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Learn more about the team behind the initiative.

After the March 2021 Board of Trustees (BOT) meeting, Chancellor Malloy welcomed and acted on the recommendation by diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) leaders’ and the unanimous BOT charge to establish the University of Maine System (UMS) DEI Steering Committee.

UMS DEI Steering Committee Membership considers the:

  • Matrix organizational structure of the University of Maine System
  • Unique knowledge, skills and practices that are critical for DEI leadership
  • Commitment to measurement and accountability
  • Inclusion of constituent voices
  • Roles whose specialty, access and authority can facilitate progress

The Committee shall have a minimum of fifteen (15) members and a maximum of twenty-five (25).

Committee composition

  • Co-Chairs from Academic Affairs and Human Resources, in alignment with the Chancellor’s Imperative for Change Call to Action
  • Committee members are recommended by their President and/or Shared Service Leader
  • To ensure the Committee’s ability to facilitate and/or enact meaningful progress, membership intentionally includes roles as follows:
    • One Campus President and/or Provost; or Co-Leads
    • One-Two DEI Practitioners from each campus (employees); Members of the Campus’ DEI Council and/or recommended by or affiliated with the Campus Council
    • One member each from the following Shared Services Functions: General Counsel’s Office, Institutional Research, Information Technology, Finance and General Services
    • Three Human Resources roles including the Chief Human Resources Officer, the UMS Director of Equal Opportunity and the UMS Director of Learning & Organizational Development
    • The Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success and Credential Attainment

The Steering Committee will consider student membership and/or regular, intentional outreach for two-way engagement with students.

Current members

Updated April 28, 2022

Photo of Jacqui/Saint/Dusty Lowman with their wheelchair in a field

Jacqui/Saint/Dusty Lowman, Ph.D.

Title: Professor of Professional Communication and Journalism, University of Maine at Presque Isle
DEI Role: University of Maine at Presque Isle DEI Council Co-Chair

Portrait of Rosa Redonnett

Rosa Redonnett

Title: Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success and Credential Attainment, University of Maine System
DEI Role: Co-Chair of UMS DEI Steering Committee

Photo of Nina Lavoie

Nina R. Lavoie

Title: Senior Associate General Counsel, University of Maine System
DEI Role: System DEI Steering Committee Member

Photo of Bob Zuercher

Robert “Bob” Zuercher, PhD

Title: Senior Institutional Research & Planning Analyst, University of Maine System

Photo of Marcus LiBrizzi

Marcus LiBrizzi

Title: Professor of English, University of Maine at Machias
DEI Role: DEI Steering Committee Member; President’s DEI Council Member

Photo of Emily Wheeler

Emily Wheeler

Title: Academic Affairs Coordinator, University of Maine School of Law
DEI Role: Campus DEI Committee Member

Photo of Betsy Espe

Bettina (Betsy) Sawhill Espe

Title: Chief Business Officer, Interim, University of Maine at Presque Isle
DEI Role: Member of the System DEI Steering Committee

Photo of Raymond Rice

Raymond J. Rice

Title: President and Provost, University of Maine at Presque Isle
DEI Role: UMS Presidents representative

Photo of Pamela MacRae

Pamela MacRae

Title: Assistant Provost and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, University of Maine at Augusta
DEI Role: UMA President’s DEI Council Co-Chair, UMS DEI Steering Committee Member & Communications Sub-Committee Member

Contact Us

For questions, comments or more information contact the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Steering Committee at