at Augusta
PSY 100: Intro to PsychologyPSY 101S: General PsychologyPSY 100: Intro to PsychologyPSY 100: General PsychologyPSY 100: Intro to PsychologyPSY 100: General Psychology
ENG 101: College WritingENG 100: Writing SeminarENG 100: English Composition IENG 101: College CompositionENG 100: College WritingENG 101: College Composition
SOC 101: Intro to SociologySOC 101: Intro to SociologySOC 100: Intro to SociologySOC 101: Intro to SociologySOC 100: Intro to SociologySOC 100: Intro to Sociology
COM 102: Interpersonal CommunicationGEL 1XX: General ElectiveCOM 200: SpeechCMJ 102: Fundamentals of Interpersonal CommunicationCMS 1XX: Communication and Media ElectiveBUS 210: Organizational Communication
BUA 100: Intro to BusinessBUS 1XX: BUS-ElectiveBUS 211: Intro to BusinessMGT 100: Intro to BusinessBUS 200: Intro to BusinessBUS 101: Intro to Business
BUA 151: Personal Financial PlanningBUS 206: Financial PlanningBUS 310: Personal Financial ManagementFIN 100X: Finance ElectiveFIN 201: Personal FinanceBUS 100: Personal Finance
ENG 102W: Intro to LiteratureENG 181: Literary Anaylsics & InterpetationENG 105: Intro to LiteratureENG 170: Foundations of Literary AnalysisENG 140: Reading LiteratureENG 151: Intro to Literature
MAT 124: Pre-CalculusMAT 132M: PrecalculusMAT 165: Pre-CalculusMAT 100X: Mathematics ElectiveMAT 140: Pre-Calculus MathematicsMAT 121: Pre-Calculusl
CIS 100: Intro to Computer ApplicationsCOS 1XX: COS-ElectiveCOS 103: Intro to Information TechnologyCOS 100X: Computer Science ElectiveGEL 1XX: General ElectiveBUS 125: Intro to Business Computing
CIS 110: Programming FundamentalsGEL 1XX: General ElectiveCOS 260: Intro to ProgrammingCOS 100X: Computer Science ElectiveITT 1XX: Technical ElectiveBUS 245: Programming for Managers
Logo for the University of Maine at Farmington
MAT 120M: Introductory StatisticsMAT 115: Elementary Statistics IMAT 198: College-Level StatisticsSTS 132: Principles of Stastical Inference & STS 200X: Statistics ElectiveMAT 120: Intro to Statistics or PSY 201: Statistics in PsychologyMAT 101: Basic Statistics
MAT 141M: Calculus IMAT 125: Calculus IMAT 255: Calculus IMAT 126: Calculus IMAT 152: Calculus AMAT 131: Calculus I
MAT 103M: Mathematical Content for Elementary School Teachers IMAT 1XX: Mathematics ElectiveMAT 199: Mathematics ElectiveNone ListedMAT 1XX: Mathematics Elective QRMAT 166: Math for Elementary Teachers
REH 112: Lunatics, Lock-ups, & LobotomiesGEL 1XX: General Elective-100 LevelNone ListedMHR 100X: MHR ElectiveGEL 1XX: General ElectiveNone Listed
INS 100S: Intro to International & Global Studies – Social ScienceINT 1XX: Interdisciplinary ElectiveGEL 199: General ElectiveINT 100X: Interdisciplinary ElectiveCOR 1XX: Core Elective SCA + CPE or IGEL 1XX: General Elective
ENV 110N: Introductory Environmental ScienceSCI 1XX: Genearl Elective-100 LevelENV 199: Environmental Studies ElectiveEES 100X: Ecology and Environmental Science ElectiveESP 101/102: Environmental Science and Sustainability with LabENV 110: Intro to Environmental Science
COS 140: Intro to Computer ScienceCIS 101: Intro to Computer ScienceCOS 199: Computer Science ElectiveCOS 120: Intro to Programming I & COS 100X: Computer Science ElectiveEGN 160: Intro to Programming: The C LanguageCOS 105: Computer Programming
PSY 177: Special TopicsPSY 289: Topics in PsychologyPSY 199: Psychology ElectivePSY 100X: Psychology ElectivePSY 1XX: Psychology ElectivePSY 1XX: Psychology Elective
ENG 277H: Topics in EnglishENG 2XX: English ElectiveENG 199: English ElectiveENG 200X: English ElectiveENG 3XX: English ElectiveENG 2XX: English Elective
PSY 225S: Child & Adolescent DevelopmentPSY 2XX: Psychology ElectivePSY 300: Child PsychologyCHF 201: Intro to Child Development & CHF 200X: Child Development ElectivePSY 323: Psychology of Infancy and ChildhoodPSY 205: Lifespan Development
Logo for University of Maine at Fort Kent
ENG 100: English Composition IENG 101: College WritingENG 100: Writing SeminaryENG 101: College CompositionENG 100: College WritingENG 101: College Composition
PSY 100: Intro to PsychologyPSY 100: Intro to PsychologyPSY 101S: General PsychologyPSY 100: General PsychologyPSY 100: Intro to PsychologyPSY 100: General Psychology
SOC 100: Intro to SociologySOC 101: Intro to SociologySOC 101: Intro to SociologySOC 101: Intro to SociologySOC 100: Intro to SociologySOC 100: Intro to Sociology
MAT 128: College AlgebraMAT 112: College AlgebraMAT 199MT: Math Dist ElectiveMAT 111: Algebra for College MathMAT 108: College AlgebraMAT 117: College Algebra
CRJ 105: Intro to Criminal JusticeJUS 103: Foundations of Criminal JusticeGEL 199T: General ElectiveCRJ 114: Survey of Criminal JusticeGEL 1XX: General ElectiveCRJ 100: Intro to Criminal Justice
MUS 120: History of Rock n RollMUH 117: Rock HistoryMUH 199AT: Music History Dist EletiveMUL 150: Rock ‘n Roll & 20th Century MusicMUS 1XX: Music Elective CI/GGEL 1XX: General Elective
COM 200: SpeechCOM 101: Public SpeakingGEL 199T: General ElectiveCMJ 103: Public SpeakingTHE 170: Public SpeakingBUS 210: Organizational Communication
SPA 101: Elementary Spanish IISPA 102: Elementary Spanish IISPA 102H: Elementary Spanish IISPA 102: Elementary Spanish IISPA 102: Beginning Spanish IISPA 102: Elmentary Spanish II
SPA 100: Elementary Spanish ISPA 101: Elementary Spanish ISPA 101H: Elementary Spanish ISPA 101: Elementary Spanish ISPA 101: Beginning Spanish ISPA 101: Elementary Spanish 1
MAT 251: Statistics IMAT 115: Elementary Statistics IMAT 220: Data AnalysisSTS 132: Principles of Statistical InferenceMAT 120: Intro to StatisticsMAT 201: Probability & Statistics I
The University of Maine Logo
PSY 100: General PsychologyPSY 100: Intro to PsychologyPSY 101S: General PsychologyPSY 100: Intro to PsychologyPSY 100: Intro to PsychologyPSY 100: General Psychology
ENG 101: College CompositionENG 101: College WritingENG 100: Writing SeminarENG 100: English Composition IENG 100: College WritingENG 101: College Composition
POS 100: American GovernmentPOS 101: American GovernmentPOS 101S: Intro to American GovernmentPOS 200: American GovernmentPOS 101: Intro to American GovernmentPOS 101: American Government
FSN 101: Intro to Food & NutritionBIO 104: Intro to Human NutritionHEA 199T: Health ElectiveBIO 363: Human NutritionCON 252: Human NutritionBIO 104: Intro to Human Nutrition
LDR 100: Foundations of LeadershipGEL 1XX: General ElectiveGEL 199T: General ElectiveGEL 199: General ElectiveLOS 1XX: LOS-ElectiveGEL 1XX: General Elective
WGS 101: Intro to Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality StudiesWGS 101W: Intro to Women’s StudiesWST 101S: Intro to Women’s & Gender StudiesGEL 199: General ElectiveWGS 101: Intro to Women & Gender StudiesWST 101: Intro to Women’s Studies
INT 193: Intro to Career Exploration & DevelopmentGEL 1XX: General ElectiveNone ListedNone ListedGEL 1XX: General ElectiveNone Listed
ECO 120: Principles of MicroeconomicsECO 202: MicroeconomicsECO 102S: Principles of MicroeconomicsECO 101: Principles of MicroeconomicsECO 102: Principles of MicroeconomicsECO 207: Macro & Micro Economics
ENG 205: An Intro to Creative WritingENG 351W: Creative WritingENG 152: Creative Writing for Non-MajorENG 351: Creative Writing IENG 201: Creative WritingENG 211: Intro to Creative Writing
CHF 201: Intro to Child DevelopmentEDU 345: Child DevelopmentPSY 225S: Child & Adolescent DevelopmentGEL 199: General ElectiveHRD 200: Multicultural Human DevelopmentPSY 205: Lifespan Development
University of Southern Maine logo
ENG 100: College WritingENG 101: College WritingENG 100: Writing SeminarENG 100: English Composition IENG 101: College CompositionENG 101: College Composition
SOC 100: Intro to SociologySOC 101: Intro to SociologySOC 101: Intro to SociologySOC 100: Intro to SociologySOC 101: Intro to SociologySOC 100: Intro to Sociology
FIN 201: Personal FinanceBUA 151: Personal Financial PlanningBUS 199T: Business ElectiveBUS 199: Business ElectiveFIN 200X: Finance ElectiveBUS 100: Personal Finance
SPM 100: Intro to Exercise, Health, & Sports ScienceGEL 1XX: General ElectiveHEA 1XX: HEA ElectiveGEL 199: General ElectiveKEP 100X: Kinesiology and Physical Education ElectiveATH 1XX: Athletic Training Elective
ECO 101: Intro to MacroeconomicsECO 201: MacroeconomicsECO 101S: Principles of MacroeconomicsECO 100: Intro to MacroeconomicsECO 121: Principles of MacroeconomicsECO 207: Macroeconomics & Microeconomics
PSY 100: Intro to PsychologyPSY 100: Intro to PsychologyPSY 101S: General PsychologyPSY 100: Intro to PsychologyPSY 100: General PsychologyPSY 100: General Psychology
ENG 201: Creative WritingENG 351W: Creative WritingENG 299T: English ElectiveENG 345: Imaginative WritingENG 205: Intro to Creative WritingENG 211: Intro to Creative Writing
HTY 132: US History since 1877HTY 104: US History IIHTY 104S: US History IIHTY 103: US History IIHTY 104: US History since 1877HTY 162: US History II
POS 104: Intro to International RelationsPOS 1XX: Political Science ElectivePOS 136S: World PoliticsPOS 199: Political Science ElectivePOS 120: Intro to World PoliticsPOS 271: International Relations
MAT 153: Calculus BMAT 1XX: Mathematics ElectiveMAT 142: Calculus IIMAT 256: Calculus IIMAT 117: Calculus IIMAT 132: Calculus II
University of Maine at Presque Isle Logo
PSY 100: General PsychologyPSY 100: Intro to PsychologyPSY 101S: General PsychologyPSY 100: Intro to PsychologyPSY 100: General PsychologyPSY 100: Intro to Psychology
ENG 101: College CompositionENG 101: College WritingENG 100: Writing SeminarENG 100: English Composition IENG 101: College CompositionENG 100: College Writing
CRJ 100: Intro to Criminal JusticeJUS 103: Foundations of Criminal JusticeGEL 2XX: General ElectiveCRJ 105: Intro to Criminal JusticeCRJ 114: Survey of Criminal JusticeGEL 1XX: General Elective
MAT 117: College AlgebraMAT 111: Algebra IIGEL 199T: General ElectiveMAT 128: College AlgebraMAT 111: Algebra for College MathMAT 108: College Algebra
HPR 101: Lifelong WellnessGEL 1XX: General ElectiveHEA 199T: Health ElectiveGEL 199: General ElectiveKPE 253: Lifetime Fitness for HealthSPM 219: Lifetime Physical Fitness & Wellness
SPA 101: Elementary Spanish 1SPA 101: Elementary Spanish 1SPA 101H: Elementary Spanish 1SPA 100: Elementary Spanish 1SPA 101: Elementary Spanish 1SPA 101: BeginningSpanish 1
SOC 100: Intro to SociologySOC 101: Intro to SociologySOC 101: Intro to SociologySOC 100: Intro to SociologySOC 101: Intro to SociologySOC 100: Intro to Sociology
BUS 101: Intro to BusinessBUA 100: Intro to BusinessBUS 1XX: Business ElectiveBUS 211: Intro to BusinessMGT 101: Intro to BusinessBUS 200: Intro to Business
ENG 121: College Composition IIENG 1XX: English ElectiveENG 205: Advanced Writing SeminarENG 101: English Composition IIENG 100X: English ElectiveENG 102: Academic Writing
ART 107: Experience of the ArtsART 1XX: Art ElectiveART 1XX: Art ElectiveART 110: Humanities Through the ArtsART 100X: Art ElectiveCOR 1XX: Core Elective CI/G

For tools to help determine transferability within Maine’s Public Universities please visit our Transfer Students page or contact