Subject: Safety and Environmental Management System

This APL provides procedures to support the Board of Trustees Environmental and Safety Policy to protect the environment, to protect the health and safety of all members of the University community, and to demonstrate safety and environmental leadership.

See University of Maine System Board Policy 1002.

This APL sets the practices necessary to establish a safety and environmental management system to meet the institutional commitment described in the Policy. To ensure continuity in development and maintenance of safety and environmental management programs, this APL establishes minimum requirements to be followed by all universities and administrative units within the University of Maine System.

The objectives of a university safety and environmental management system shall be to:

(a) Reduce the frequency and severity of incidents;

(b) Comply with safety and environmental laws, standards, rules, and regulations regarding safety and health, and environmental protection;

(c) Establish written performance and accountability standards and develop objectives in meeting those standards;

(d) Provide and document adequate training and education;

(e) Establish safety and environmental health committee(s);

(f) Establish procedures for conducting periodic risk management/environmental health and safety inspections; and

(g) Promote effective incident investigation, analysis, and improvement.

(h) Design, construct and operate all facilities in a manner that encourages environmental responsibility and promotes sustainable development.

The following responsibilities are integral to the success of a safety and environmental management system. Participation is essential to individual programs and ensures a safe and healthful work environment for all.

Failure to meet responsibilities could result in death, injury, environmental harm, property damage or loss, civil or criminal penalties, or disciplinary action, up to and including termination.


Take actions necessary to assure that all units of the University of Maine System are in compliance with UMS Environmental and Safety Policy and with all pertinent Federal and State regulations.

Authorize review of safety and environmental management plans developed by individual campuses or organizational units to assure compliance with UMS Safety and Environmental Policy

University Presidents

Designate a contact person for the campus safety and environmental management system. This contact shall be the primary contact for information to and from the University of Maine System.

Ensure university safety and environmental programs are developed, implemented, maintained, and documented.

Support a formal system for compliance review and correction.

Annually review and sign OSHA injury and illness reports.

Support appropriate and effective training programs.

Support the authority of personnel to carry out responsibilities under the safety and environmental management system (e.g., closing of laboratories, stopping operations, or removing persons where imminent hazard to life or environment exists.)

Provosts, Vice Presidents, and Deans

Review periodic compliance audit data and ensure corrective measures are implemented.

Consider safety and environmental obligations when budgeting.

Support appropriate and effective training programs.

Chairs and Directors

Communicate and demonstrate that:

a. Safety and concern for the environment are high priorities for the University.

b. Everyone shares an obligation to perform work in a safe, healthful, and environmentally protective manner.

Ensure appropriate and effective safety and environmental programs are developed implemented, maintained, documented and enforced.

Ensure safety and environmental health responsibilities are carried out in the academic departments or administrative units they chair or direct.

Ensure appropriate and effective training programs are provided and attended.

Faculty and Instructors

Ensure compliance with University safety and environmental policies and procedures within their instructional areas including laboratories, studios, and shops.

Educate, follow, and enforce safety and environmental policies with students within their academic program(s). Instruct students to review procedures and information related to hazardous materials and equipment prior to their use.

Provide students opportunity to discuss any associated concerns.

Ensure appropriate and effective safety and environmental programs are developed implemented, maintained, documented, and enforced.

Participate in safety and environmental training programs.

Modify safety and environmental procedures, as necessary, when processes change or new equipment is introduced.

Encourage prompt reporting of health and safety issues including injuries or illnesses.


Communicate with employees, contractors, students and visitors that safety, health, and concern for the environment are high priorities for the University and everyone shares the obligation to work in a safe, healthy and environmentally protective manner.

Analyze work procedures to identify hazards and ensure measures are taken to eliminate or appropriately minimize those hazards.

Ensure campus safety and health responsibilities are carried out by everyone working under their supervision.

Ensure appropriate safety equipment is provided and required to be used.

Encourage prompt reporting of health and safety issues including injuries or illnesses.

Stop work being carried out under their authority if they believe that continuation of the work poses an imminent danger to the safety or health of people or the environment. If the situation cannot be corrected immediately, the supervisor must notify the Chair or Director under whose responsibility the work is being performed.

Participate in safety and environmental training programs.

Ensure supervised employees are trained to identify and mitigate potential hazards. Additional training may need to be developed when a new process, material, or equipment are introduced.

Ensure that work is performed only by persons who have received the proper training and/or certification.

Document all required training. A copy of the documentation shall be sent to the designated campus office for maintaining training records/official files for University employees.

Review of employee compliance with safety and environmental policies during performance evaluations.

Employees, students, and anyone authorized to conduct University activities

Comply with applicable federal, state, and local safety and environmental laws and regulations, University policies, and accepted safe work practices and area-specific procedures.

Observe safety-related signs, posters, warning signals and written directions.

Stop their work if they reasonably believe continuation of the work poses an imminent danger to health, safety, or the environment, and immediately notify a supervisor in the chain of authority over the work.

Report other unsafe conditions to their supervisor or safety committee (such conditions include malfunctioning equipment, and work-related fires, accidents, incidents, injuries, illnesses, or property damage, as well as “near misses”).

Participate in health and safety training applicable to their work or educational situation.

Each University President shall designate a primary contact for safety and environmental management for their University.

Each University President or designee shall appoint a responsible person for each program element listed in Appendix A and submit the list of appointments to the UMS Safety and Environmental Manager.

Each University President or designee shall establish a committee to address safety and environmental program elements.

The minimum program elements of a comprehensive safety and environmental management system are found in Appendix A. Appendix A will be revised, as needed.

Campus designated person(s), department or authorized committee shall ensure that the safety and environmental management system is implemented, reviewed, improved, and coordinated to included the elements found in Appendix A.

Each campus shall establish a safety and environmental management system that includes a process of periodic self audits, correction of deficiencies, and modification of program elements to maintain continuous improvement.

Death or Serious Injury Requiring Hospitalization

Immediately notify UMS by telephone for all deaths and serious injuries involving employees, students or visitors.

If involving an employee, immediately notify UMS Safety and Environmental Manager by telephone. Provide, if possible, cause of death, extent and cause of injury, location where injured was taken, and any other relevant information. Secure and document accident scene for investigation by UMS and external agencies. Follow up with copies of any accident or police reports or other documentation. UMS shall notify Director of Maine Bureau of Labor Standards by telephone or, in writing.

If involving a student or visitor, immediately notify UMS Risk Manager by telephone. Provide, if possible, cause of death, extent and cause of injury, location where injured was taken, and any other relevant information. Secure and document accident scene for investigation by UMS and external agencies. Follow up with copies of any accident or police reports or other documentation.

Regulatory Inspection

Immediately notify UMS Safety and Environmental Manager of the inspection and details regarding inspection. Any written notification, notices of violation, or any other information with regard to the inspection shall be forwarded to UMS Safety and Environmental Manager, unless already received by UMS.

Ensure UMS office receives copies of any correspondence relating to the inspection.

Safety/Environmental Incident Reporting

Copy University of Maine System on any report provided to a state or federal regulatory agency.

Routine Reporting

Annually each campus shall update the Chancellor’s Office or designee on efforts associated with safety and environmental management system using form found in Appendix B. Appendix B will be revised, as needed.

Each campus shall establish a system to ensure injuries to employees, students or visitors occurring on campus are tracked and reviewed to identify opportunities for safety or environmental improvements.

The University of Maine System will establish minimum or standard training requirements issued as guidance documents.

The University of Maine System shall develop a program that funds training grants to train the trainer or provide training programs that would benefit all UMS campuses in their effort to provide adequate and appropriate safety and environmental training for employees.

Each campus shall establish a system for maintaining official documentation of training provided employees and students under this APL

Each campus shall conduct periodic self audits to ensure appropriate operation of program elements and the safety and environmental management system within a campus or campus program. UMS shall provide guidance on performing self audits including but not limited standardized checklists or self audit forms.

UMS shall establish and facilitate an intercampus self audit committee to develop and implement system-wide self audits as a way to collaborate and share resources among member universities.

Systems office will conduct periodic safety and environmental audits to ensure that campuses are in compliance with the Minimum Program Elements listed in Appendix A.

Prior to entering into a contract, the contracting department or campus will review the contract and consider whether safety and environmental concerns are adequately addressed. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Ensuring work and activities performed under the contract are in conformance with applicable laws, regulations, Trustee policy, and campus policy;
  2. Ensuring precautions are taken to prevent harm to human health and damage to property or environment;
  3. Identifying the department or employee responsible for the administration of the contract, who shall be the primary contact for safety and environmental concerns arising under the contract; and
  4. Requiring notification of contract administrator in the event of an incident resulting in harm to human health, damage to property, or damage to the environment.

The University of Maine System shall establish criteria to assist campuses in the design, construction, and operation of facilities in a manner that permits sustainable development. Each campus shall ensure that compliance and environmentally sustainable practices are incorporated into campus planning and operational functions.

Each university or administrative unit will institute purchasing practices which consider pollution prevention, life cycle cost analysis, and vehicle fleet efficiency to minimize environmental impacts and promote sustainability.

APPROVAL: Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

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