This person should be a high school teacher in the same subject matter or a similar academic discipline, who is supportive of the students decision to enroll in AP4ME coursework and is willing to assist with subject-specific questions. The Academic Support Liaison will be copied on Academic Alerts should a student fall behind on coursework, along with the students’ High School Counselor and/or the AP4ME High School Liaison.
Example: A student hoping to enroll in AP Environmental Science may list their high school Biology teacher as their Academic Support Liaison.
- The Academic Support Liaison should meet with the student and appropriate High School Counselor and/or AP4ME High School Liaison to discuss existing academic support systems, and additional resources provided by AP4ME and the University of Maine System.
- The student and Academic Support Liaison should meet at the start of the year to discuss initial impressions of the online course, and plan a time-management strategy. Following this initial conversation the Academic Support Liaison should periodically check in with the student regarding their course progress.
- The Academic Support Liaison may be asked to proctor exams by the AP4ME Instructor.