Chancellor Malloy Statement on Congressional passage of $900 Billion COVID-19 response package

ORONO – University of Maine System Chancellor Dannel Malloy issued the following statement upon Congressional passage of a $900 billion COVID-19 response package.

“On behalf of the University of Maine System, I’m grateful for the hard work of our federal delegation to pass a federal pandemic relief package, which will be shared between our public universities and students and help offset a portion of the $80 million in expenses and lost revenue our System has incurred since the start of the global pandemic.  

“The University of Maine System’s investments in science-based measures like reduced residence hall occupancy, PPE, and aggressive asymptomatic testing allowed our universities to finish one of the safest in-person fall semesters experienced in higher education in the country, which in turn helped to sustain the health and economic wellbeing of our local communities,” said Chancellor Malloy. “This welcome federal relief will allow us to continue these proven practices until widespread vaccination allows us to return to normal operations.

“I want to especially thank Maine’s own Senators Susan Collins and Angus King for their leadership in restarting relief negotiations with a framework that included funding for America’s colleges and universities. They and Representatives Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden and their staffs have been vital supporters of the University of Maine System throughout the pandemic. We look forward to continued partnership with the delegation and the Mills Administration as we work together to keep our universities open for safe in-person learning and fully leverage our research-based knowledge and innovation for the good of all Maine people.”