Portrait of Rosa Redonnett

About Rosa:

Title: Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success and Credential Attainment, University of Maine System
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Role: Co-Chair of the University of Maine System (UMS) DEI Steering Committee
Phone: 207-621-3419
Email: rosar@maine.edu

My role is focused on student success and credential attainment. My 35 years in the UMS has been dedicated to improving access and success within the System, first during my time at the University of Southern Maine and now during my time with the UMS. I want every student to be able to thrive within our System, successfully attain their degrees and start off on a better future.

“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr

What DEI means to me:

Higher education can transform lives and change the future for our students, their communities and for the state – ensuring an equitable and just system that is accessible, open and supportive of all is my greatest hope. DEI means just that to me with a marked emphasis on “inclusion” – feeling part of a greater whole, being included and accepted and respected for being a human being is one of the most important components we can provide.