For Certificates of Insurance or Proof on Issuance Coverage contact the Office of Risk Management & Insurance.

Requesting a Certificate of Insurance

All requests for Certificates of Insurance must flow through Risk Management in the System Office. The University’s insurance representatives will not issue a certificate unless authorized by the System.

The certificate request form should be completed at the campus and sent (preferably as an email attachment) to Risk Management by either the department/employee needing the certificate or through the designated campus contact.

Certificate requests must be in writing (preferably typed), using the required form where applicable. There is no need to send contracts, agreements, or other documentation unless there are specific reasons to do so. Certificates will only be issued if all required information is provided. If a renewal certificate is required by a Certificate Holder, then the campus will need to request a new certificate as a renewal will not automatically be sent.

Provide as much lead time as possible. Certificates can usually be issued within a day or two from receipt of the request, but only if all required information has been provided. The certificates will be sent directly to the organization or individual requesting the certificate with a copy sent to the campus, unless alternative instructions are provided.

Certificate of Insurance Defined

A Certificate of Insurance is an insurance industry form that provides proof of certain types of insurance carried by the University. The certificate must be signed by an authorized insurance representative as it verifies to the Certificate Holder what insurance policy and coverages are in place at the time the certificate is issued. The exceptions are University self-insurance programs; for these Risk Management verifies coverage.

The Certificate Holder

The Certificate Holder is the individual or organization requesting proof of a certain type of insurance. Individuals or entities require certificates for many reasons, such as for contracts or agreements with the University, use of their premises by the University, or participation in an event by the University. The name of the individual or organization, and their address, will be listed on the certificate. The certificates will be sent directly to the Certificate Holder with a copy to the campus, unless alternative instructions are provided.

Important Information on Certificates

A certificate is only good for the insurance policy inception and expiration dates shown on the certificate. A new certificate should not be needed by a Certificate Holder if subsequent activities or events fall within the time period shown. If the activity or event falls outside the insurance policy dates, then a new or renewal certificate is needed.

A single certificate should be adequate in instances when several University students or employees are participating in an activity or event. For example, if 30 University students are participating in a practicum at the same hospital during a policy year, then a single certificate (not 30 separate ones) should be adequate for the hospital.

If it is requested by the Certificate Holder that participant names, or a certain activity or event, need to be included on the certificate, this is possible. Please provide this information with your request.

Do not make changes to a certificate, such as changing dates or a Certificate Holder. A certificate is an insurance company’s verification of certain information; it also states that the insurance company will endeavor to notify the Certificate Holder if the policy is cancelled or changed. The insurance company would not be aware of changes you make and would not be obligated to stand by the certificate’s representation. Doctored certificates are void and, therefore, it is not acceptable to provide altered certificates to individuals or entities.