As public educators, we are responsible for transforming the University of Maine System (UMS) into an institution that actively tackles injustice, fosters inclusive communities, and ensures equal opportunities for everyone. This commitment is especially important for those populations who may face additional barriers or disadvantages without such dedicated efforts.

In June 2020, the Chancellor issued an Imperative for Change (External Site) to reinvigorate the University of Maine System (UMS)’s commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). The Board of Trustees and System leadership endorsed a proven DEI culture renovation and advancement framework with a focus on demonstrating DEI as core to UMS’:

  • Workforce practices
  • Education, research and service
  • Culture

In consideration of UMS’ matrixed organizational structure and unified accreditation, the Chancellor established the UMS DEI Steering Committee. Its charge is to oversee the System-wide application of this work and to coordinate and collaborate with campus-based DEI Councils and the DEI Action Team associated specifically with the effort to embed DEI principles in the initiatives that comprise the UMS Transforms grant project. 

“The UMS DEI Steering Committee will be a multidisciplinary team of University and System-based   leaders charged with mapping UMS’ path to inclusive excellence, opportunity, and justice. The Committee will provide a structure for cultural renovation that rises to the imperative and is accountable for real progress. It will help ensure that resources and best practices are both shared and leveraged for the greatest possible impact at each university and across the System as a whole. The Committee will work in conjunction with Campus Diversity Councils…” – Chancellor Malloy’s April 5, 2021 Message


View the UMS DEI Charter