How to Log in to WordPress
To log in to WordPress, follow these steps:
- Type into your browser.
- Log in with your University of Maine System email and password.
Once you have been logged in, this will bring you to the primary dashboard page. To get to your subsite you will go to “My Sites” at the top left of the dashboard. If you hover over “My Sites” you will find a drop down menu which includes all of the subsites that you have editing access to, and from here you can select which subsite you wish to work on, shown below in figure 1.

If you click on “My Sites” you will be brought to a page where you can find all the subsites that you have editing access to, shown in figure 2, and you can select the subsite you wish to work on. In both cases, you will be brought to the dashboard page of the subsite you wish to work on.

You will know you are on the correct subsite when the text next to “My Sites” at the top of left of your page changes from “University of Maine System” to the name of your subsite.