Subject: University of Maine System Administrative Practice Letter on Student Military Covered Service
Organizational Area: Academic and Student Affairs
Effective Date: 12/10/2024
Review Cycle: Three Years
Revision and Review History: Effective: 12/19/2019; Last Revised: 11/12/2019
Corresponding BOT Policies: N/A
Section One: Purpose
The University of Maine System recognizes that many students serve our country in the U.S. Armed Forces, including the National Guard and Reserves. Students serving in the military may have obligations that will interfere with their studies. As these students are legally obligated to report to duty when so ordered, it is the policy of the University of Maine System to minimize the effects of this disruption of their education as much as possible. The following policies are written in accordance with 20 U.S.C. §1091c(c)(2); 34 CFR §668.18; 38 U.S.C. §3691A; and 37-B M.R.S.A. §388.
Section Two: Eligibility
In order to qualify under the provisions of this policy, a student must present official military orders indicating their covered service to the institution’s School Certifying Official (SCO), Dean of Students, Registrar, or other appropriate university official within 30 days of receipt of orders. If, due to time constraints between the time of notification and the time of actual covered service, the student cannot present their orders as required, the parents, guardians, spouse, or other authorized representative of the student may do so. No notice is required if the giving of such notice by the service member or their family is precluded by military necessity.
Section Three: Definitions
- Activation – order to service in the uniformed services on active duty, active duty for training, or full-time National Guard duty in response to federal or state orders, and as defined below.
- Armed forces – a term used to denote collectively all components of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, and Coast Guard.
- Service member – a student who is a member of, applies to be a member of, performs, has performed, applies to perform, or has an obligation to perform service in the uniformed services.
- Covered service – uniformed service (whether voluntary or involuntary) in the armed forces, including service as defined in section 101 of title 10 by a member of the National Guard or Reserve, on active duty, or active duty for training; or full-time National Guard duty under State order or Federal authority as defined by section 4303 of title 38.
- Military order – 1. an instruction, including an individual command by an armed forces officer to a person under their command; 2. a published directive originated by a commander of a military organization.
Section Four: Academic Grades
- All service members will be provided an excused absence and not penalized when legally obligated to report for duty. Service members are responsible for missed coursework and faculty will offer accommodations when necessary, i.e. testing and presentations.
- Covered service during a regular semester or during summer sessions may result in the complete voluntary withdrawal of the service member from the university without penalty or a punitive grade. Course fees that have been paid will be refunded 100 percent exclusive of student insurance fees and other non-refundable fees. Room and board payments will be refunded on a prorated basis.
- In the event of covered service during the semester and/or after the term drop period, service members are provided the following academic options:
- Withdraw for Military Activation — student may choose to withdraw from one or more courses in which they are officially enrolled. In this case, course fees that have been paid will be refunded 100 percent exclusive of student insurance fees and other nonrefundable fees. NOTE: Please consult with your School Certifying Official (SCO) as this option may impact VA benefits; or
- Incomplete (I) — student may choose to take an incomplete grade in some or all courses. Students shall be allowed to complete specific work that remains unfinished as a result of covered service. See section 34 CFR §668.18(e) for the time allowed for a cumulative length of absence; or, students may pursue one of the following in consultation with and agreement by their instructors:
- Final grade — student may request to receive a final grade in some or all of their courses based upon the student’s work in the courses up to the date of covered service; or,
- Final exam — student may request to take an early final examination in some courses in order that the instructor can determine a final course grade for the student; or,
- Combination — A combination of options that best serves the students’ needs based on military orders, following the policies set forth above, may be selected. This option will result in a refund of that portion of tuition and fees paid for those courses that the student chooses to withdraw from (other non-course fees are not refunded)[1].
- Room and board payments will be refunded on a prorated basis, if applicable.
Section Five: Time Limit for an Incomplete Grade
Students who receive an incomplete grade in all or some of their courses shall have the time allowed under 34 CFR §668.18(e), which generally does not exceed five (5) years of service, although there are several exceptions offered.
Section Six: Re-Admission
Under 34 CFR §668.18, an institution must readmit a member of the uniformed services with the “same academic status” upon notice of their intent to reenroll, unless the student requests a later date of readmission or unusual circumstances require the institution to admit at a later date.
Section Seven: Student Financial Aid
When students whose higher education academic careers are interrupted by covered service re-enroll, the University follows all regulations outlined in 34 CFR §668.18 and Title IV of the Financial Aid regulations. Any readmission application fee will be waived for those students. Students should consult with the Financial Aid Officer of the university they are attending in order to obtain clarification and/or further information.
Section Eight: Housing
The spouse and dependents of students who are mobilized or activated and who live in university family housing shall be allowed to continue renting or leasing these quarters. If the student does not re-enroll in their former university within six (6) months after the completion of their covered service period, then the spouse and dependents of this student may be required to vacate the family housing.
Revisions and Change Approvals
This APL provides guidelines for Student Military Covered Service at the University of Maine System. Future modifications may be considered based on recommendations from School Certifying Officials, Registrars, the Faculty Governance Council, and/or the office of the VCASA. Future modifications will be administered and supported by the VCASA office. The final authority for approving modifications sits with the Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs. Any changes to this APL should be distributed widely to School Certifying Officials, registrars, advisors, and faculty. The VCASA will determine if changes to the APL are substantive or non-substantive. Substantive changes are required to follow the APL creation and revision process. Non-substantive changes to this APL do not require any review beyond the VCASA. Non-substantive changes are minor changes that do not affect the overall purpose and instructions outlined by the document. Non-substantive changes may take many forms, including, but not limited to: grammar or spelling corrections, inclusive language, technical revisions, updated names and contacts of pertinent offices or departments, or reorganized APL sections.
Contact Information
For questions regarding the APL on Student Military Covered Service, please contact the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs.
[1] The amount that will not be refunded will be determined by the number of credit hours for which the student chooses to receive an incomplete or final grade.